Kimmaytube's new video

yeah....the shine and definition of the curls look nice. But the puffiness at the roots doesn't flow or look uniform with the overall look.
I almost forgot that its multi day hair and I didn't wan't to say anything because there's probably only so much "smoothing" that could be done on 4b? hair. I have seen better 4b hair roller sets though.
I don't think her hair looks that bad. I was expecting to see a hott mess.

With a little styling..I think it would be cute!
I wished she showed the fresh look of it and then the 5th day hair. Good for a first attempt thought and it being 5 days. I wouldn't walk out the house with it as is though.
Why are people hating on her rollerset? For 5-day old hair, I think it looks great; the curls are still defined and shiny.

If your problem with it is the disparity between the roots and the ends, that's really not fair. She did a rollerset, not an attempt to mimic type 3 hair. 5-day old, type 4 kinky hair kinks up at the roots if not stretched and obviously she is more concerned with preserving the curl at the ends than maintaining a smoother root area.

I think she did a good job with her fine, low density type 4 hair. :ohwell:
God forbid I ever show anybody here what my five day ANYTHING looks like. My hair doesn't hold a style for scrap.
I honestly thought it was going to be way worse based on the previous comments lol. Not something I would go outside with but for 5 day hair it doesnt look that bad to me. Throw it up in a curly pony and good to go!
I think it looks fine for 5 day old hair. She seems so much softer now that she's had her baby. She looked really cute in the video.
Good for 5 day hair is the same thing as just being good.

A twa with 20 inches of banana curls hanging from it is not what's hot in these streets.
After looking at the picture, the first few days looked alot better. For her to be selling her products, I would think she would have shown it when it was fresh so we could see it flowy and bouncy.

On another note, I think she has the cutest shape (especially after just having a baby).
Is it her texture that ya'll aren't liking?

I ask because I remember folks liking MahoganyCurls' roller set with textured roots.

Neither one is my favorite look. It looks like you worked out and your press is reverting. :nono::nono:

Lemme tell ya, I usually wear my hair curly. BUT if I am going to straighten, I want it all straight - roots and all.
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It's because her hair has no shape to it.

You don't just take out a rollerset (or twist out, braid out, etc) and leave it, you still need to style it some kind of way, even if it means just fluffing it up into some semblance of a shape.
I actually think her hair looks really nice. This rollerset now has me interested in her product line (especially the leave-in). So much so that I ordered all 4 products and will review it on my blog.