My discovery

I was just going to post about this. This is FABULOUS for my color treated ends. I mix it 50-50 with a cheapie moisture con, apply it like a relaxer, and dc for an hour or so.

This is the ONLY treatment that has strengthened my colortreated ends!!! they don't snap when I pull the shed strands. they stretch!!!

My other light proteins are in my siggy.

I always use protein and moisture mixed together, at every cowash, wash or rollerset step.

So that's

Infusium + rusk smoother in the spray bottle for rollersetting/misting

Allsoft + realcontrol for cowash

Garnier fructis + cheapie moisture con for cowash

Dumb Blonde reconstructor + cheapie moisture con for cowash
Good to know
After being on the boards about 2 years and obsessing with hair care. Guess what I found out?
Darn shame. plenty days of not combing cause my hair would break and come out. No detangling in shower cause of excessive hair loss.:nono: Cutting hair repeatly cause it was growing back thin. Cutting back to neck length.............. You know that song.YOU JUST DO YOU , I MA DO ME, I MA DO ME, IMA DO ME. That should have been out when I first started my journey. :wallbash: I made so many mistakes listening to people who swear protein is the enemy! My hair paid the price. I'm good now cause I have been rebuilding my hair every week with a good dose of protein reconstructor of some type in my mane and tail. The results has been strong hair that don't break and its not fragile anymore. :yep:I'm not afraid to put in a ponytail or style anymore.
Anyone else abused their hair by not using protein?
How long did it take you to figure it out?

I totally agree with you Patricia. My hair has suffered from the lack of using ample protein on my hair and since having started adding more of it into my regimen, my hair is thriving a whole lot better. I don't know if that's because my hair is fine and I am relaxed, but all I know is that my hair loves protein and so now I try to incorporate it almost each time I DC my hair. Sometimes I keepit really mild and other times I kick it a notch into moderate protein application. The hardcore protein treatment I find, I don't necessarily have to use anymore as a result which is perfect for me:yep:.
So what i got from reading this thread is that most of the ladies that use protein often have fine hair.

I have extremely coarse hair, when I used aphogee, the hard one, every two weeks, my became dry and broke off a lot.

From what I understand, fine hair has less cuticle layers, which may be why the fine haired ladies, need more protein..Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Gymfreak, where you at?:lol:

Um, why on earth would you do something like that?! :nono:
The bottle says specifically to use every 4 to 6 wks.

Fine hair has less cuticle layers, so it is naturally weaker than coarse hair. Using more protein (correctly!!!!) gives fine hair more structure, making it more durable and less prone to breakage.
Got this from BHM......

Here is a handy guide for understanding the different types of protein products.

All proteins are strengthening proteins to some degree but here are the more specific characteristics of these proteins:

Collagen Protein--known for increasing elasticity in the hair

Silk Protein--known for softening the hair

Wheat Protein--a moisturizing and strengthening protein. known for increasing the hair's ability to maintain & receive moisture also.

Keratin Protein--responsible for keeping the hair strong and pliable. This is the strongest of the(hair product) proteins and is actually the one that hair is made from. This one re-structures hair that has been damaged or broken down by chemicals. It helps to replace the amino acid cysteine which is the main one lost during chemical processing. This is the heavy duty protein. If you see the following as an ingredient

*Vegetable protein -- Vegetable protein absorbs more easily into the hair shaft [than animal protein] and does not create build-up, leaves the hair very shiny, radiant, luxuriant, and healthy.

*Animal protein -- Animal protein breaks down into fatty acids, which coat the hair and create residual build-up.

Silk Amino Acids/Protein--Natural silk is the strongest, natural fiber known to mankind. Discovered in Japan and has been used for centuries in all kinds of products that require durability. Silk has a tiny molecule that can penetrate the entire hair shaft deeper than all other proteins without adding any weight leaving the hair feeling clean and non-greasy
Keratin protein More Indept:

*a) Keratin protein--this will re-structure and strengthen the hair cuticle (the outer layer only & the most important layer)

The keratin in some reconstructors should not leave your hair hard like the Aphogee Treatment for damaged hair (which contains hydrolyzed animal protein). This treatment hardens on your hair for a reason and is used with mild heat. A moisturizing conditioner is a must with this in order to soften like Keracare's humecto.

Reconstructors that contain keratin and other proteins are supposed to have enough moisture to soften the hair therefore leaving your hair with a nice protein/moisture balance."

* Hydrolyzed Keratin Protein or Keratin Amino Acids--this means that the Keratin molecules have been broken down and are small enough to go beyond the cuticle and penetrate the hair shaft. It will strengthen all 3 layers of the hair. That is why the term "deep conditioning" technically only refers to this kind of treatment using penetrating proteins.

*c) Hydrolyzed Human Hair Keratin--This is an exact match for the keratin your hair has (or has lot due to chemical processing). This is the highest quality and most potent keratin that can be used in hair products.
Yeah I copied and pasted this info in my fotki journals so I can have access to it.
I discovered the same thing about my hair! Protein does it some good, only if I use it like every 2-6 weeks though...I can't use too much protein and my hair works wonders with some oil and water, lol....of course I would use the oil to seal the moisture in, that is. I can't do too much moisture either, or I'll begin to shed somewhat....I'll moisturize atleast every other day to every two days. Moisturizing everyday and sealing with oil everyday lead to too much build up on my I'm learning that less is more for me.
I have cut down on moisturizing too. Couple times a week tops
Got this from BHM......

Here is a handy guide for understanding the different types of protein products.

All proteins are strengthening proteins to some degree but here are the more specific characteristics of these proteins:

Collagen Protein--known for increasing elasticity in the hair

Silk Protein--known for softening the hair

Wheat Protein--a moisturizing and strengthening protein. known for increasing the hair's ability to maintain & receive moisture also.

Keratin Protein--responsible for keeping the hair strong and pliable. This is the strongest of the(hair product) proteins and is actually the one that hair is made from. This one re-structures hair that has been damaged or broken down by chemicals. It helps to replace the amino acid cysteine which is the main one lost during chemical processing. This is the heavy duty protein. If you see the following as an ingredient

*Vegetable protein -- Vegetable protein absorbs more easily into the hair shaft [than animal protein] and does not create build-up, leaves the hair very shiny, radiant, luxuriant, and healthy.

*Animal protein -- Animal protein breaks down into fatty acids, which coat the hair and create residual build-up.

Silk Amino Acids/Protein--Natural silk is the strongest, natural fiber known to mankind. Discovered in Japan and has been used for centuries in all kinds of products that require durability. Silk has a tiny molecule that can penetrate the entire hair shaft deeper than all other proteins without adding any weight leaving the hair feeling clean and non-greasy
Keratin protein More Indept:

*a) Keratin protein--this will re-structure and strengthen the hair cuticle (the outer layer only & the most important layer)

The keratin in some reconstructors should not leave your hair hard like the Aphogee Treatment for damaged hair (which contains hydrolyzed animal protein). This treatment hardens on your hair for a reason and is used with mild heat. A moisturizing conditioner is a must with this in order to soften like Keracare's humecto.

Reconstructors that contain keratin and other proteins are supposed to have enough moisture to soften the hair therefore leaving your hair with a nice protein/moisture balance."

* Hydrolyzed Keratin Protein or Keratin Amino Acids--this means that the Keratin molecules have been broken down and are small enough to go beyond the cuticle and penetrate the hair shaft. It will strengthen all 3 layers of the hair. That is why the term "deep conditioning" technically only refers to this kind of treatment using penetrating proteins.

*c) Hydrolyzed Human Hair Keratin--This is an exact match for the keratin your hair has (or has lot due to chemical processing). This is the highest quality and most potent keratin that can be used in hair products.

Thank you so much - I just copied and pasted this onto a Word document to add to my hair binder. Love it.
I don't think I damaged it. Although it's only been about a week or so since I did it, my hair feels great. I started to buy the hardcore Aphogee but figured I'd use what I had and it seems to have done the trick. I mean I've tried it all...mixing reconstructor with conditioner, applying them one at a time and my hair would still break. I definitely plan to pay attention to my hair and base the frequency and duration of the Aphogee Keratin Reconstructor usage on what my hair tells me. But of course I've known for years that my hair loves protein, but here comes the product reviews and thinking I could replace x with y and be ok. I need to start sticking to what works. Not saying others aren't good (love Kpak poo with Aveda DR condish) but some things just shouldn't change! I used to love Ion Repair Solutions Hair Reconstructor Treatment .
Glad to hear that it worked for you. I was eyeing the Ion reconstructor. Girl you bout to have me buying some stuff. You know I havent tried aphogee reconstructor or the Ion.:cycle:
I totally agree with you Patricia. My hair has suffered from the lack of using ample protein on my hair and since having started adding more of it into my regimen, my hair is thriving a whole lot better. I don't know if that's because my hair is fine and I am relaxed, but all I know is that my hair loves protein and so now I try to incorporate it almost each time I DC my hair. Sometimes I keepit really mild and other times I kick it a notch into moderate protein application. The hardcore protein treatment I find, I don't necessarily have to use anymore as a result which is perfect for me:yep:.
You know I'm a fan of your progress. Good to know we all found out before it was to late.

You're absolutely right! I really had become so discouraged that I was about to give up thinking that it just wasn't going to happen for this 4b relaxed head but just in the nick of time -- protein!
Good question. hmmmm I wonder if this just for fine hair ladies. Maybe someone can help. Ok question for you. You use aphogee every 2 weeks? My hair would probably break off too if I used it that much. I think the hardcore is made for one time every 6-8 weeks. I actually had a protein overload on aphoghee.:wallbash:

Um, why on earth would you do something like that?! :nono:
The bottle says specifically to use every 4 to 6 wks.

Fine hair has less cuticle layers, so it is naturally weaker than coarse hair. Using more protein (correctly!!!!) gives fine hair more structure, making it more durable and less prone to breakage.

When I did this, I was 16, 5 years before I came to LHCF. I knew NOTHING about moisture, my hairdresser knew my hair kept breaking so she gave me aphogee every other week. My hair broke off badly after that. My hair was never the same since.
When I did this, I was 16, 5 years before I came to LHCF. I knew NOTHING about moisture, my hairdresser knew my hair kept breaking so she gave me aphogee every other week. My hair broke off badly after that. My hair was never the same since.
Really, That proves a point that we can do just as well as a hairdresser. Even better. Are you on track now?
Protein is UNDERrated on this board.

My hair can not thrive without protein. I sometimes sleep in it.

AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!!! CHURCH!!!!

Everyone is moisture happy on this board and then we wonder why we get really bad thinning down the length as it grows. If you use a lye relaxer you need conditioners that are a balance of moisture and protein. That is where the myth of moisture only came from, the whole box relaxer usage. If you are using no lye, you need more moisture than a lye relaxer user.

Moisture and Protein balance isn't about swinging to each extreme. You shouldn't try to go from super mushy to super hard. Its too much stress on the hair and that is what causes weak spots, split ends, thinning and breakage. Moisture swells the hair strand. I know everyone is moisture happy but if you are moisturizing daily, deep conditioning with moisture at every wash for an hour, and cowashing with moisture every 2 days, you are doing too much. All you are doing is stretching out your hair and setting yourself up for breakage and thinning. If your hair doesn't have enough protein, it won't hold any moisture. If you keep having to keep buying more and more moisture products looking for higher and higher levels of moisture, you need protein.
AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!!! CHURCH!!!!

Everyone is moisture happy on this board and then we wonder why we get really bad thinning down the length as it grows. If you use a lye relaxer you need conditioners that are a balance of moisture and protein. That is where the myth of moisture only came from, the whole box relaxer usage. If you are using no lye, you need more moisture than a lye relaxer user.

Moisture and Protein balance isn't about swinging to each extreme. You shouldn't try to go from super mushy to super hard. Its too much stress on the hair and that is what causes weak spots, split ends, thinning and breakage. Moisture swells the hair strand. I know everyone is moisture happy but if you are moisturizing daily, deep conditioning with moisture at every wash for an hour, and cowashing with moisture every 2 days, you are doing too much. All you are doing is stretching out your hair and setting yourself up for breakage and thinning. If your hair doesn't have enough protein, it won't hold any moisture. If you keep having to keep buying more and more moisture products looking for higher and higher levels of moisture, you need protein.
:notworthy You summed it all up.
That is the main reason I had to stop the daily moisture. By the time wash day comes around my hair is back mushy. I was defeating the purpose of DCing with protein
I also just wanted to add that if you have tried a million protein treatments and you are using your favorite moisturizing conditioner and your hair is always hard, that is not the protein's fault. That is your moisturizing conditioners fault.
AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!!! CHURCH!!!!

Everyone is moisture happy on this board and then we wonder why we get really bad thinning down the length as it grows. If you use a lye relaxer you need conditioners that are a balance of moisture and protein. That is where the myth of moisture only came from, the whole box relaxer usage. If you are using no lye, you need more moisture than a lye relaxer user.

Moisture and Protein balance isn't about swinging to each extreme. You shouldn't try to go from super mushy to super hard. Its too much stress on the hair and that is what causes weak spots, split ends, thinning and breakage. Moisture swells the hair strand. I know everyone is moisture happy but if you are moisturizing daily, deep conditioning with moisture at every wash for an hour, and cowashing with moisture every 2 days, you are doing too much. All you are doing is stretching out your hair and setting yourself up for breakage and thinning. If your hair doesn't have enough protein, it won't hold any moisture. If you keep having to keep buying more and more moisture products looking for higher and higher levels of moisture, you need protein.

Also if your hair is stretched beyond repair, protein can only do so much. Staying consistent with reconstructors helps prevent too much natural protein loss over time (weathering of the cuticle). By definition, reconstructors and straight protein treatments fill in the cracks of the hair shaft that occur from protein loss (which then incites moisture loss). So if your hair is stretched 50x its natural threshold, you can try to repair it over time but if it still doesn't resolve all of the issue, don't go back to the excessive moisture treatments. It'll just be time for a trim.
Also if your hair is stretched beyond repair, protein can only do so much. Staying consistent with reconstructors helps prevent too much natural protein loss over time (weathering of the cuticle). By definition, reconstructors and straight protein treatments fill in the cracks of the hair shaft that occur from protein loss (which then incites moisture loss). So if your hair is stretched 50x its natural threshold, you can try to repair it over time but if it still doesn't resolve all of the issue, don't go back to the excessive moisture treatments. It'll just be time for a trim.

I'm glad you said this because I've just started doing weekly K-pak and it seems I'm getting more breakage but only on my SUPER over processed AND heat damaged relaxed ends. At first I got discouraged and felt like the reconstructor wasn't working but then I thought my ends are just at the point of no return and it's time for them to GO!

I am transitioning and my natural hair seems fine so I don't really think I can judge protein treatments correctly if I go by MY ends because they are hopeless. I am no longer focused on repairing the ends but in keeping the new virgin hair strong.
I love this thread so much! It's one of my favs since I've been on the board. :yep:

you may not need a hard/heavy protein but just more treatments of light/medium protein treatments.
I don't use the 2-step Ahpogee but the 2 minute Aphogee treatment, it is very effective.
They are others to try like:
Motions CPR
Profectiv Growth Masque
Joico Daily Moisture
I also went back to Coconut oil, this is a light protein as well

Okay, I never thought to try the Aphoghee 2 min treatment. That 2 step had me shook! :lachen:I never knew that Coconut Oil is considered a light protein. I've used it on and off for a while now.

My fine hair loves protein also. I use egg in conditioner, aphogee 2 min reconstructor, or Mega-Tek. I switch it up. I have trouble with hydrolyzed collagen and sometimes certain products with hydrolyzed keratin. Maybe fine hair needs more protein.

Why do you have trouble with Hydolyzed Collagen? What does it do to your hair?

I have used aphoghee 2 step also but I got turned off when my breakage would reoccur. Now I just put a dose of protein reconstructor of some sort in my weekly routine. Aphogee is a good product but sometimes you can get a protein overload off it. Let me know how the CON Reconstructor works for you . GVP/Joico kpac and ultrasheen duotex is good also.

I liked the CON Reconstructor but I'm not sure it feels like its supposed, what should I expect? I also have Duo Tex already, I've used it since March but I only used it as a midstep protein treatment when I relax (lye).

BTW, where's the "Protein is your friend" Challenge? I want to join!
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So glad you had a protein revelation. As a black woman I was always told about MOISTURE but not about protein! I remember I once deep conditioned the mess out of my hair. When I was done it was soft...and every time I shook my head pieces would fall to the ground or on my shirt. I got on this forum and realized I had tipped the balance too far, immediately bought some Aphogee treatment and the soft breakage stopped! I told my stylist about this and even she was not a believer. She basically told me I was misinformed and that moisture would never do such a thing.... NO more 1hr moisture treatment cocktails for me!
So, can my hair need more protein and not feel mushy? My hair is fragile and I have daily breakage...could protein be the issue?
I think I may go back to Biolage products for protein. I used them a few years back and my hair thrived so well. I mean, it literally grew back from a short pixie to almost APL in like a year. My hair is doing well now but not as well as when I used Biolage. I have some things to think about.
Thanks for the reminder about protein!! I use the 2 minute aphogee at least once a month, but after reading this post, I know I should up it to at least every other week. I'm still searching for the correct balance of moisture and protein for my hair, even after a year! I notice that if I use protein as a part of pre-pooing, then I need to add extra moisture during deep conditioning. Yesterday at the bss, a young sales lady said to me that if you need protein, then think Aphogee, cause all their products have protein in them.
So, can my hair need more protein and not feel mushy? My hair is fragile and I have daily breakage...could protein be the issue?

Yeah, you may want to consider using a protein-based shampoo, like Joico K-pak or Aphogee shampoo for damaged hair.
Really, That proves a point that we can do just as well as a hairdresser. Even better. Are you on track now?

im getting there. I'm still trying to repair damage from a stylist I went to last year. Im only going to stylist for rollersets now. I'm doing my own relaxers.

I think I'm the only one who was stressed the importance of protein. When I came to the board, I was like moisture what?:lol: Hence, my protein overload.

I've never had mushy hair, I dont even know what that feels like.

This moisture/protein balance can be hard at times.
I also just wanted to add that if you have tried a million protein treatments and you are using your favorite moisturizing conditioner and your hair is always hard, that is not the protein's fault. That is your moisturizing conditioners fault.

I love this thread so much! It's one of my favs since I've been on the board. :yep:

Okay, I never thought to try the Aphoghee 2 min treatment. That 2 step had me shook! :lachen:I never knew that Coconut Oil is considered a light protein. I've used it on and off for a while now.

Why do you have trouble with Hydolyzed Collagen? What does it do to your hair?

I liked the CON Reconstructor but I'm not sure it feels like its supposed, what should I expect? I also have Duo Tex already, I've used it since March but I only used it as a midstep protein treatment when I relax (lye).

BTW, where's the "Protein is your friend" Challenge? I want to join!
So glad you had a protein revelation. As a black woman I was always told about MOISTURE but not about protein! I remember I once deep conditioned the mess out of my hair. When I was done it was soft...and every time I shook my head pieces would fall to the ground or on my shirt. I got on this forum and realized I had tipped the balance too far, immediately bought some Aphogee treatment and the soft breakage stopped! I told my stylist about this and even she was not a believer. She basically told me I was misinformed and that moisture would never do such a thing.... NO more 1hr moisture treatment cocktails for me!
I got my first protein treatment last week at the shop because my hair was breaking off and that was not normal. I plan to do the aphogee protein treatment this week. My questions is should I do the Aphogee protein two times a month and the 2 min reconstruction every week when I wash my hair? I am soooo excited about Aphogee now.