Newbie with a question about carrot juice (long)...........


Active Member
Newbie with a question about carrot juice (long)...

Hi I'm new to this board although I have been secretley lurking for a while.
I live in London, and I just wanted to say you ladies are such an inspiration to me, LHCF has given me renewed hope with my hair!

1.I wanted to ask all you carrot juice drinkers how long before you saw the effects of the carrot juice on your hair?

2. Do you make your juice daily ( for those who make it at home) or do you freeze it? I read somewhere that you should drink it the same day for maximum benefits? Is this true?

3. Can I store cut up carrots in the fridge (for the week) or will they go off once peeled therefore not be as effective? I really can't see my self peeling, cutting and jucing every evening when I get in from work when I am TIRED and am looking for a time saving way of doing it.

Thanks in advance ladies! (I am no longer a secret lurker!)
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Re: Newbie with a question about carrot juice (long)...


I don't drink carrot juice on a regular so I really can't answer the question, but I do look forward to responses. It's interesting that you post this as I was about to purchase some carrot juice just 2 days ago
I drank carrot juice every day faithfully for at least a couple of months. I never really saw any results in my hair, though my skin did look a little brighter...