One side longer than the other...?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

My left side has always been shorter than my right. I have no idea why - everything I do to my right side I do to my left. I dont sleep on my left side. I dont wrap my hair at night. I'm natural so I dont relax that side first/longer. I dont think I'm rougher on that side... But my left side is abt 3/4 longer than my right which makes styling a bit tricky.

Can anyone think of ANYTHING that could be causing this? Or could it really be possible that one side of my hair grows faster than the other? I think the problem is retention vs growth but I dont know what would cause more breakage on one side.

Thanks in advance!!
My left side is slightly shorter than my right but it is also my thicker side. I treat both sides the same but for whatever reason the right is always longer. Both my mom and sister have the same issue so it possible be genetic.
You sleep on that side? The side I sleep on stays shorter and a little rougher despite sleeping in bonnet and satin pillows
Some people's hair just grow longer on one side than the other... the Youtuber Sistawithrealhair made videos about having this problem before. The only thing I can think to do is to trim it to even it out if its bothering you... nice siggy btw!
Shrinkage. My right side is curlier than my left. So I have to struggle with a certain amount of lopsidedness all the time. Whee!
I think it's quite common. The right side of my hair is thinner and shorter. Has always been that way. I sleep on my right side, so that could be a contributing factor.
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My left side is shorter than the right, about 1 inch. It doesn't bother me since I wear my hair up 99% of the time.
Thanks everyone!! I pretty much alternate which side I sleep on.. I wear my hair stretched most of the time so I don't think it's shrinkage. Maybe it's just how my hair grows :drunk: It doesn't bother me because my hair is up 5 out of 7 days but I just wanted to throw it out there. Thanks!
I have the problem on my right side. I changed my sleeping position to see if it helps, and have decided to wear my hair stretched or flat-ironed since that side seems to be kinkier and more prone to breakage than the rest of my hair. My hair tends to break less when it's stretched/straightened.
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I have had this issue all of my life, and when I went natural, I thought it would stop :perplexed . Nope! The left side grows longer than the right, but only in the front. This is probably because the curl pattern is looser and the strands are thicker compared to the other side, so I get less breakage. It also hangs longer in it's curly state since it's looser. But in the back where everything's the same, the right side grows slightly faster. You can try babying that side with extra product and more gentle handling, but it is likely that it just grows faster. SistawithRealHair on youtube has this same problem, and she'll cut the longer side shorter to match, only to have it out grow the opposite side again :spinning:.

Actually, besides that front section, all the hair on the right side of my body is longer/thicker than the left. My right eyelashes are longer, eyebrow is thicker, and arm and leg hairs are longer too. Has anyone else noticed that :look: ?
Not only does my hair grow longer on the right side, it is at least 2x's a thick! When I got my hair cut into a bob in the beginning of the year, the stylist asked me why I had "less hair" on the left side...