Prayer Request: Our husbands


New Member
Greetings ladies,

I pray to be a helpmate for my husband. These last few days I have been hearing a lot of women feeling that their husband are struggling with issues within/out of their jobs, health, commitments to God and family. Perhaps if we collective prayer for our husbands and the men we love in our family, we can break some of the barriers and impediments in their path on their way to a closer walk with God, leader of their family and their own purpose of being.

This is a prayer that I have been saying as of late. If any of you know of another prayer or will pray with me, it will be a blessing.

Father God, Omnipotent Father, I am that I am,

Please protect our men from harm’s way. Lead them out of the lion’s den onto the path of righteousness. We ask that you place a hedge of protection around them so that they may have space and time for their growth and healing. We ask that you anoint their hearts, minds and spirits with your words and instructions. We ask that you elevate his position and give him protection, wisdom and strength. We ask that he uses his position to edify your name and do his job according to your purpose. We also ask that you give us instructions on how to be a better helpmate to them on their journey.

In Jesus’ name,
I am not marry but will be praying for you all and agree with suggestions and beautiful prayer.
Hi- I'm definitely in. My husband makes so many sacrifices for our son and me. I have so many "wants" and I know that I sometimes forget to be attuned to his needs. Thanks for reminding me of my responsibilities- to be his helpmeet.

God Bless you and your family
To My Husband...Man of God

For this cause, I shall behold and reverence you as God commands.

For this cause, my desire shall be unto husband, unto you.

For this cause, you are the man of my heart, my desires, my dreams.

Loving you, for you.

For this cause, you stand neither sit accused, I give you my spirit of peace...a home without contention, without envy or strife. I honor you with a peaceful life.

For this cause, I offer my body and prepare it solely for you. My love is your beauty to have and to hold, softness assured all the way through.

For this cause, you are my husband, the spiritual head of our house and home.

For this cause, from you I will never roam.

For this cause, I honor our vow, to have and to hold from this day forward, no distance from our hearts will we allow.

For this cause, my husband.

For this cause, God gave me, you.


Dearest Father in Heaven, thank you for your Covenant which covers every aspect; every area of our lives. For it is 'Blood Sealed' and honored by your word which cannot be altered.

For our husbands, those now and those to be, we give you all honor and all praise for keeping our marriages and our hearts for each other, as the apple of your eye...Covenant protected.

Father, thank you for the gift of being his wife; the gift of being the only woman in his life. The one woman that you and he choose. My postion in his life that no other can impose...or even suppose; For you've made it real; secured in a safe Haven wherein no one can steal.

In areas where I am weak, make me strong. And where I am lacking... "Teach thou me, that which I do not see and where I have sinned, I will do no more."

Annoint each of us with your wisdom and knowledge to flow in being their help meet 'beyond' suitable. For it is not only what can be done in the flesh...but beyond our flesh that counts for your glory, pleasing you first and then pleasing them.

Let us remember, we cannot serve two masters, the world and you, for there is only one God...whom of which is you. Destroy where the enemy has tainted what you have ordained in marriage, for we desire to have that which is pure, holy and just. In you, we put our trust and no other God, for our husbands happiness and lives, and the sanctity of our marriage.

We give it all to you, in Jesus' holy and matchless name, Amen and Amen.


"Tracy" - Hope this helps. I asked the Lord and this poured from my heart to yours and all of the women now married, and married to be (even those single, for God does answer prayers for marriage).
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Shimmie said:
To My Husband...Man of God

For this cause, I shall behold and reverence you as God commands.

For this cause, my desire shall be unto husband, unto you.

For this cause, you are the man of my heart, my desires, my dreams.

Loving you, for you.

For this cause, you stand neither sit accused, I give you my spirit of peace...a home without contention, without envy or strife. I honor you with a peaceful life.

For this cause, I offer my body and prepare it solely for you. My love is your beauty to have and to hold, softness assured all the way through.

For this cause, you are my husband, the spiritual head of our house and home.

For this cause, from you I will never roam.

For this cause, I honor our vow, to have and to hold from this day forward, no distance from our hearts will we allow.

For this cause, my husband.

For this cause, God gave me, you.


Dearest Father in Heaven, thank you for your Covenant which covers every aspect; every area of our lives. For it is 'Blood Sealed' and honored by your word which cannot be altered.

For our husbands, those now and those to be, we give you all honor and all praise for keeping our marriages and our hearts for each other, as the apple of your eye...Covenant protected.

Father, thank you for the gift of being his wife; the gift of being the only woman in his life. The one woman that you and he choose. My postion in his life that no other can impose...or even suppose; For you've made it real; secured in a safe Haven wherein no one can steal.

In areas where I am weak, make me strong. And where I am lacking... "Teach thou me, that which I do not see and where I have sinned, I will do no more."

Annoint each of us with your wisdom and knowledge to flow in being their help meet 'beyond' suitable. For it is not only what can be done in the flesh...but beyond our flesh that counts for your glory, pleasing you first and then pleasing them.

Let us remember, we cannot serve two masters, the world and you, for there is only one God...whom of which is you. Destroy where the enemy has tainted what you have ordained in marriage, for we desire to have that which is pure, holy and just. In you, we put our trust and no other God, for our husbands happiness and lives, and the sanctity of our marriage.

We give it all to you, in Jesus' holy and matchless name, Amen and Amen.


"Tracy" :)- Hope this helps. I asked the Lord and this poured from my heart to yours and all of the women now married, and married to be (even those single, for God does answer prayers for marriage).

Shimmie, what a powerful and complete prayer!! You have covered everything and then some. Thanks so much. How often do you think this prayer should be repeat? Like twice a day for a week or once a day for a week?? My sister was my prayer partner but she has passed on. She was the one that would set the frequency and time. Any suggestion??

btw my name is Stacy. It seems like eternity that I am called Tracy even in the web world. LOL I didn't take offense to it. Just in case you wanted to call me by my real name. :)
XXXtacy said:
Shimmie, what a powerful and complete prayer!! You have covered everything and then some. Thanks so much. How often do you think this prayer should be repeat? Like twice a day for a week or once a day for a week?? My sister was my prayer partner but she has passed on. She was the one that would set the frequency and time. Any suggestion?? :)

Hello Beautiful. First, I offer you my heart, I'm sorry about your sister and I care, this matters to me because it's so dear to your heart. :kiss:

As for prayers, and how often, it's always by your heart. Your heart guages what needs prayer and what doesn't. And it's guaged by the Holy Spirit. You know what, as we pray for our husbands, they grow, just like our babies grow when we feed them. We are feeding our husbands when we pray for them. We are feeding them God's nourishment and protection through our prayers and God's word.

I feel your spirit and it's strong in God's faith. I sense a sincere desire that you want to do all that is right to be a good wife. It's obvious to everyone who reads your post. Your heart is pure with God's love. :)

The one prayer to pray each day for your husband is the best of all.

"Lord, I thank you for giving me this day our daily bread. What is my husband's need for today? Where are you leading me to pray? Please let me flow in your wisdom and mercy and direction, no matter what the distraction. To you be all the glory. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen."

This prayer is what God loves. Seeking Him for our daily bread; our daily instructions; for each new day is exactly that. A new day, new needs, new instructions to fit our husbands new needs as life changes each day.

Other prayers are just a guide. You may be lead of the Lord to pray all or some of a written prayer. He will also lead you to His word, always His word...a Bible scripture that fits or defines, your husband's daily bread (his daily needs for prayer).

I hope this makes sense. ;)

Sweet sleep precious lady. I may be logging off for now, but I am still praying with you. As I kneel for those I love, my heart will have you and your husband and family in prayer as well.

Whatever I can contribute to be a blessing to you, always feel free to ask. However I can share to be a blessing or a help, with the help of the Lord, I'll give my best.

BTW: I didn't want to call you triple X...(sorry). ;)

Again...Sweet sleep precious lady. :kiss:
Shimmie said:
To My Husband...Man of God

For this cause, I shall behold and reverence you as God commands.

For this cause, my desire shall be unto husband, unto you.

For this cause, you are the man of my heart, my desires, my dreams.

Loving you, for you.

For this cause, you stand neither sit accused, I give you my spirit of peace...a home without contention, without envy or strife. I honor you with a peaceful life.

For this cause, I offer my body and prepare it solely for you. My love is your beauty to have and to hold, softness assured all the way through.

For this cause, you are my husband, the spiritual head of our house and home.

For this cause, from you I will never roam.

For this cause, I honor our vow, to have and to hold from this day forward, no distance from our hearts will we allow.

For this cause, my husband.

For this cause, God gave me, you.


Dearest Father in Heaven, thank you for your Covenant which covers every aspect; every area of our lives. For it is 'Blood Sealed' and honored by your word which cannot be altered.

For our husbands, those now and those to be, we give you all honor and all praise for keeping our marriages and our hearts for each other, as the apple of your eye...Covenant protected.

Father, thank you for the gift of being his wife; the gift of being the only woman in his life. The one woman that you and he choose. My postion in his life that no other can impose...or even suppose; For you've made it real; secured in a safe Haven wherein no one can steal.

In areas where I am weak, make me strong. And where I am lacking... "Teach thou me, that which I do not see and where I have sinned, I will do no more."

Annoint each of us with your wisdom and knowledge to flow in being their help meet 'beyond' suitable. For it is not only what can be done in the flesh...but beyond our flesh that counts for your glory, pleasing you first and then pleasing them.

Let us remember, we cannot serve two masters, the world and you, for there is only one God...whom of which is you. Destroy where the enemy has tainted what you have ordained in marriage, for we desire to have that which is pure, holy and just. In you, we put our trust and no other God, for our husbands happiness and lives, and the sanctity of our marriage.

We give it all to you, in Jesus' holy and matchless name, Amen and Amen.


"Tracy" - Hope this helps. I asked the Lord and this poured from my heart to yours and all of the women now married, and married to be (even those single, for God does answer prayers for marriage).

Excellent, Shimmie! :clap: