longer hair, longer stretch?


Well-Known Member
Ok now that I got off my chest the bad news about me cutting my hair, Now I can express the good news I suppose. Is it me or does it seem like the longer your hair gets the easier to stretch? I am 7 weeks post with about 1 1/4 inch of new growth and my hair is as soft as can be as if I were @ 4 weeks post. It reacts instantly to product now to whereas before most products did not work. I can pull my hair in a pontail and it lays flat without any problem despite the new gowth. I feel like I can stretch another 7 weeks. If it wasn't for my wedding I wouldn't perm until Thanksgiving. I could never do this when my hair was shorter.

So is it me?
IDK about the longer the hair the longer the stretch but I do believe that it gets easier to stretch longer each time you do it. I would increase it a week or two each time. I went from 6 to 8 weeks up to 22 to 24 weeks before I decided to chop and go natural.
In my experience, when hair is short(er), new growth represents a greater proportion of the overall length and can sometimes hinder styling.

For example, if you have a pixie cut, 6 weeks of new growth can be almost half of your hair. At SL, that same amount of growth is probably less than 1/4 of your overall length. As a result it does get easier to stretch when hair is longer.

That's my theory anyway. :)
Miss*Tress said:
In my experience, when hair is short(er), new growth represents a greater proportion of the overall length and can sometimes hinder styling.

For example, if you have a pixie cut, 6 weeks of new growth can be almost half of your hair. At SL, that same amount of growth is probably less than 1/4 of your overall length. As a result it does get easier to stretch when hair is longer.

That's my theory anyway. :)

ITA! Losing length to shrinkage is a bid deal if your hair barely makes a ponytail when straight.
I agree. Does become easier as you have more length to play with and disguise the new growth with different styles. I hope to go 12 weeks this time ......almost made 10 last stretch. I love the wave I have now using mild relaxer too. I encourage work mates to do more LHCF techniques but they poo-poo my suggestions stating "You have a good grade of hair...so you can do that, not me!" They should only know my hair 'grade' is the same as theirs.
Miss*Tress said:
In my experience, when hair is short(er), new growth represents a greater proportion of the overall length and can sometimes hinder styling.

For example, if you have a pixie cut, 6 weeks of new growth can be almost half of your hair. At SL, that same amount of growth is probably less than 1/4 of your overall length. As a result it does get easier to stretch when hair is longer.

That's my theory anyway. :)

I also agree with you. I also find for me the longer I care for my hair the softer and stronger it becomes. It's in a healthier condition and this allows my hair to to adjust better to things like stretching.

I also agree with BeMoreFly, with every stretch I am learning better techniques that make the stretch easier and easier. I have completed to 12 week stretches. On my second stretch I as torn to continue for another 2 weeks or relax to see how much new growth I had.
I agree w/ all the ladies. At first when I started stretching I went to 3mos but didnt know how to deal w/ the NG and how to do different styles to hide the NG. Now Im almost 5mos going to 6 and it has gotten easier I think because my hair is longer. Good luck stretching its fun to see how long you can go w/o going crazy:eek:
Yes it does get easier as it gets longer and also the more times you do it.

IMHO, it gets easier as it gets longer in part because the "weight" of your hair will help pull it down...IDK if this is making any sense to read...LOL!

Good luck!
Is that what it is? I am on my first 8 month stretch and I have about 2 inches of new growth right now and it's been a breeze. I'm not even seeing breakage! I notice when my new growth starts to bother me, it's a day or 2 before wash day, so I'm thinking if I wash every 5 days instead of 7 it will be even easier.

Maybe it's because my hair is longer now, that it's easier to stretch.
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Pixel Lady said:
Yes it does get easier as it gets longer and also the more times you do it.

IMHO, it gets easier as it gets longer in part because the "weight" of your hair will help pull it down...IDK if this is making any sense to read...LOL!

Good luck!

Yep, that absolutely makes sense. :yep:
Pixel Lady said:
Yes it does get easier as it gets longer and also the more times you do it.

IMHO, it gets easier as it gets longer in part because the "weight" of your hair will help pull it down...IDK if this is making any sense to read...LOL!

Good luck!

Yep, that absolutely makes sense. :yep: It's why naturals say you don't know your real texture until you chop.
Pixel Lady said:
Yes it does get easier as it gets longer and also the more times you do it.

IMHO, it gets easier as it gets longer in part because the "weight" of your hair will help pull it down...IDK if this is making any sense to read...LOL!

Good luck!
ITA. The weight of the hair really does help as the hair gets longer and it is easier to stretch for longer periods of time. :)