Ponytail holders and breakage


New Member
Ladies could someone please tell me what to use besides rubberbands to put my hair in a bun. I have experienced severe breakage in my crown area for wearing high ponytails I wore them quite often and I used some type of soft ponytail holder. I really would like to start bunning my hair but I don't know what to use that will not cause my hair to break. Ladies that wear buns please tell me what type of ponytail holder are you using. PLEEEEEEESE HELP!:look:

Scunchi makes a really cool, snag-free ponytail holder - it's soft and stretchy, like a trouser sock. :lol: But smaller. I really like them - as long as I don't wind it TOO tight, and I'm careful of how I take it out, I'm good.

I've also heard of ladies soaking thier ponytail holders in oil and/or conditioner before putting them on, to give the hair 'stressed' there a little extra help. :yep:
LGBFLY thank you so much for posting the links. It took me a long time to realize that my breakage was caused by ponytail holders also.
i also use the scunci ones that look like a pantyhose rolled up, it has no glue or clip which reduces the impact on your hair
I use Goodies ouchless hair bands, they have no metal in them to break your hair and I like them a lot. I don't usually wound my bands too tight so that helps also.

Knee-highs, knee-highs, knee-hi's.

Cut the top band of of them, and these things will last for years. (I've also used the top from nylon socks.)

*** These have been tested in the heat of Iraq, and I'm proud to report that I had NO DAMAGE from these inexpensive bands; PLUS for the tenderheaded folks like me they provide a fine but comfortable hold

Knee-highs, knee-highs, knee-hi's.

Cut the top band of of them, and these things will last for years. (I've also used the top from nylon socks.)

*** These have been tested in the heat of Iraq, and I'm proud to report that I had NO DAMAGE from these inexpensive bands; PLUS for the tenderheaded folks like me they provide a fine but comfortable hold
thats a good idea!
I recently started using these Twin Beads that I used as a child. I haven't gotten any breakage. I also soaked them in castor oil.

I've started using "balls" from my childhood too!! I prefer them over ponytail holders because I don't like having to "pull" my hair through the holder 2-3 times. With my balls, I only put it around my ponytail once(if that makes any sense) and I'm done. I've been bunning consistently for the past 4 weeks and haven't seen any hair come out when I take the balls off. I was concerned about hair getting stuck in the metal piece but so far it hasn't. I think I will start soaking them in oil for extra protection.

Style Solutions Snag Free Elastics

Try these, the may solve your problem , they're cheap and they're from Sally's.:yep: