OMG!! Ouidad Double Detangler Comb...MAJOR PRODUCT RAVE!!!

She got it from the website: Sephora also carries it on their mighit have to call your local store to find out if they have it there. Also, Amazon and HSN have it on their websites too.

Yes tnorenberg, put that at the TOP of your list!

It's so crazy how the right tools can make such a HUGE difference.

I have to get this. I'm coming up on 15 weeks post, and granted, I haven't combed my hair in 2 weeks, so it was expected that I would lose some hairs when I did my wash today. However, if I can keep that from happening so much, I'm all for it. Off to my Wish List this goes. On my next pay period. :yep:
Well, I used the comb this morning and I had a pretty good detangling session.

I hadn't washed in 7 days, so there seemed to be a lot of hair on the comb. I "hope" it was mostly shedding and not breakage. I liked the way it massaged my scalp as well. I usually wash about twice a week.

Yes, it felt slightly heavy, but I consider it more bulky than anything else. I'll still be using my regular wet comb in addition to this one. Didn't notice anything stretching, but it was an overall good experience. My detangling time was cut down by a few minutes.
I bought the comb from Sephora over the weekend. I'm in twists for another 3 weeks. So I'll have to wait a bit to try it.
Well, I used the comb this morning and I had a pretty good detangling session.

I hadn't washed in 7 days, so there seemed to be a lot of hair on the comb. I "hope" it was mostly shedding and not breakage. I liked the way it massaged my scalp as well. I usually wash about twice a week.

Yes, it felt slightly heavy, but I consider it more bulky than anything else. I'll still be using my regular wet comb in addition to this one. Didn't notice anything stretching, but it was an overall good experience. My detangling time was cut down by a few minutes.
I'm so glad you had a good experience! It really does cut down that detangling time, doesn't it?

You can tell breakage from shedding by simply looking at the hairs on the comb. if they're long - the length of your hair, depending on where they came from - and have the white bulb at one end (usually you can see it but if not, feel for it), then it's shed hair. If it's short pieces of the strand, it's breakage.
I hate getting my hopes up and having them dashed.

I lose so very much hair (a lot of it is NOT shed hair) detangling, and I feel sad that I wasn't even blessed with thick density or thick strands to make up for it.

Just the other day I lost a thick/dense tennis ball's worth in one shower session...and that was after a pre-poo with oils and slippy conditioner and a thorough finger-detangle.

I tried Denman and it just can't hold up to the mats my curls form within minutes of drying.

I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer on everyone else's success, but I don't see how this Ouidad comb can possibly get through matted tightly curled or coiled hair. Already semi-detangled tight curls/or coils, yes. But not the horror that is my hair after 2-3 days between washes.
I hate getting my hopes up and having them dashed.

I lose so very much hair (a lot of it is NOT shed hair) detangling, and I feel sad that I wasn't even blessed with thick density or thick strands to make up for it.

Just the other day I lost a thick/dense tennis ball's worth in one shower session...and that was after a pre-poo with oils and slippy conditioner and a thorough finger-detangle.

I tried Denman and it just can't hold up to the mats my curls form within minutes of drying.

I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer on everyone else's success, but I don't see how this Ouidad comb can possibly get through matted tightly curled or coiled hair. Already semi-detangled tight curls/or coils, yes. But not the horror that is my hair after 2-3 days between washes.
That's exactly what the comb is said to be formulated for. My roommate has thick, coily hair and she loves it. If you want to try it you can order it, and you can always return it if you don't like it. That's what my roommate told herself when she ordered the comb, and she ended up keeping it because it works so well for her.

Anyone else with stories?
I wish people would use things more than once before they rave about it.

Could you please expand on this comment? Have you bought this item? I'm scheduled to have mine delivered today and I'll come back a let everyone know how it was for me (I have 4a, fine hair). But...have you used it and didn't like it?
Hmmm... I just purchased from Sephora.. Fortunately they have a really decent return policy if this comb is not to my liking...

But I am excited though!
Could you please expand on this comment? Have you bought this item? I'm scheduled to have mine delivered today and I'll come back a let everyone know how it was for me (I have 4a, fine hair). But...have you used it and didn't like it?

Nope, it is a general vent. The use of a product or tool once does not a rave make. We need to be more careful.
Thanks, JadeFeria.

Alright, you twisted my arm enough that I'll try it...not really, who'm I trying to kid? I'm a Product Junkie. Time to order more stuff; yay!

Just one thing: can I order a product from and return it in a store?
I would say that if anyone was unsure, to try to comb from Sally's first. It's $2-3.00 and I'm so satisfied with that I'm not even tempted to buy the Sephora one.

At least if you didn't like the general style, you wouldn't have wasted so much $$...:yep:
I actually found this in sephora today and bought it. MAN this thing has some heft to it, the SO and I were like this thing can be used as a weapon!! Going to use it tomorrow.
It does look enticing :lick:. I'm a sucker for hair tools but I'll have to pass on this one. I understand the concept of the double rows. It may detangle well but will it snag your hair if seams are on the teeth?

I'm still sold on having seamless teeth on my combs. My Magic Star Jumbo Rake has been a life saver since I learned about it here in 2004.
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I saw this at Sephora yesterday, it was kinda bulky and that is my only concern. It didn't seem especially heavy. I would love to try it and I'm curious how it does on relaxed hair.
I wish people would use things more than once before they rave about it.

I've used it about 4 more times since (I cowash often) and I still stand by my original statement!

To those who are referring the comb from Sally's, I don't doubt it would work for some people, but I would not recommend it as a replacement/alternative to this comb. I have the one from Sally's, and the rows are really close together. With this comb they're about an inch apart, so it doesn't have the same effect. The one from Sally's didn't work nearly as well IMO
Okay, here's my update. My verdict: Good buy.

I co-washed today with a light conditioner and combed through with it...yes it's bulky, but I think it's on purpose to help get through the "kitchen" of your hair. The teeth are formed as such as not to snag the hair, and as a result, I had very little shedding and breakage, and I usually have more using other items, included, and especially, using the Denman brush.

Going off now to donate all my other detangling items to charity!!....:p
Nope, it is a general vent. The use of a product or tool once does not a rave make. We need to be more careful.

Agreed. 24 bucks is HIGH y'all!!!!

Oh well. I may glue a couple of combs together.... LOL:lachen:I think I a lower price point would give me an incentive to try it...
Agreed. 24 bucks is HIGH y'all!!!!

Oh well. I may glue a couple of combs together.... LOL:lachen:I think I a lower price point would give me an incentive to try it...

Perhaps, but I don't mind paying a little more if products actually do what they claim. What's the point of getting cheap-o stuff if it just takes my hair down the drain? I notice that you steam...the machine for that must have set you back a few dollars, but you got it because it worked for so many, right? :look:
I am sure that there will be plenty of knock offs out there for a much cheaper price if it becomes a favorite on the hair boards. Is it seamless?
Well, a few hours after I posted w/ the question about ordering on Sephora, I called my Sephora and they had it, so I popped out and bought it.

Detangling is too traumatic to me to keep on "keeping on" with the inferior methods and tools I've been using for years.

I will go cheap on any anything else to do with hair if I have to (which I won't--it's a one-time purchase), but DETANGLING is a very serious matter to me. I don't have the hair to spare, and yet I lose it in spades every week.

I will be DCing and washing probably on Friday and then I'll update this thread with how it went.
Oh well. I may glue a couple of combs together....

Oh..em...gee! too funny!

I ordered mine last week and it's being delivered today! I will most likely use it this weekend and let ya'll know how it turned out. I'm cheap about a lot of things but when it comes to the hurr I'm game :)
Perhaps, but I don't mind paying a little more if products actually do what they claim. What's the point of getting cheap-o stuff if it just takes my hair down the drain? I notice that you steam...the machine for that must have set you back a few dollars, but you got it because it worked for so many, right? :look:

Yep. I bought a Pibbs too. But this is a COMB.....
Perhaps, but I don't mind paying a little more if products actually do what they claim. What's the point of getting cheap-o stuff if it just takes my hair down the drain? I notice that you steam...the machine for that must have set you back a few dollars, but you got it because it worked for so many, right? :look:

I agree, if it works that's the last time you'll have to spend $24 on a comb :yep: I don't mind. What I hate is spending even $1 on a product that doesn't work. That feels like a waste of money in my eyes.
OMG I love this comb too! Glides through my natural hair like no other.

That sucker is heavy I admit. But it detangled amazingly well. I used it with conditioner on my head and I was literally done detangling in 5 minutes, maybe less. I just took a section of hair, ran the comb through it a few times and that was it. ETA: I could easily spend at least 30 minutes detangling with a regular Conair shower comb.

Highly recommend it.

ETA: Someone asked about returns: You can return online orders to the store. Anytime actually. I think you only have 30 or 60 days to return the order via mail. But there's no set date for returning that item to the store.

Yes it is not a cheap comb. However it is the only comb I use so I'm good lol. Same way with condish and shampoo, I have them forever since I don't wash my hair nearly as often as other ppl do. So I like to splurge on those products :grin:
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