Do you wash more frequently in the summer?

Lady Esquire

New Member
My regimen has not changed. I still deep condition weekly, co-wash during the mid-week, prepoo before every wash, moisturize and seal with oil daily in the morning and night.

But yet, my hair is feeling super dry lately. I recently went back to wearing a clear conditioning cap on my head when I sleep.

When I run a comb or my fingers thru my hair, quite a few hairs come out. This has been puzzling me for at least the passed 2-3 months. Thoughts?

I was wondering if any of you have to co-wash more frequently in the summer?
when I get off school I will be letting it all hang out! I plan to wash 3x per week instead of 2x because of sweating so much. And the cool water will feel good. Ill just wash it and let it shrink into a TWA
Yep, I've been cwing everyday since it's gotten warm and my hair loves it;) I wash and dc on Saturdays or Sundays. Doing this definitely helps my ng and hair stay soft and moisturized. This has always been my summer regimen.
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I wash once a week in summer and co-wash or rinse mid-week. I don't know why but I'm nervous about the change in my regimen.
I wash everyday anyway, so my regimen won't change that much. Sometimes if I've been extra active, I will co wash (or at least rinse my hair with water) twice a day, but that's about it.
Since it's been warming up, I noticed that my hair has been a little dry. I have started doing 2 cowashes during the week and then my usual poo once per week.
My hair feels alot better, so I think this will be my summer routine.
In the summer I co-wash every other day and only shampoo and deep condition once a week. It keeps my head cool and I love the moist curls.

I 've been using Aveda conditioners and NTM conditioners for co-washing. The cheapies stopped working and were leaving my hair stiff and not very moisturized.:perplexed
Yeah... since it's warm outside I always wanna jump in the shower as soon as I get home. I usually wash my hair too. Last summer I was still relaxed but when my hair was out (not in weaves or braids) I used to wash and go most weekends. I don't cowash though.
i do. i tend to work out more in the summer and wash my hair more. plus its easier to go without direct heat during the summer months. i try to airdry as much as i can
I am thinking about trying some cowashing techniques this summer which will increase my washes. I just don't know how I am supposed to style it when I get done:ohwell:
:bath2: You mean theres life OUTSIDE my shower! :eek: Oh My! I so love being a wet head in the summer. CW everyday! ( I can't let tsmith be the only chic swangin a FAB-ulous mane!:grin:
HERicane10 said:
:bath2: You mean theres life OUTSIDE my shower! :eek: Oh My! I so love being a wet head in the summer. CW everyday! ( I can't let tsmith be the only chic swangin a FAB-ulous mane!:grin:
Do you just let it airdry? How? Do tell
When I have time. I usually decrease the number of days in between washes from 7 to 5 and make my weekly "wash" a CO wash every other week. I would love to wash 2-3 times a week but I just don't have the time or, as I just finished discussing in another thread, I have bouts of hair laziness hit quite often. :lol:
gymfreak336 said:
Do you just let it airdry? How? Do tell

Girl, I always wear my hair in a ponytail and my ends baggie everyday, so that's how cwing is working out for me. If I was wearing my hair down, I prolly wouldn't be able to cw so much:)
tsmith said:
Girl, I always wear my hair in a ponytail and my ends baggie everyday, so that's how cwing is working out for me. If I was wearing my hair down, I prolly wouldn't be able to cw so much:)

I have an early summer school class so I figured I might co wash in the morning, towel dry and maybe clip it in an octopus clip.
gymfreak336 said:
Do you just let it airdry? How? Do tell

I put my dry hair in a ponytail and rinse it in the shower everyday! I just rinse, smooth some conditioner on top & whole length of ponytail, shower, & then rinse it out with cool water. I throw a little leave-in & some oil after a 5-minute towel wrap & I'm done. 15-20 min. total Shower to Leave-in!;)
I've been washing every other day and co-washing everyday. I'm sweating like never before in my head, it just awful.
lying and being deceitful, the only thing we are suppling now is food. Everything else, he's on his own. He gets Nothing! Summers gonna be hard with no TV, toys, taking care of the yard and going to Moma's School.
dlewis said:
lying and being deceitful, the only thing we are suppling now is food. Everything else, he's on his own. He gets Nothing! Summers gonna be hard with no TV, toys, taking care of the yard and going to Moma's School.

Tough love is still love
dlewis said:
I feel like crap doing this, can't stop crying. It's breaking my heart.

Silly boy had it good.

Don't cry.....My parents had to do a similar thing to my sister growing up and it stressed the whole family out. The thing is the lessons needs to be learned. Either you learn it while you are young or you learn it when you are older. The thing is when you are older, you might be learning it in an orange jumpsuit with someone other than your parents giving you food. You know that you care more for him than anyone else on this earth. One day he will look back on this and know that too. :)
gymfreak336 said:
Don't cry.....My parents had to do a similar thing to my sister growing up and it stressed the whole family out. The thing is the lessons needs to be learned. Either you learn it while you are young or you learn it when you are older. The thing is when you are older, you might be learning it in an orange jumpsuit with someone other than your parents giving you food. You know that you care more for him than anyone else on this earth. One day he will look back on this and know that too. :)

I hope only a couple of months of this and we can go back to our regular life.
dlewis said:
I hope only a couple of months of this and we can go back to our regular life.

You will get through it. Before you know, it will be over and your relationship with your son will be able to get stronger.
dlewis said:
lying and being deceitful, the only thing we are suppling now is food. Everything else, he's on his own. He gets Nothing! Summers gonna be hard with no TV, toys, taking care of the yard and going to Moma's School.

just want to send you a hug. They make us do it. :nono:
dlewis said:
lying and being deceitful, the only thing we are suppling now is food. Everything else, he's on his own. He gets Nothing! Summers gonna be hard with no TV, toys, taking care of the yard and going to Moma's School.

:whip:Now you know he shoulda known that! Aint gone be none of that:sekret: when I pay the bills! Hold it down girl. Sometime we have to give some tough love.
hrmmmm last summer I washed once a week, and co washed every other day. I think I might do the same thing this summer. But right now I wash once a week, and CO wash mid week.
gymfreak336 said:
Don't cry.....My parents had to do a similar thing to my sister growing up and it stressed the whole family out. The thing is the lessons needs to be learned. Either you learn it while you are young or you learn it when you are older. The thing is when you are older, you might be learning it in an orange jumpsuit with someone other than your parents giving you food. You know that you care more for him than anyone else on this earth. One day he will look back on this and know that too. :)

See D, we all have a story! My oldest son is in that same phase. Lying, skipping school, grades are trash & internet porn is the cherry on top!:eek: Its hard being a GOOD parent.!:( Hold ya head up sis!:)