Is One Side Of Your Hair


Well-Known Member
Different than the other?

The left side of my hair is longer, healthier than the other side. And although my right side looks more porous, it holds color better than my healthier left side which all but has spit out the permanant color I put in a few months ago, so one side has like med brown highlights and one side is still blackish..

My left side is so much healthier as well as approx 1 inch longer than the right, my husband see's nothing that I see, but I can tell :lol:
My right side is longer and healthier than the left side... I don't know why, but it has always been this way. I use to ask my husband if he could see it, and he never could... but I know it's not me just having hair anorexia. The funny thing is, from the back, you can't tell. It's when I pull it over my shoulders that I can tell. This No Trim Challenge is killin' me. I can't wait to trim at least an inch in January. :)
ahaha.. it is the exact same way for me.. from the back it looks even, even when Im flat ironing I can see a difference between both of the sides :lol:

My husband is like baby you trippin and you betta not cut your hair :lol:

Yeah, Im on the no trim til December challenge... so Ill trim first week of Jan.. MAYBE :lol:

2cute2B4gotten said:
My right side is longer and healthier than the left side... I don't know why, but it has always been this way. I use to ask my husband if he could see it, and he never could... but I know it's not me just having hair anorexia. The funny thing is, from the back, you can't tell. It's when I pull it over my shoulders that I can tell. This No Trim Challenge is killin' me. I can't wait to trim at least an inch in January. :)
destiny616 said:
the side I sleep on is shorter
The side I sleep on is shorter to. I keep telling myself to sleep on the opposite side but I always wake up on the same side:)
The left side of my head has a different texture from the right. It's silkier, softer, thicker and outgrows the other side by inches. I'm always having to cut it to even it up.
The right side of my hair is stronger and longer, but that's partly due to my botched self-trim job.
my hair is EXACTLY the way described. it might be bc i sleep on my right side, i don't know. i did get extremely frustrated with my right side, so i cut out the sections that bug me the most. so now mt hair is in hiding until those sections grow back lol. i know, i have issues.
My hair on the right side is usually, longer than the left. The left side caught up to it, but now the right side is longer, again. Oddly, I sleep on my right side.
crlsweetie912 said:
Khandi: Two words for you...

Hair anorexia! :)
That's how dem long hair heffas be. Mmm-hmmph. :wink2:

I'm teasing of course. Mine is shorter and thinner on the right side. My last trim of 1.5 inches back in March was pretty much just to even the sides and they still have a .5 inch difference. :wallbash: I'm going to do it again in December, but that's the last dang time!
My left side is longer and thicker than my right side, always has been. I noticed it a lot when I was younger - lopsided pigtails:not a good look.:look:
My left side is thicker that the right. Even my twists are larger on the left side. If I don't mention it no one notices. I sleep on my right side.
I have this problem but it isn't so bad since I've stopped wrapping my hair at night, that lead to one side being thinner and breaking more than the other
My left side is thicker, longer, also different texture than right side. I'm not certain why.
What can be done? :look:
one side of my hair is longer than the other too. i had a trim to even it out back in june now it's already back to the way it was and longer. oh well at least muh herr is growin'!
I've had the same thing goingon for years now. It's probably been going on longer, but I just realized it a few years ago. It's mainly the side I sleep on. I've given up on trying to do something about it. I just work with what I got. Since getting my new haircut though it's not as noticable.
My right side is so much healthier and man it grows hella fast too. I'm starting to wonder if the left side is even growing. I had been wearing my hair curly for about 4 months and I just straightened it recently, well the right side was like 2 inches longer than the rest, grrrr!! I ended up having to cut like 3 inches to even it up because I can't stand to look at my hair uneven. I've had to do this several times now because of uneveness and I dont know what's going on. I'm really having to analyze my regimen and stuff now.
yes i thought i was the only one. my right side is longer, thicker, and healthier. the left side just sucks. even my stylist noticed it.
one side of my head is thicker than the other. it used to be shorter too but all the TLC i give my hair has fixed that problem.
The left side of my hair is thinner, but I've noticed as I've stopped wrapping, the hair that is growing now is even. So now I have to grow out this stuff and trim until its even.:(
My left side is longer and grows a lot faster too. It's been four weeks since my relaxer and I have 3/4 inch on my left side and 1/2 inch on my right!:confused: :confused:
KhandiB I totally understand :lol: My left side is thicker than the right. I started sleeping on the opposite side and it's slowly starting to come around.
My right side grows slightly faster than my left, and my right side is more wavier/curlier than my left.
It's all good though. :p