Naturals: Advice needed! Come sing some praises too


Active Member
Firstly I need advice on a good diffuser blowdryer; I wash my hair everyday but the weather’s falling out of the 70s here and I can’t be leaving the house with damp hair in the morning anymore. Does anyone diffuse daily? If not how do you dry your hair but keep it curly/shrunken – All lengths welcome BTW I’m gonna need advice for next year. I wash everyday because when I slept my 3 inch TWA gets smooshed by my headscarf and my head lol But if there’s a way around it I don’t mind being informed.

Now on to the praises! Don’t you just love being natural? The best part for me is scratching my head. Yes! Scratching it. In public. And not having to worry about flakes or dirt. Now sure not every relaxed head had these problems but I know a lot of people that have to resort to slappin and rubbing. Hm that sounded kinda kinky, but you know what I mean. I can wash my hair wenever without putting a whole day aside and my scalp isn’t irritated by burns or dryness. People keep asking am I going to relax again once my hair grows, to be honest I don’t know but hopefully these things will serve as a reminder of what I’ll be going back to :)

So Ladies, any advice for my diffuser issue or any praises you’d also like to sing???
I love being natural, but I don't diffuse. I guess I'm just crazy because I go out with a damp head year round and I live in Minnesota where it get uber cold in the winter and summer is only 2 months long;). Seriously though, when it gets really cold(well below freezing), I will do my rinsing at night before bed and spritz and fluff it in the morning well before leaving home so that my hair is pretty much dry by the time I leave. I've nver gotten sick doing this either.
I don't wash everyday but maybe another option could be a spritz. You can get a little spray bottle and fill it w/some water, cheap conditioner, oils (castor and jojoba) and humectants (glycerin, honey) in order to "refresh" your fro w/out washing everyday. It's def quicker. HTH!;)
I LOVE being Natural too! I would suggest maybe, instead of washing your hair all over again in the more, just let the steam from a hot shower "wake" you hair up, then shake out any excess water.
I diffuse everytime I wash/cw my hair, I use a purple Conair Ionshine 1875 watt dryer for no more than 10-15 minutes. I am too impatient to let my hair would take a good 3-4 hours. If I just re-wett my hair my hair looks matted and gets tangly, I don't know why but it just does.

Oh, and I love being natural, my hair has never been healthier! hth
I never use a diffuser either and I cowash every day right on through the winter. I used to get all kinds of warning from family and friends about this, but now no one say anything because I've been doing it so long without any problems. Of course, if it's icy cold, I'll put on a hat and dress warmly. But I'd do that whether my hair was wet or dry.

Now that my hair is longer and more comfortably fits into a ponytail or bun, this has becomes super easy. I just wash, let it airdry a bit, put it up in a bun and go do what I need to do. :)

Many years ago I used to use a diffuser attachment on my blow dryer. But I was never good at having the patience for it and I no longer use any heat on my hair. My mother used one a lot last year, but she switched to washing her hair at night and spritzing it with water in the morning, like natstar suggested. Maybe that will work for you.

And yes, I LOVE being natural!!!! :love:
I don’t use a diffuser --- I don’t use any type of heat, but I’ve found that if you use some type of moisturizer or crème, it generally traps the water that is in your hair and doesn’t leave it damp.

As for your hair being smothered, that’s inevitable --- especially when you’ve been sleeping on your head all night. However, that doesn’t mean your style is ruined. I sleep on my twistouts and braidouts and in the morning I fluff it out again. I don’t loose any definition, and I don’t re-twist at night. In my experience, the best thing you can do is spritz in the morning and go about your day.

As for lovin’ being natural --- well my album says it all! I love versatility…