Spinoff: Anyone with low porosity hair?


Well-Known Member
At this point, I don't know if my hair tangles a lot or not. I don't know how to gauge what 'a lot' would mean in this context. I don't find it hard to detangle, but again that is relative. I don't know if the coarseness of my strands has anything to do with the relative ease of detangling for me. My hair is type 4 kinky, but my strands do not coil around each other, they just coil in groups on their own (I'll post a pic later). I think that may be why I don't have issues with detangling.

I don't know. I have decided as long as I am not going bald, I am not going sweat about anything concerning my hair. If it ever gives me a headache, I will ignore it.

Here is the pic. It is end of day and I have been twirling my coils all day so forgive the frizziness.
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Well-Known Member
My hair tangles a lot too. Its worse as my newgrowth comes in. It tangles at the root all the way to the tip. I'm relaxed but my hair always clumps together immediately any product touches it. I stopped wet detangling its a disaster for my hair.