Kimmaytube's new video

I actually think her hair looks really nice. This rollerset now has me interested in her product line (especially the leave-in). So much so that I ordered all 4 products and will review it on my blog.

Very nice!:yep:

And her body looks amazing!!!

After looking at the picture, the first few days looked alot better. For her to be selling her products, I would think she would have shown it when it was fresh so we could see it flowy and bouncy.

On another note, I think she has the cutest shape (especially after just having a baby).

I think it looks fine for 5 day old hair...... She looked really cute in the video.

I really like the style & J think it came out great! That was a private hid that wasn't supposed to be public. She tweets daily &posts vids & pics regularly.

Wounds like some just don't like her &that's fine
I actually think her hair looks really nice. This rollerset now has me interested in her product line (especially the leave-in). So much so that I ordered all 4 products and will review it on my blog.

If I wake up tomorrow with my hair that length in that 5 day old style :reddancer: If she fluffed fine 4a hair like some suggest, that is called a heatless blowout - not a rollerset.

I really like the style & J think it came out great! That was a private hid that wasn't supposed to be public. She tweets daily &posts vids & pics regularly.

Wounds like some just don't like her &that's fine

When her product came out, most LHCF members said they refused to purchase because of her bad you tube manners. Seems like she would delete people from her channel for commenting. LHCF holds grudges for decades. She won't receive any love on here.
I was just looking at her channel the other day to see if she posted any new videos. Wow. :lol:

I think it needed to be fluffed out or maybe in an updo.
Is it her texture that ya'll aren't liking?

I ask because I remember folks liking MahoganyCurls' roller set with textured roots.

Neither one is my favorite look. It looks like you worked out and your press is reverting. :nono::nono:

Lemme tell ya, I usually wear my hair curly. BUT if I am going to straighten, I want it all straight - roots and all.

That's what it is for me. I know its difficult to get continuity in a roller set on natural hair - I haven't even tried it yet on myself for fear of the straight ends, curly roots look.
I think her hair looks good.
Eta: not commenting on the style (is it a style or was she trying to see how long the curls would last?), just saying that her hair looks good.
I dont understand why she is so thoroughly disliked.

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That's what it is for me. I know its difficult to get continuity in a roller set on natural hair - I haven't even tried it yet on myself for fear of the straight ends, curly roots look.

I usually leave the ends curly, but straighten the roots. I don't like that "separated" look (for lack of a better word).

If she pulled it back into a ponytail and put a scarf in the front it would look very cute.

ETA: Her body looks great! She was toned before the baby so I'm not surprised she's still in shape.

P.S. I don't think anyone here is hating on her. Not everyone is going to like her hair. I think her retention is absolutely amazing.
Am I the only who thinks her hair looks dry and unhealthy? Yes, it's long. Yes, it's thick, but I don't get the hype at all. I much prefer Napptural85.

Oh, and p.s. I am NOT a hater. I like her and still watch her. I have all of her LuvNaturals products, which I think are good. I think she offers great tips on what we should do as nappyheads to retain length. I just don't think her hair is all that. My opinion only.
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I do not watch Kimmaytube's videos anymore... but comparing her hair to Napptural85's is like comparing apples to oranges.

Two totally different textures etc.

I think Kim's hair is also healthy. I agree she could do more with her styling, but she likes it.

Yeah, I know they have different textures, but they both give outstanding advice for how to care for natural hair. As for as that advice goes, I prefer Napptural85
Naptural85 is also 4a/4b but her hair is a lot thicker and fuller. Kimmaytube's hair looks piecey and thin here, whereas Nap85's 5-day styles look like thick locs.

The only thing I notice here is her attributing the extra days to her products. Any product can give 5-day hair, she must've not looked very far if this is the first time she's kept a style for a week.
from the videos that I've seen, Kimmay never separates her curls and it always gives her a spacey look. I think this is why some people dont like it. it's too spacey and see-thru. this is something that I notice since I have fine hair as well. it would look better clumped together in a poney or updo or off to the side.
I believe some folks are a little too hard on Kimmay. You can't chose your hair type or texture. So you work what you got! She is clearly working what she has. I don't think it looks bad.
I get why ppl would say they don't like the style based off the video. I can't say I disagree with that. It did look good the first three days based off the picture set. In the video, it looked like it was time to throw it in a bun.
I didn't like the style in the video, either. The pics on the blog were better.

Kimmay's hair texture is very similar to mine so her length retention is inspiring.
Let me see what ya'll talking about. Okay, this is how my hair looks in twist or braid outs on 5 inch afro. I do not like it on me at ALL. I prefer Wash n go curls for now. She'll be alright. She has a nice speaking voice, but I guess she threw some shade and turned people off.
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