PAGING Tracy: Sebastian's cellophane


Well-Known Member
PAGING Tracy: Sebastian\'s cellophane

i just received my clear sebaastian's cellophane and i want to try it immediately. iwill need to get a relaxer in a couple of weeks. should i just wait until after i get the relaxer. how often can u use the cellophane. i don't want to mess up my hair because it's starting to progress. also after using it do you have to use the sebastian's conditioner or will any conditioner do. thanks for the info.
Re: PAGING Tracy: Sebastian\'s cellophane

Wait until after the relaxer. The cellophane will only last a few weeks anyway depending on how often you wash your hair. You can apply it as often as you like within reason. I do it every four weeks. Any conditioner will do.
Re: PAGING Tracy: Sebastian\'s cellophane

thanks tracy. your knowledge is invaluable and your response is appreciated. have a great day! deborah