Is Deep Conditioning Worth the Heat?


New Member
I am not using any direct heat, but I deep condition at least once a week by wearing a plastic cap under a hooded dryer. Do the benefits of deep conditioning with heat outweigh the potential damage of using heat? Can I obtain similar conditioning results by only wearing the plastic cap for longer, but not using any heat? TIA
I always sit under the dryer to deep condition. I honestly don't think it causes any damage. I haven't had any from doing this and I do it once sometimes twice a week.

I do think you could get the same effect from keeping it on longer though.
There's a big difference between dry heat and moisture. When your hair has a cap on it and you're using a hooded dryer, it creates moisture and allows the hair cuticles to be penetrated. Therefore, you get the moisturization in the inner cuticles of your hair.

I don't think the hooded dryer is damaging.
Armyqt said:
There's a big difference between dry heat and moisture. When your hair has a cap on it and you're using a hooded dryer, it creates moisture and allows the hair cuticles to be penetrated. Therefore, you get the moisturization in the inner cuticles of your hair.

I don't think the hooded dryer is damaging.
I agree you need moisture during condtioning. Heat helps with pentration in the hair. :ohwell:
I use a heating cap when I deep condition my hair I have seen a big difference since I started deep conditioning my hair is more moisturized.
I feel I get great benefits from just wearing the plastic cap for 30 minutes. The heat from my scalp causes the conditioner to penetrate my cuticles. I haven't compared it to using heat from a dryer - perhaps that would speed the penetration up or intensify it, I don't know.
I too don't think the hooded dryer used in this manner causes damage. However, if you don't want to use heat, why don't you purchase a "cholesterol cap" I think that is what they are called. They are mainly foil-like caps instead of the regular plastic one. It is supposed to do better to trap the body heat to help condition the hair with it on.

KAddy said:
I too don't think the hooded dryer used in this manner causes damage. However, if you don't want to use heat, why don't you purchase a "cholesterol cap" I think that is what they are called. They are mainly foil-like caps instead of the regular plastic one. It is supposed to do better to trap the body heat to help condition the hair with it on.

Did you find this at Sally's? I haven't seen it before. It looks like it's made of the same material that space blankets are made of (they retain heat in case of emergencies).
This was on the sally's website, so I am guessing they have it there. I have seen them in my local bss too. I am not sure if they are the same material as space blankets.
KAddy said:
This was on the sally's website, so I am guessing they have it there. I have seen them in my local bss too. I am not sure if they are the same material as space blankets.
Thank you KAddy. These caps look interesting. I wonder if any of the ladies have used these.
I think heat only speeds up the conditioning proces. I had success with or without heat . I doubt your hair will fall out if you dont use heat. As long as the conditioner is given enough time to penetrate the strands.
I've used this cap before. It's basically just a metallic shower cap. The only downfall was that the paint starts to peel off after a while and you have gold and silver flakes every where. HTH
I've tried the gold heating cap, and I got the same results as using a regular plastic cap with no heat.
I never used heat when (deep) conditioning. Too much work. And then, I only have a soft bonnet dryer and that doesn't work as well.

I usually wash my hair in the shower, then put in the conditioner and clip my hair up. I let the conditioner sit in my hair while I shower so the steam can work.
Me personally l feel I get better peneration by sitting under the dryer, I don't think the heat will do any damage. I also have used those metallic caps and it doesn't work any better than a regular plastic shower cap. You probably can also get a heat peneration with using a plastic cap and a warm wet towel over top of the cap.
Armyqt said:
There's a big difference between dry heat and moisture. When your hair has a cap on it and you're using a hooded dryer, it creates moisture and allows the hair cuticles to be penetrated. Therefore, you get the moisturization in the inner cuticles of your hair.

I don't think the hooded dryer is damaging.

ITA. Alternatively though, if you can't shake the worry about the dryer, you could always get a Mastex heat cap or even wrap a war towel around your plastic cap. I don't own a dryer, so I sit under my heat cap, and I get the same results I do under the dryer at the salon. HTH.
LegallySpeaking said:
I am not using any direct heat, but I deep condition at least once a week by wearing a plastic cap under a hooded dryer. Do the benefits of deep conditioning with heat outweigh the potential damage of using heat? Can I obtain similar conditioning results by only wearing the plastic cap for longer, but not using any heat? TIA

Thanks for posting...I was wondering the same thing. :scratchch
I stopped deep conditioning with heat because I was scared that the heat damages my hair.

I don't see any difference in the way that my hair comes out, and I'm able to just do it and not worry about damage, so I'll continue. :)