Smelly flat ironed hair


New Member
I don't know if any of ya'll ladies have had this issue but I know I have.

When I flat iron my hair it starts off fresh except for the flat ironed smell. Not burned but just a salon flat ironed smell.

However, by day 4 I feel like I can smell my own hair and by the time a week goes by I am self conscious that someone else will smell it too because it smells worse to me. :nono:

Now, when I wear my natural hair (usually in medium or small double or three strand twists) my hair smells so good and seems to stay smelling good until it is time for me to wash again a week later.

Today, I re-twisted each medium twists into 2 smaller double strand twists with some locking and twist creme and my hair and scalp still smell so good.

I never put anything on my scalp whether it is flat ironed or natural but the smell of my scalp in both instances are so very different. :perplexed

And when it is flat ironed I only use unrefined shea butter every other night and when natural I use the shea + a little cold pressed EVOO about every other night.

Anyone else have this issue?
I know the "old/sour" hair scent you're referring to & if you can smell it, others probably can. I'm not sure of the cause; it could be related to build up precipitated by the use cone heavy heat protectants or from using heating tools that need to be cleaned.

This probably isn't much help, but if you know the odor starts to set in by day four, just plan on washing & deep conditioning on day five to prevent anxiety. That way you have fresh hair & no worries.
I totally have this issue too. I've only straightened my hair 3 times (in my 3yrs as a natural), but the smell only started after I got a MaxiGlide-- same products and everything. I think it's just the smell of the burnt hair caught in the pins on the iron that's just maximizing over time.
Clean your iron with a clarifying shampoo or dish washing liquid. I used to have that smell too until I realized it was old product. Most heat protectants leave a greasy film that only sulfates and detergents can remove.
Clean your iron with a clarifying shampoo or dish washing liquid. I used to have that smell too until I realized it was old product. Most heat protectants leave a greasy film that only sulfates and detergents can remove.

are you sure that's the actual problem because I got that same smell with my new flat iron. maybe we are not talking of the same smell here:ohwell:.
Thanks for the tip for washing the greasy film off.
Thanks for the responses everybody. I am thinking it may be the cones and protein buildup on the flat iron also.

I usually just wipe my Sedu down with a soft towel and get the buildup from in the side creases.

When I flat iron I just use Chi after blow drying.

I was wondering if my scalp reacts different to the hair being straightened like all the smells floating in the air are getting trapped in my hair and on my scalp.