IT's over.. Relaxer pic updates


Well-Known Member
IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Hey all! I've updated my album for july. An as u've noticed I've decided to once again relax my hair. But stretching my relaxer past one year an 3 months was THE BEST thing I have ever done for my hair. So much so that I wont be relaxing my hair for at least another year. An I owe every bit of my growth to yalls *group huggles* lol

Ive included comparison pics from 2003 as well.

Password: hair

Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

i see you went thru with it. Your hair looks great and i'm glad that stretching out your relaxer was a positive experience
-- jainygirl
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Your progress is exceptonional! What did oyu do besides stretch relaxers?
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

WOW! Your hair has grown a lot. But I totally agree with you on getting a relaxer every 3 months. I also get a relaxer every three months and I find that my hair is a lot stronger and healthier.
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

What wonderful progress you've made!!!! Congrats!!!

your tat!!!
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Thanks yall *blush*

Tonya honestly I havent done anything lol, an noone ever believes me when I say that. Other than my traditional wash an go routine in which i washed conditioned an added some pantene leave in and olive or coconut oil to my hair. then i let my hair airdry in two pigtails or a bun to wear in a braidout style bun or ponytail. thats it!
I think one of the major keys to the growth was keeping my ends moisturised with leave ins an oils. as well as stretchin the relacer helped to eliminate any breakage. I slept in a satin scarf or at a least had a satin pillow case every nite to sleep on.

Thats all i can think of for now.
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Your hair looks wonderful
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Wow! @ all your comments. They mean alot comming from such a great group of women! Thanks so much ladies:)
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates


Your hair has grown so much! Did you use Surge or supplements? How did you handle tangles and 2 different textures during the long transition?
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

thanks megonw!

i used bioton hair force supplement with 500mcg's twice a day from march - may 2003. i found it was giving me breakouts so i stopped, the only other thing i use is a daily multivitamin for general health.

i have yet to try surge i know alot of ladies here say they got great results from it but i havent been able to find any here. however i have used WGO (wildgrowthoil) a couple times a month or so.

As for tangles an managing my two textures i made sure i only detangled my hair wen wet an full of conditoner. this made a HUGH diff! an the comb would just slid through
I plan on continuing this even though my hair is now relaxed.

Ill post my routine for u as well in a few mins
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

This regime was written wen i was still transitioning however i plan on keepin it the same since i wont be relaxing my hair for quite a while :

As for my regime... ever since I started transitioning my regime has gotten drastically simpler. I wash and condition my hair every week in the winter and every 2-3 days in the summer with Nexxus or Paul Mitchell products. As I condition I use a goody shower brush to detangle and seperate my hair into two parts. And use lekairs deep conditioner on my hair for 5-10 mins before rincing it out throughly. Finally I apply a Nexxus headress leave in conditioner to my hair and do one last brush through in the shower before banding my hair into pigtails and allowing my hair to air dry (or if I'm in a rush I'll sit under the dryer untill dry) Once in the pigtails I do not touch my hair untill fully dried. As my hair dries it forms lil waves/curlies which I finger comb into style. Thats it!

Any oils such as olive or coconut oils that I may choose to use I add into my hair while wet at the same time as the leave in conditioner.

I also do a protein treatment once a month and I'm a water hog lol I try to drink 8-10 glasses per day as well as use a reg daily multi-vitamin.

~~~`edited to add.... I air dry my hair either loose, in pigtails or in a bun. I also used the baggie technique(without the baggie, just vasolined up an into a bun) for a couple months into my transtition:)
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Hey skegeesmb!
I dont regret my decision at all. i prefer the look of my hair straight an this was a better option than constantly using heat on my hair. i def enjoyed getting to know my natural texture, i love my natural texture an this past year tought me so much. an now i get to start that journey all over again. i hope to stretch this relaxer out for the same lenght of time (one year +). and gain just as much, if not more
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Beautiful hair.

Are you and Hairlove the same person? j/k
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Your hair looks beautiful. You should be proud of your progress