I just wanted to say that the women in this thread that keep the prayers going and type heartfelt responses are incredibly exceptional. You all are amazingly selfless and you WILL continue to be blessed. What a phenomenal way to sow unto the Universe, by praying and wishing the best for others. These are the facts...
I just wanted to say that the women in this thread that keep the prayers going and type heartfelt responses are incredibly exceptional. You all are amazingly selfless and you WILL continue to be blessed. What a phenomenal way to sow unto the Universe, by praying and wishing the best for others. These are the facts...

golden1, how lovely of you to share this with us. How dear, and how lovely and even more, how loving.

I was having 'one of those days' yesterday and your message made my heart smile ... :yep: Yes, it did. Even more, yes 'YOU' did. You made my heart smile. I pray that God's love for you evolves even more in every place that you thought dark and unreachable. For the 'Joy of the Lord' will always be your strength and shield and nothing and no one can ever take you down.

Remember that, okay? Nothing and No one can ever take you down. For the God of Heaven and Earth who is your Father, has lifted you far above and beyond every opposition.

Golden One... is who you are, a rich golden light that shines in everyone's heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Hi everyone,

Can you ease pray for my friend. Her 5 yo son has a very agressive form of brain cancer. Today they were told that it has spread o the rest of his body and his 50% chances dropped to 0%. They are currently raising money for am experimental treatment out of the country. They leave Monday. The family is very religious and are staying playful.

I ask that you pray for the baby, his family, for them to get the funds they need, etc. thanks!
Hi everyone,

Can you ease pray for my friend. Her 5 yo son has a very agressive form of brain cancer. Today they were told that it has spread o the rest of his body and his 50% chances dropped to 0%. They are currently raising money for am experimental treatment out of the country. They leave Monday. The family is very religious and are staying playful.

I ask that you pray for the baby, his family, for them to get the funds they need, etc. thanks!

Dear God, our Father in Heaven, we come to you asking for great favor and healing and your sovereign presence to be with this family and inside and around this little child. Dear God, he's just a baby and life has so much for him that you have destined for him to live and to give life to.

I don't have the answers but Father not once have you ever failed to 'show up' anytime that I needed you, even when I didn't ask, you were always 'there'. Father, I ask and thank and believe in your great mercies of healing in this child and in your total provision to heal him inside and out.

We give him to you to incubate him in your loving arms and heart of embrace. Nothing can nor shall erase what you have planned for him. No good thing will you withhold from his life nor that of his parents. The love for this child is not in vain, we just come to you in love and prayerful hearts, thanking you for taking care of this precious little one who will always be in your loving care. Heal him Dear Father, heal all there is, destroy the cells of cancer and replenish the cells of new life in him. Keep him in your care forever.

In Jesus' Name, we ask, pray and humble our hearts and thank you.

Amen and Amen.

LovelyLouboutin, please keep us posted, okay? We care and we love you; and we love this little boy and his family... :yep:

Please keep me in your prayers. I need to go for a biopsy because two lumps were found in my breast (right)

Thank you
blqlady, praying for you in the Name of Jesus. Every cell in your body, is healed and rightly anew. No affliction shall be existent in your body, in Jesus' Name, for the blessings of the Lord are solely upon you. Amen.
blqlady, praying for you in the Name of Jesus. Every cell in your body, is healed and rightly anew. No affliction shall be existent in your body, in Jesus' Name, for the blessings of the Lord are solely upon you. Amen.

Praying in agreement with you for blqlady. Claiming victory for her in Jesus' name!
Still praying for our sister @blklady and for 5 year old Brayden listed above. In Jesus' Name no affliction shall prevail. Amen
Ladies, please come in agreement with me.

Father we rejoice with the angels today because our sister (ckisland) has come back home, thank you for wooing her and letting her feel your love. Direct her to your Shepherds who will love and nurture, teach and encourage and uplift her, direct her to Pastor who have their hearts towards you and a heart for your people one who will preach what thus says the Lord and will stand up for righteousness sake.

Send your angels of protection to keep her safe from the wiles of the devil send your ministering angels to minister to her spirit to strengthen and encourage her, send your people in her path so that she sees your love in action.

Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers in Jesus name. Amen!
Ladies, please come in agreement with me.

Father we rejoice with the angels today because our sister (ckisland) has come back home, thank you for wooing her and letting her feel your love. Direct her to your Shepherds who will love and nurture, teach and encourage and uplift her, direct her to Pastor who have their hearts towards you and a heart for your people one who will preach what thus says the Lord and will stand up for righteousness sake.

Send your angels of protection to keep her safe from the wiles of the devil send your ministering angels to minister to her spirit to strengthen and encourage her, send your people in her path so that she sees your love in action.

Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers in Jesus name. Amen!

In Jesus' Name, AMEN!

Healthy Hair, thank for sharing this prayer from your heart. You always take the 'babies' under your loving wings and you nurture them in loving prayers, to keep them strong and able to 'fly' high above the clouds (i.e. the perils of life) and to see their way strong against every storm.

God bless you for the 'Love' that you are.... One Million Fold... :love3:

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

My very dear friend (of more than 20 years) has some trials in her family right now. Her father, Robert, has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. When he went to his last medical appointment, the doctors found some spots on his lungs and lymph nodes. It is believed that these spots are cancer. Robert was once a drinker, but God delivered him from that and he gave his life to Jesus instantly. Robert is a heavy smoker and needs help from the Lord to leave this habit behind once and for all.

Also, her aunt, Jardean, has a blood filled tumor in her stomach. It will be surgically removed very soon. She is severely anemic due to the tumor and is expecting to have a very long recovery ahead of her.

This is a God fearing family and they are asking for prayer. Please pray in agreement with me that Robert and Jardean are healed fully and completely, that any lifestyle/health changes they need to make come easily for them, and that they will be blessed with an outpouring of support from family, friends, church family, and loved ones.

My very dear friend (of more than 20 years) has some trials in her family right now. Her father, Robert, has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. When he went to his last medical appointment, the doctors found some spots on his lungs and lymph nodes. It is believed that these spots are cancer. Robert was once a drinker, but God delivered him from that and he gave his life to Jesus instantly. Robert is a heavy smoker and needs help from the Lord to leave this habit behind once and for all.

Also, her aunt, Jardean, has a blood filled tumor in her stomach. It will be surgically removed very soon. She is severely anemic due to the tumor and is expecting to have a very long recovery ahead of her.

This is a God fearing family and they are asking for prayer. Please pray in agreement with me that Robert and Jardean are healed fully and completely, that any lifestyle/health changes they need to make come easily for them, and that they will be blessed with an outpouring of support from family, friends, church family, and loved ones.

Dear Father, in Heaven we bow our hearts before you on behalf of Robert and Jardean for your healing mercies to prevail and not the afflictions that have been diagnosed. Father thank you for healing and renewing and even replacing every cell, every artery, every blood vessel, every tissue, every muscle, every fiber, every air passage of their bodies in Jesus' name.

Most of all, thank you for gracing them with your total peace and understanding; let them relax in you and know that you are indeed their total Provider for all of their needs which have arisen with these circumstances. Bless them indeed with your sovereign presence and your joy to clear them completely of every manner of sickness and disease and worry of their futures. Take it all away. In their hearts, your presence will stay, with all the love that they could every ask.

In Jesus' Name a new heart you will give to Robert and to Jardean, in her belly shall flow your living waters of live in place of the blood filled tumor.

Thank you, Father for healing them. Thank you with all of our hearts. We take you not for granted...but honour you with all of our being. Amen.
Ladies please pray for my friend. She's been unemployed since January. Now she has to live with me, because she has no where else to go.

Please God employ her quickly.
Ladies please pray for my friend. She's been unemployed since January. Now she has to live with me, because she has no where else to go.

Please God employ her quickly.


Definitely praying :pray: And thank you for being such a loving friend. I can only imagine how 'lost' she feels. You opened your heart and your home and God will indeed bless the two of you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
[USER=12537]Shimmie[/USER];20242511 said:
Just wanted to share that my friends have posted an update. It brought me to tears. Please continue to pray for them and their baby.

I also have two other friends battling cancer so please keep them in your prayers as well.


Van and I are overwhelmed with the love of our God. This is not just lip service our hearts are truly mended to the heart of God, a God of love, mercy, and power. God has chosen us at this time, to go through this trial, so that His name will be glorified. Hallelujah! I initially decided not to share Brayden’s progress so that I wouldn’t discourage anyone, but I now believe otherwise. You need to understand Brayden’s condition so you can clearly understand God’s power when He decides to move.
The tumor on Brayden’s neck, which his highly unusual to have with his type of cancer, is growing. It started off the size of an enlarged lymph node and now it is nearly the size of a golf ball. It is growing right before our eyes. Stretching my baby’s skin on his neck and deforming the shape of his head. This tumor is unusual because medulloblastoma generally stays within the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and doesn’t venture outside of that. Also, we can safely assume the cancerous cells in his brain and spinal cord are multiplying as well. I base that upon the rate of growth of the tumor I see as well as the fact that he now has a hard time keeping his balance and needs assistance walking.
In light of all of this I say God be praised! I am confident He is working this thing out. He is testing and refining us so that we come out as pure gold. God is not concerned, so why should we be. He has all power. He needs to know that Van and I won’t rely upon what we see or hear. The other day I asked the Doctor was he concerned about the tumor growing and he let me know that he wasn’t so much concerned about that but more concerned that we don’t have enough time. I told him that God is going to have to do this, which he agreed.
Not enough time. I thought about that. God knew the order of events and he’s too good of a God to allow us to run out of time. If God was concerned about the time He would’ve opened the doors for us to be here way back in February when this all began, but He didn’t. He chose the most critical time to open the door. He knows what He’s doing. He has also placed us in the hands of an awesome doctor. This man and his wife fasted and prayed with us for Brayden. Can’t get no better than that.
We trust God, do you? I mean really. As Christians we say all the right things, but when the rubber hits the road do we really trust God? Is the bible just an ancient book of stories or does it tell of a living God who is willing to do the impossible for His children? The word says in Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” The same compassionate God who walked this earth and healed the sick and raised the dead is alive today looking for those who will have faith enough to allow Him to demonstrate His power. There are numerous stories in the bible where He healed children who were on deaths bed. This is why we can’t be phased by what we see happening to Brayden. If He did it before, He can do it again. Trust Him! If you are praying with us on behalf of our son, you MUST believe. There is no sense in praying if you are filled with doubt. According to your faith be it unto you! Trust God!
Asking for prayers for an online friend that I never met in person. Rachelle lost her husband suddenly. They have three young beautiful children. He was a good man and he will be sorely missed by his family and loved ones. Please pray for Rachelle and her children in their loss....
[USER=12537]Shimmie[/USER];20242511 said:
Just wanted to share that my friends have posted an update. It brought me to tears. Please continue to pray for them and their baby.

I also have two other friends battling cancer so please keep them in your prayers as well.


Van and I are overwhelmed with the love of our God. This is not just lip service our hearts are truly mended to the heart of God, a God of love, mercy, and power. God has chosen us at this time, to go through this trial, so that His name will be glorified. Hallelujah! I initially decided not to share Brayden’s progress so that I wouldn’t discourage anyone, but I now believe otherwise. You need to understand Brayden’s condition so you can clearly understand God’s power when He decides to move.

The tumor on Brayden’s neck, which his highly unusual to have with his type of cancer, is growing. It started off the size of an enlarged lymph node and now it is nearly the size of a golf ball. It is growing right before our eyes. Stretching my baby’s skin on his neck and deforming the shape of his head. This tumor is unusual because medulloblastoma generally stays within the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and doesn’t venture outside of that.

Also, we can safely assume the cancerous cells in his brain and spinal cord are multiplying as well. I base that upon the rate of growth of the tumor I see as well as the fact that he now has a hard time keeping his balance and needs assistance walking.

In light of all of this I say God be praised! I am confident He is working this thing out. He is testing and refining us so that we come out as pure gold. God is not concerned, so why should we be. He has all power. He needs to know that Van and I won’t rely upon what we see or hear. The other day I asked the Doctor was he concerned about the tumor growing and he let me know that he wasn’t so much concerned about that but more concerned that we don’t have enough time. I told him that God is going to have to do this, which he agreed.

Not enough time. I thought about that. God knew the order of events and he’s too good of a God to allow us to run out of time. If God was concerned about the time He would’ve opened the doors for us to be here way back in February when this all began, but He didn’t. He chose the most critical time to open the door. He knows what He’s doing. He has also placed us in the hands of an awesome doctor. This man and his wife fasted and prayed with us for Brayden. Can’t get no better than that.

We trust God, do you? I mean really. As Christians we say all the right things, but when the rubber hits the road do we really trust God? Is the bible just an ancient book of stories or does it tell of a living God who is willing to do the impossible for His children? The word says in Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”

The same compassionate God who walked this earth and healed the sick and raised the dead is alive today looking for those who will have faith enough to allow Him to demonstrate His power. There are numerous stories in the bible where He healed children who were on deaths bed. This is why we can’t be phased by what we see happening to Brayden. If He did it before, He can do it again. Trust Him!

If you are praying with us on behalf of our son, you MUST believe. There is no sense in praying if you are filled with doubt. According to your faith be it unto you! Trust God!

LovelyLouboutin ...

Thank you for this precious update and precious it is indeed. The faith that these dear ones are holding onto is unlike any other. They have hope beyond hope and their love for God grows ever stronger as Precious Brayden is healed form the crown of his head... yes his head...throughout his being, to the very soles of his feet. For Brayden shall not die but live and give full glory unto the Lord.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Continued Loving Prayers go up for Brayden and his family. We love you, Little Guy. :yep: :love3: :yep:

Asking for prayers for an online friend that I never met in person. Rachelle lost her husband suddenly. They have three young beautiful children. He was a good man and he will be sorely missed by his family and loved ones. Please pray for Rachelle and her children in their loss....

Thank you crlsweetie912 ... :love2: We are praying for your online friend and her children. I thank God for healing their broken hearts and easing them through each moment of each day. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Hi ladies,

Could you please say a prayer for me today. The devil is at work at my job today and I'm trying my best not to get stressed out.

Thank you :)
UPDATE: So I have an update regarding this prayer. I officially did not get the position :sad: But fortunately, it wasn't because I wasn't qualified. My previous coworkers are still going to do their best to get me back in door.

Although I'm a little disappointed, I'm still going to thank God for this closed door. This just wasn't where he wanted me to be at the moment. I'm not quite sure what my next step is, but I'm going to continue trusting that God will lead where I need to be.

Wanted to give a full praise report regarding this prayer request I made a couple of months ago.

God is SO GOOD. I just want to shout he's so good :woot:

Yesterday I received an email from one of my previous employers about a job opening for an administrative position. I left my old job on good terms and it was always said I could come back whenever I wanted to. At the time, I never thought I would go back...but God obviously knows better.

I have been HATING my current job. During my lunch break yesterday, I prayed to God about what I should do about my job situation. When I returned to the office, I saw the email about the open position! Now mind you, I used to work for the government. The government has been on a hiring freeze in my department for years!

I officially saw the position posted online today and I am most definitely qualified! This job has everything I prayed for: higher salary, paid leave, benefits. I even get a flex schedule (every other Friday off)!

It's not over yet though. Please keep me in your prayers so that God shows favor upon me during the selection process. Thank you for all the prayers that have been sent on my behalf. I am so thankful for you ladies :cry:
Hi ladies,

Could you please say a prayer for me today. The devil is at work at my job today and I'm trying my best not to get stressed out.

Thank you :)


Hey Sweetheart: I can 'feel' your pain and 'attack' set against you is unjustified and God will surely vindicate you. Just don't react. Set your heart to not 'see' nor 'feel' the attack. For the boomerang is upon the enemy, not you. Their 'bows and their arrows' shall be broken.

The 'devil' has been fired! By way of prayer :pray:

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Hey! Did you know that your name is in the Bible? :yep: Yes it is.

Lookie Here:

Micah 5:9

Your hand will be Lifted Up in triumph over your enemies....

Now See.......... :look: I told you.... :yep:

UPDATE: So I have an update regarding this prayer. I officially did not get the position :sad: But fortunately, it wasn't because I wasn't qualified. My previous coworkers are still going to do their best to get me back in door.

Although I'm a little disappointed, I'm still going to thank God for this closed door. This just wasn't where he wanted me to be at the moment. I'm not quite sure what my next step is, but I'm going to continue trusting that God will lead where I need to be.


Hello Dear One... :love3:

God is keeping you in Divine and Perfect Peace... He loves you very, very much and is blessing you for putting your trust in Him. Blessing you, indeed.
