Prayers for my friend who lost his nephew
He's in a lot of pain right now
Please pray for comfort


Of course :yep: Praying for your friend's and his family and loved ones to be comforted during this painful time and after. For God to heal their broken hearts.

For this we thank you, Dear Father, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
Please pray for my country. It feels like a warzone and out of control. Also pray fir those Nigerian girls who were kidnapped by terrorists.
Please pray for my country. It feels like a warzone and out of control. Also pray fir those Nigerian girls who were kidnapped by terrorists.

Dearest Father we ask and we thank you with bowed hearts to gather these and those and protect them from all harm and danger. Let this war cease; dispel the spirits of darkness out and away from those whose lives have been in such peril and dismay.

Dear God in Heaven, Our Father who art... thank you for your Kingdom come and your divine will to be done in this earth of Kenya, Nairobi and other lands connected and nearby. Protect them, seal them in your Covenant Blood of Protection and allow no further evil to befall them nor come nigh them, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Father give them a restful, peaceful sleep and covering; let them have a peaceable habitation, with pleasant meadows and streams, barring the dangers of war and terror and let it be not temporal but eternal peace.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen, again and again. Amen.

Thank you Dearest Father for our beautiful and most loved sister Shiks and for hearing our prayers and healing our hearts from doubt and fear. Amen.
Praise Report: Update to the following prayer request from a couple of weeks ago.

I am asking for prayer for direction and favor in my job search.

I accepted a position a couple of weeks ago that I thought was the perfect opportunity (10mins from home, unicorn salary :look: (i'm sorry I have to inject humor to keep from crying), autonomy, nice work environment, people) only to be informed today that they are canceling the position. Another setback.

I'm beginning to think perhaps God do not want me in my current profession. I've prayed about it and I'm still unsure of what direction to take.

Thank you, prayer warriors.

So after the disappointment of the job cancellation, I continued my job search going on several interviews with no luck. The interview requests were slowly trickling in and I was really beginning to get worried.

A recruiter contacted me about a similar position with the same company where the position was cancelled. We discussed my background and she felt that I would be a great fit for the role and wanted to submit me to the hiring manager. Before ending the conversation, I mentioned to her that I had interviewed for a similar role with the same company through another agency and that the position was cancelled.

Two days later, the account manager from the agency called me and said that he had spoken to the hiring manager for the "cancelled" position and that she wants to offer me the job and that I didn't have to interview again. I was shocked, confused and ecstatic.

He said that the agency that I had dealt with was not a preferred vendor and tried to apply to be a vendor with the company but was denied. In hindsight, I think they were trying to subcontract my position but it must have fallen through with the company they were trying to subcontract through. They told me that another agency would be reaching out to me to process my paperwork and not to mention them. :look: So since that didn't work out, they tried to apply to be a preferred vendor but was denied. So they lied to me and told me that the hiring manager decided not to bring anyone on at that time. :nono:

Well I accepted the position on a Monday, all of my paperwork was processed by Wednesday and I started the following Monday. When I started, of course my new manager and I discussed what happened.

She told me that the agency was asking her for all of these requirements, etc. Things that were out of the norm. So she then stopped hearing from the agency and decided to call HR and that's when she found out about their status. They had not followed up with her or anything, just stopped communicating with her. :nono:

She then went through another agency and interviewed another candidate. She hired him, but for some reason, it didn't pan out (Look at God!). And here I come beboping along..:lol:

It has been a long journey, but I'm here now (1 week) and I know that with the chain of events that happened that it was only Him. :yep: He wants me there for a reason.

The job that I have to do will require a huge undertaking and will stretch me out of my comfort zone. I am nervous but relying on His strength and guidance to steer me through.

Thank you ladies for your prayers. :hug2:

Sorry so long!
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You have more going for you than can ever be against you. :yep:

Praying that you receive far more than ever before in Jesus' Name, Amen.


Praise Report: Update to the following prayer request from a couple of weeks ago.

So after the disappointment of the job cancellation, I continued my job search going on several interviews with no luck. The interview requests were slowly trickling in and I was really beginning to get worried.

A recruiter contacted me about a similar position with the same company where the position was cancelled. We discussed my background and she felt that I would be a great fit for the role and wanted to submit me to the hiring manager. Before ending the conversation, I mentioned to her that I had interviewed for a similar role with the same company through another agency and that the position was cancelled.

Two days later, the account manager from the agency called me and said that he had spoken to the hiring manager for the "cancelled" position and that she wants to offer me the job and that I didn't have to interview again. I was shocked, confused and ecstatic.

He said that the agency that I had dealt with was not a preferred vendor and tried to apply to be a vendor with the company but was denied. In hindsight, I think they were trying to subcontract my position but it must have fallen through with the company they were trying to subcontract through. They told me that another agency would be reaching out to me to process my paperwork and not to mention them. :look: So since that didn't work out, they tried to apply to be a preferred vendor but was denied. So they lied to me and told me that the hiring manager decided not to bring anyone on at that time. :nono:

Well I accepted the position on a Monday, all of my paperwork was processed by Wednesday and I started the following Monday. When I started, of course my new manager and I discussed what happened.

She told me that the agency was asking her for all of these requirements, etc. Things that were out of the norm. So she then stopped hearing from the agency and decided to call HR and that's when she found out about their status. They had not followed up with her or anything, just stopped communicating with her. :nono:

She then went through another agency and interviewed another candidate. She hired him, but for some reason, it didn't pan out (Look at God!). And here I come beboping along..:lol:

It has been a long journey, but I'm here now (1 week) and I know that with the chain of events that happened that it was only Him. :yep: He wants me there for a reason.

The job that I have to do will require a huge undertaking and will stretch me out of my comfort zone. I am nervous but relying on His strength and guidance to steer me through.

Thank you ladies for your prayers. :hug2:

Sorry so long!


I was looking at the response that I shared to your original post and all I could say is that, God is surely amazing. :love3: I'm so happy for you.

Congratulations, Sweetheart! :yay: And because God placed you there, He's also 'Graced' you there. You can and will handle your new position beyond your expectations and that of your new bosses. :yep:

Actually, God has custom designed this position around you and your gifts and talents. A perfect fit designed.

Shimmie you make me tear up so often on this forum. I am so glad you let yourself be used to encourage and pray for others. God bless you abundantly.

And to your word I say amen! Keep praying for me because it gets hard to stay hopeful.
Yay! Your testimony is so encouraging to those of us job searching. Praise God.

Thank you! I felt moved to post my testimony as I know that many are searching for employment and need reassurance that God has the final say and can move any mountain in an instant!

I pray that God blesses each and everyone one of you seeking employment with a position beyond your wildest dreams.

BeautyPoint, congratulations! What a great testimony/praise report!

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Thank you! I am so grateful for His grace and mercy.


I was looking at the response that I shared to your original post and all I could say is that, God is surely amazing. :love3: I'm so happy for you.

Congratulations, Sweetheart! :yay: And because God placed you there, He's also 'Graced' you there. You can and will handle your new position beyond your expectations and that of your new bosses. :yep:

Actually, God has custom designed this position around you and your gifts and talents. A perfect fit designed.


Amen. And it shall be!

Yes, God is truly amazing. I am still in total awe. :yep:
Job hunting is kicking my behind. Please pray for me. I don't know what to do anymore.

Dear Father, we thank you for pouring your loving favour upon your darling daughter Shiks, for she is precious in your sight and loved far beyond measure.

Not only will she be blessed with a fruitful source of unending income, but she will also be blessed and surrounded by your unfailing love, your unfailing grace, your unfailing mercies and your unfailing guidance and protection.

The Angels of Heaven are there to protect her, Your Loving Holy Spirit is there to guide her, You Powerful Presence is giving her great peace. For great peace she has in your Word and nothing shall ever harm her in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Thank you Father for loving her so much for she is your precious one for always, and forever, Amen.


Shiks... Hey Little One, Fear not dear love, fear not. God is taking wonderful care of you. You mean so much to Him and it is His honor to have you as one of His lovely daughters.

Don't be afraid, Baby Girl. Don't be afraid. You are not alone.

When it rains it pours. A burglar tried to break in the house about an hour ago. He was unarmed and all the male occupants were not at home (they're home now). Really now :/

I thank God for his mercy and showing us more and more everyday that he is always here!

We're safe (thank God) and the police responded immediately (less than 5 mins).
When it rains it pours. A burglar tried to break in the house about an hour ago. He was unarmed and all the male occupants were not at home (they're home now). Really now :/

I thank God for his mercy and showing us more and more everyday that he is always here!

We're safe (thank God) and the police responded immediately (less than 5 mins).

Father we thank you that LiftedUp and her family members and their home is safe and sound. We thank you that there is nothing that shall by any means hurt them in any manner.

Thank you for your angels that stand watch over them by day and by night 24/7/365.25, there shall be no gap in between.

We give you praise and the glory for protecting them always in their coming and going for now and forever.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen
Thank you Shimmie & Traci. We alerted our neighbours today and we're supposed to call the security company tomorrow (our alarm has been down after a power outage, go figure right). Apparently, he went to two other houses after ours but the police were paroling the street after we called so he didn't get as much done by them as he did by us.

Also, one of my neighbours brought us lunch. Really sweet of her.
I lost my apartment in Feb and was let go of my job last week. I did get approved for another apartment BUT I don't have the money for a downpayment or first month's rent. I am living with a perverted friend who's constantly harassing me. Now sure how much longer I can do this. It's hard to keep faith when everything is happening all at once. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I am a wreck.
I lost my apartment in Feb and was let go of my job last week. I did get approved for another apartment BUT I don't have the money for a downpayment or first month's rent. I am living with a perverted friend who's constantly harassing me. Now sure how much longer I can do this. It's hard to keep faith when everything is happening all at once. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I am a wreck.

Dearest cubanspice... for all that seems 'lost' God will give you double prosperity in the new place that He is giving you.

Don't lose hope dear one :kiss: please don't lose hope. I know words seem easier to say than to actually 'be'. However, God's promises will not fail you. You will not be shamed and you will be able to relax and have peace in your new home and your new and peaceful surroundings. :yep:

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.


This wilderness season has been really rough. I don't have a specific prayer request. I just want God to give me back my joy and peace. Things are not working out and I'm not sure what to do next. Still holding on to my faith in God, but I'm very tired.
This wilderness season has been really rough. I don't have a specific prayer request. I just want God to give me back my joy and peace. Things are not working out and I'm not sure what to do next. Still holding on to my faith in God, but I'm very tired.

God has ordained 'Peace' for you.

When I first heard that scripture, my soul drank it in like a thirsty sponge. I knew God was real and that whatever He said was just as real.

Precious divine, God (your Father in Heaven) has ordained, commanded, taken charge of, replenished, fulfilled, peace for you and to overflowing.

And Jesus' said, no one can take it away. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Hi Ladies,
Please keep Ceelo in your prayers for her interview next Thursday for a firefighter position. She has a link here in the CF forum about it.

I speak victory and divine favor for Ceelo in the name of Jesus. I thank God in advance for her new position. Amen.

Also I speak victory and divine favor for Shiks in her job search and being placed in her divine right position, and soon, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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I lost my apartment in Feb and was let go of my job last week. I did get approved for another apartment BUT I don't have the money for a downpayment or first month's rent. I am living with a perverted friend who's constantly harassing me. Now sure how much longer I can do this. It's hard to keep faith when everything is happening all at once. Please continue to keep me in your prayers. I am a wreck.

I pray in agreement with Shimmie. I thank our Heavenly Father in advance for blessings and favor for cubanspice in regards to her living situation as well as her job situation, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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Please pray for ColleteduFaye who has had a very rough semester at school. Pray for a solution so she can stay in her Ivy League school and also get the mental health help she needs. Poor girl.
Please pray for ColleteduFaye who has had a very rough semester at school. Pray for a solution so she can stay in her Ivy League school and also get the mental health help she needs. Poor girl.

Of course, most definitely. :yep: Is this one of our members? It's just a random question. Member here or not, we are more than happy to pray for her.

Thanks, JB for alerting us to this. :grouphug2:
Please pray for my youngest DD. The enemy is trying hard to get her and she is walking a fine line with him. Pray that she changes her circle of friends, she needs prayer to focus on school and remain and excel in school. She needs to release anger and learn to forgive. She needs peace from the storm.