Steven Baldwin - burning testimony


Well-Known Member
I am in awe right now. I was just flipping through chanels and saw Steve Baldwin on TV so I stopped as I love the Baldwin brothers.

His testimony is so deep. He talkaed about how he was in Hoolywood living the "Hollywood life" he net and I qoute, " This chick, this lady, his wife". She was from Brazil. They ended up getting married and had child. It is a Brazilian custom to have a nanny.

A nanny came from Brazil who did not speak English she always sang and all she sung about was Jesus. So one day Steve asked his wife, what is she saying when she sings. Hiw wife whispered to him she is singing about Jesus. Then he commented that people whisper God's name when they don't kow him, unless they are cursing. He went on to say that his wife began asking questions, then she started going to church with the Nanny, and gave her life to Christ. He said that his wife came home and told him, I just want you to know that I gave my life to Jesus Christ tonight and I am going to serve him. I don't know what you are going to do, but I just wanted you to know. He stated that he watched his wife over a years time, go through a change. She would pray on her face for an hour every day and not move and then she would get back in the bed with her bible.

He said the nanny told them. I was not sent here to take care of your child I was sent for another reason. I had a dreama and saw your family and you came to Christ.

3 days after 911 Steve began talking to his wife. he gave his life to Christ and now he is on fire. There was a time where he did not want his name and ministry in the same sentence as he didnot know what he was doing for Christ was a ministry. Hiwever, now he feel like, he is going to do what he has to do. He said if he offends, stps on toes or hursts feelings, (if it is Holy Ghost led) he is going to do it. he said he is going to stand for Christ.

i was just in awe.
Zeal said:
I am in awe right now. I was just flipping through chanels and saw Steve Baldwin on TV so I stopped as I love the Baldwin brothers.

His testimony is so deep. He talkaed about how he was in Hoolywood living the "Hollywood life" he net and I qoute, " This chick, this lady, his wife". She was from Brazil. They ended up getting married and had child. It is a Brazilian custom to have a nanny.

A nanny came from Brazil who did not speak English she always sang and all she sung about was Jesus. So one day Steve asked his wife, what is she saying when she sings. Hiw wife whispered to him she is singing about Jesus. Then he commented that people whisper God's name when they don't kow him, unless they are cursing. He went on to say that his wife began asking questions, then she started going to church with the Nanny, and gave her life to Christ. He said that his wife came home and told him, I just want you to know that I gave my life to Jesus Christ tonight and I am going to serve him. I don't know what you are going to do, but I just wanted you to know. He stated that he watched his wife over a years time, go through a change. She would pray on her face for an hour every day and not move and then she would get back in the bed with her bible.

He said the nanny told them. I was not sent here to take care of your child I was sent for another reason. I had a dreama and saw your family and you came to Christ.

3 days after 911 Steve began talking to his wife. he gave his life to Christ and now he is on fire. There was a time where he did not want his name and ministry in the same sentence as he didnot know what he was doing for Christ was a ministry. Hiwever, now he feel like, he is going to do what he has to do. He said if he offends, stps on toes or hursts feelings, (if it is Holy Ghost led) he is going to do it. he said he is going to stand for Christ.

i was just in awe.

I saw that!! Isnt if amazing!!!
Shimmie said:
I love this man's testimony....;)

I called my sister and was telling her. I was all choked up when I was telling her. Lately I have not been able to talk about the Lord without getting checked up.
Zeal said:
I called my sister and was telling her. I was all choked up when I was telling her. Lately I have not been able to talk about the Lord without getting checked up.

What blows my mind is how their house keeper was so used of the Lord to 'pray' them in. His wife is a real trooper. ;) Now to get his 'crazy' brothers in. They are just too 'out there.' But then who isn't.