

Well-Known Member
I have really thin, uneven hair, and I was wondering what styles I can do. My hair is thin, I think it's hereditary because my mom's is too. Should I get a layered hair cut? Anyone have suggestions? Pics?
if your hair is really thin, I think layers may give it a fuller look. Also, bumping the ends rather than wearing it straight and flat can help. Other than that I am not sure about any other styles, my hair is kind of thick, I am sure you will find some great advice here.
I have thin to medium hair, but I wear it up in a high pony tail most of the time. People give me more compliments with the pony than anything else. I still have layers that I'm trying to grow out and they made my hair look thinner.
My hair is so thin that if I wear a pony it looks like i have 4 strands of hair in it. I honestly do not know what to do with my hair!
Unless you really love them, dont get layers. They are very difficult to grow out. In addition, if your hair is not curled, it will look very thin. It is a style that has to be maintained with sets. Lastly, if your hair is thin now, the longest layer to the bottom will look even thinner because of the shorter hair cut to create the layers above. If you must get layers, go for longer layers! Good Luck!