Mo long and over due hair update Big chop and all


Well-Known Member
October 2008
January 2009
(Today) Here are the rest of the pics in my fotki...

Picture is dumb big. Sorry about that, I hope it resizes soon. This is a 4 day old twist out all plucked out into a fro. I got a BC in July. My regimen is pretty simple, and its been doing the best. I am excited about my progress and hopefully I can get to waistlength like some of the other naturals on here. Im a Natural 4a. Im gonna go cook now so sorry for the rush job!
That's some beautiful hair right there! Congratulations on your BC and progress.
Thank u ladies for the compliments! I guess my other updates in the future i'll be flat ironing for a length check like a "perm" every three months just trying to invest in a good flat iron...