
New Member
I don't know his story but I gonna do something the enemy does not want us to do and that's lift him up in prayer. So for those that don't mind praying for a brother that has fallen please join me in prayer.

Father God I know one of your servants has been accused of some ugly things now father I ask that you look into this situation and bring peace where there needs to be peace and restoration where there needs to be restoration. Father I ask for your correction in this matter, and father be with Jamal Bryant right now whereever he is. If he has children Lord I ask that you shield them from all of this mess. Lord I ask for guidance to those that will give correction to Jamal I ask for guidance for those that will give him advice.

Father this is your servant and you made him and you know all about him, you know his heart and you know is intent. Father judge him accordingly and forgive his sins. Father blout out his transgressions and throw them as far as the east to the west.

Now Father I ask for a special blessing upon his wife and children I ask that you surround them with your angels of love and mercy. Father give them the right people to talk to and the right people to pray with. Guide them through this difficult time in their life. Father I pray for his congregation those that looked up to him and not you. I pray for strength right now so those will not fall by the way side.

I lift up everyone involved and I ask for peace in the midst of confusion. I ask for the right things be done for his children that's outside of his marriage. Be with those kids and father don't let their ugly beginining dictate their future. Make them queens, and business woman and strong woman of God. Give them a voice to cry out in this final hour.

Do it now God like only you can now Father I seal this prayer in Jesus name AMEN.
Thank you so much for starting this thread. There was a lot of finger pointing on this forum and no forgiveness. Be blessed.
I'm in total agreement. Excellent prayer Dreamer :up:

Even more, a powerful thread, Holy Spirit Lead. Kicking the devil right where it hurts...his overblown egotisical head.
Its unfortante that so many where praying for him but before this problem got worse but he refused to get help and then he married someone who is not intrested in the things of God which she told him at head of time. She could not pray him out of box. But, Hopefully, now he will not resist the prayers but received them. Some people resist prayers in continue in their own way because they do not want to change. That's why God allows things to hit rock bottom.
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