"Natural Hair Community My A**" -NikkiiDior

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I feel for her if that's how it really happened. But she can't have been the only person at that natural hair thing with that hair type, right? So... what makes her assume her hair was the reason?

Sheena284, obviously it's because she's so beautiful. Her complexion and hair have always been this "cross" she's had to bear "all her life". I'm stunned that you would even question the reason.

Out of curiosity, I checked out a couple of Nikki's other videos and shall we say "space cadet"?
That doesn't mean people don't do it....

My point was, that once you put something on the internet. It's pretty much out of your hands as far as where it goes, so its best not to put something that you wouldn't be comfortable with everyone seeing. that's all.

ETA: I thought it was obvious that I didn't mean websites containing copywrited material.

What do you think youtube is? A blog? They are all websites where people own the rights (or are suppose to) to the content they uploaded to the site.

It is difficult to control the content once it is uploaded, but that does not mean that it is right to steal it. If the thief is tracked down, action can be taken against them.

And back to Himam10nence, whether you agree with her online persona or not, if her boss found out on his own or through his personal sources that is one thing. But it is something totally different for someone who does not know her personally to report her videos to her employer in the hopes that some type of repercussions will happen as a result.
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Deleted post.

Simple chick gonna make me waste my damn time typing stuff only to tell me that it wasn't true.

I'm a leave this thread before I start speaking some Himay10nence language up in here resulting in getting banned for some nonsense.

Happily back to LURK mode for GOOD THIS TIME.
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ok jada, at this point I have no choice but to believe you are being deliberately obtuse
No one *threatened* highmaytenence's job. Nor were any vids sent to her employer. I really think you are taking this waaay too seriously. It was a ONE LINE REMARK. MADE IN JEST. AND SHE HAS RETRACTED IT.

And yes, I do need to ask--what was the point in distributing her personal info? Did the culprit do it in hopes that highmaytenence would actually go to littleluxe's house to hurt her? I'm sorry, but that is a far worse offense than just abstractly wondering aloud about the state of someone's employment.

I feel like you're too busy being angry and defending yourself to be reasonable about the facts. You keep saying that highmaytenence was threatened when folks have made it clear time and time again that her job was not threatened in any way, shape, or form. And you keep defending the choice to distribute personal info AS IF going to someone's house and hurting them because they made a single comment in anger is the right thing to do.

If indeed you think that giving out personal information of a stranger who might have kids to think about or whoever else is a fair trade off for a remark made in jest, that has since been apologized for, then I think that's f*cked up, and that you are a sick individual.

I don't know why you keep emphasizing the fact that highmaytenence is a 'sista'. That means nil to me. Lets not try and pretend there is some kind of fake camraderie or kinship between us just because we all happen to be of the same race.
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ok jada, at this point I have no choice but to believe you are being deliberately obtuse
No one *threatened* highmaytenence's job.

I deleted the post, but the fact that you made me waste my damn time posting it angers me.

You made me think you wanted a SERIOUS answer from me only to tell me that I'm being "obtuse" and then you're gonna insult me.

Okay then. I won't insult you back, because I'm not trying to make a ban for crap that does NOT concern me PERSONALLY.

SMFH, it's posters like YOU that made me remember why I stopped posting on here and stayed in lurk mode.

I'm out. Take care y'all! It was real. *waving*
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Then there isn't anything for us to discuss.

I thought you were serious in wanting a response from me. I gave it to you and now you're gonna say I'm being "obtuse". Man, you made me type that post for NO REASON and now I'm pissed.

I know what time it is with you now and will no longer be paying you any mind. I don't have time to waste going back and forth on this.

Have a nice evening.....
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obviously it's because she's so beautiful. Her complexion and hair have always been this "cross" she's had to bear "all her life". I'm stunned that you would even question the reason.

Out of curiosity, I checked out a couple of Nikki's other videos and shall we say "space cadet"

Then there isn't anything for us to discuss.

I thought you were serious in wanting a response from me. I gave it to you and now you're gonna say I'm being "obtuse". Man, you made me type that post for NO REASON and now I'm pissed.

I know what time it is with you now and will no longer be paying you any mind. I don't have time to waste going back and forth on this.

Have a nice evening trick.

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I posted this in the other thread and wanted to post it here too.... HIMAY10NENCE actually took up for NikkiiDior in a video prior to her "light-skinned good hair hoes are mad" video:


"I don't know who f#ckin' with you Nikki. I'm tellin' these b!tches right now...leave Nikki alone because y'all makin' her uncomfortable in her good hairness. She don't like y'all f#ckin' with her. Leave NikkiiDior alone. Leave her alone. Don't say sh!t to her when y'all see her comin'. Close your mothaf#ckin' eyes...ehh...ehh... when she come by. Don't f#ckin' look at her 'cause y'all making her uncomfortable..."

So see, HIMAY10NENCE can be all over the place with her videos! :lol: No need to get your panties all in a wad over the things she says. She has the same straight face in all her videos as if she really doesn't give a f*** about anything. She just speaks her mind and that's it.

tHENATuRALhAiRpRoJEcT, now you know you ain't *ish for that Prince gif, right?

But I love it anyway!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!

:lol: Jada, don't lose your job now...

MizzBrown, you and I will be in contact in PM land. LOL!

I'm not trying to make the ban and lose my viewing nor posting rights to certain forums all for some nonsense. I'm cool staying in the background and talking to peeps in the PM world.
:lol: Jada, don't lose your job now...

Deleted post.

Simple chick gonna make me waste my damn time typing stuff only to tell me that it wasn't true.

I'm a leave this thread before I start speaking some Himay10nence language up in here resulting in getting banned for some nonsense.

Happily back to LURK mode for GOOD THIS TIME.

I am bewildered by this post right now. I said I thought you were being deliberately obtuse because it appeared as if you were consistently choosing to ignore the facts in favor of defending highmaytenence. If I had it wrong, then I apologize.
I knew about the LHCF FBI but now there's a LHCF Mob?! Folks giving out someone's personal info hiring hit men and threatening to snitch?! Who knew Hair could turn into such a dangerous topic! LMAO! And how is this thread NOT locked by now?!
This thread is so weird. I haven't had internet in 5 days and I can't believe all these pages of posts stemmed from that one extremely vague video. LOL. It was hardly a rant. It was a whisper of a rant.

I seriously don't know how anybody got anything out of it. 'Somebody was rude to me......and I think.....cuz my hair......and.....' *end whisper of a rant before I get worked up*
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I rarely visit the hair forum. I learned of this thread thru Himay10ence's youtube. :lol: I am subscribed and whew lawd :lol:
I didnt read all the pages but this girl is obviously looking for some special kind of attention my response is


drops mike walks out smdh craziness
This certainly was entertaining. If this is going down during the week, Sunday is going to be ridiculous!
I posted this in the other thread and wanted to post it here too.... HIMAY10NENCE actually took up for NikkiiDior in a video prior to her "light-skinned good hair hoes are mad" video:


"I don't know who f#ckin' with you Nikki. I'm tellin' these b!tches right now...leave Nikki alone because y'all makin' her uncomfortable in her good hairness. She don't like y'all f#ckin' with her. Leave NikkiiDior alone. Leave her alone. Don't say sh!t to her when y'all see her comin'. Close your mothaf#ckin' eyes...ehh...ehh... when she come by. Don't f#ckin' look at her 'cause y'all making her uncomfortable..."

So see, HIMAY10NENCE can be all over the place with her videos! :lol: No need to get your panties all in a wad over the things she says. She has the same straight face in all her videos as if she really doesn't give a f*** about anything. She just speaks her mind and that's it.

You have to watch that entire video. She was clowning her from the middle to the end. Like straight clowning...
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