SL Ladies: What Size Rollers...?


Well-Known Member
Hi, everyone!
Quick (dumb) question: I am going to be doing a silk wrap soon and wanted to know what size rollers would be best to use. Obviously, I don't want the curls to be too tight. My hair is shoulder-length. I am looking at getting 1.5" rollers. I know that people have varying lengths of hair to be considered shoulder-length on their particular bodies, but I was just wondering what size rollers others used for their silk wraps/roller wraps in general.
I like the aqua colored magnetic rollers. I don't know the inch specifics off the top of my head, but I think you can go by the color when it comes to magnetic rollers. IMO the curls relax nicely when using that size.
Thank you for your responses ladies! It seems that the overwhelming majority of women are using 1 1/4" and 1 1/2". I purchased this set from Walmart:
The 1 1/4" rollers are teal and the 1 1/2" rollers are red. I guess I will use a mix of the two?
If doing the traditional mohawk style of setting, where do you all put the bigger rollers? Towards the front, the back, or on the sides?
Thank you again for helping out!