Quantum Clarifying Shampoo


New Member
Does Quantum Clarifying Shampoo strip the hair?

How does your hair look and feel after you use it? Does it feel stripped and dry (almost like dreadlocks)?

Or does it feel soft and clean? How does it compare to other clarifying shampoos?
1. It doesn't strip my hair. I can use quantum only and not follow-up with a moisturizing shampoo and my hair will do just fine.
2. Feels clean but there's no slip; doesn't feel like dreadlocks either.
3. Doesn't feel soft. Feels clean; there's no slip; not tangled if I used proper wash technique. Other clarifying shampoos made hair feel extremely stripped and my hair tangled badly.
i have both and used them for years.

Quantum strips and Kenra stips worse than quantum IMO.
Quantum isn't a moisturizing poo. Its a chelator and a clarifyer. so it will strip.
kenra has a wheat protein or some kinda protein(s) in it so it made my hair tangly every time i used it

Have you ever used Kenra's clariying/chelating shampoo? If so, how does it compare to Quantum's clarifying/chelating shampoo?
Yes, I have used Kenra. I think Kenra is a tad bit gentler than Quantum. Kenra has wheat protein which my hair likes. I find that my hair is clean after 1 use but feels a bit to clean, borderline stripped, after 2 uses.
Quantum made my hair feel like straw, but I like Kendra's chelating poo. Kendra is gentler; my hair is not soft afterwards but it doesn't feel like straw. After I chelate, I always follow up with a moisturizing poo

I think that I vaguely remembering Sistaslick opining that Kenra's clarifying shampoo might not clarify enough--it's almost like another moisturizing shampoo.

However, poochie167, you're saying that Kenra's Clarifying/chelating shampoo strips more than Quantum's clarifying/chelating shampoo? That's incredible.
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yes for my hair it did. But it was mainly the protein in kenra's that did it. the protein made it hard and tangly. I don't get THAT bad of a result with quantum
vtoodler, thanks for the tag but unfortunately I'm the last person to know about products since I am no PJ and don't stray from the handful that I have used for most of my time on LHCF which are very well-known here (Giovanni 50:50; Garnier Fructis, Trader Joe's Nourish Spa, Nexxus Therappe on the shampoo list) aaaaaaaaand... I am not a clarifyer. I use no leave-ins so buildup isn't something I have to deal with. Even when I straighten my hair and use a heavy serum, a simple shampoo from the list above is all it takes to get my hair clean.

When I was trying to figure out a swimming regimen a couple of months or so ago, I did try Paul Mitchell Clarifying shampoo because I thought of it on my way to the pool and it's the first clarifying shampoo my eyes spied. I don't plan on using it again coz I am no longer worried about chlorine damage, so my regular shampoos suffice.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
Nonie, I tagged you because you're usually very helpful and knowledgeable.

Although you claimed to not know much about clarifying shampoos,I still found your post to be helpful. :)
I like the ors creamy Aloe chelation shampoo. It leaves my hair clean soft not stripped. I love this stuff b/c I can shampoo 1 time leave it in for a couple of minutes and I am good to go. Plus I can buy it at sally's,walmart, or target for pretty cheap.