Ponytail Buns


Well-Known Member
I noticed a lot of posts regarding wearing buns to protect your hair and the dangers of ponytails. Whenever I have worn a bun - high, low etc., my hair was in a ponytail. Can someone please tell me how you bun without a ponytail?

When my hair was shorter i would do like a giant bantu knot. Gather hair like youre going to make a ponytail, twist clockwise, wrap it around itself. spin pins work well for this, but elastics work too

once i reached mbl i started using hairsticks. There are lots of tutorials on youtube. My everyday bun is similar to a nautilus bun

ponytail buns are very rare for me. Im considering doing a donut bun tomorrow for a job interview
I cut an old pair of pantyhose into a long strip and use that to secure my hair. I smooth and gel my hair in the direction that I want my bun and then wrap the tie around my head from hairline to nape. From there I both slide and tighten the hair tie into a puff and then style the rest of my hair into my bun. HTH
Hair foks / sticks, cut up stocking, banana clips, twirl hair into a loose bantu knot and pin