Is heat a requirement for cornrows? (Transitioner)


Well-Known Member
I'm about 8 months post relaxer and I want cornrows (maybe with added hair). I can't cornrow so I'm planning on going to a stylist. The question is do I have to have my hair blowdried completely straight for cornrows. I have come to far for heat damage! I actually plan on washing and conditioning it myself at home, but am wondering if I can have it done on hair that has been airdried in sections. TIA :)


Well-Known Member
I do the same thing you do wash, moisturize, airdry, and have no problem doing my own hair. There is no reason for heat at all when preparing to braid hair!

But whenever I go to the shop, best believe they pull out that dang blowdryer with the comb to stretch it out! I hate that :mad: I don't even use a blow dryer at home! But they always do it.


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Tasha112 said:
but am wondering if I can have it done on hair that has been airdried in sections. TIA :)
yes you can! ;) When I was a transitioner with 7 months of new growth, I did this and allowed my cousin to cornrow my hair. HTH!


Well-Known Member
I got it done at the salon today with no blowdryer!!! :grin: Thank you ladies for letting me know it can be done and thank you so much weavediva for the tips.

Here's what I did:
I washed and conditioned it, put in my leave in and detangled. I divided my hair in 7 sections and banded the new growth. The next day it was dry and I could actually comb through the hair!

When I got to the salon, I told the lady who used to braid my hair when relaxed, that I am now transitioning and wanted to know if she could go ahead and braid it without blowing it out. She told me she has to or it won't look as neat. I asked her to try it anyways and we'll see. Then she said, well whatever you want me to do I will do. Well now my hair is in about 7 large cornrows and look fabulous as ever. She wanted to add hair at first but she said she is glad she didnt because my hair is so thick the rows look nice and plump. Well I'm happy that I have a nice vacation from my hair. I love this board!!!

Once I get a fotki account setup I'll post the many pics stored in my digi cam