***!!! ~ I'm a Survivor ~ !!! ***

How's everyone today? I have been really pleased with Alter Ego Cren. I seem to have gotten a growth spurt from it. Anyone else have experience with this product?
Alter Ego Cren is

Curativ Ego Cren: Prevents hairloss through stimulating the cellular metabolism on the scalp. Contains active substances such as horse radish extracts and hydrolyzed soya proteins. Strengthens the hair bulbs.

It comes in a bottle with dropper. Sorry I can't post images.

GLad I found this thread.

I had the dreaded alopecia about 15 years ago. I had a silver dollar sized broken area in the crown of my head. It would itch like crazy. I treated with a shampoo prescribed by my derm and eventually the problem went away, with slight reoccurences.

Now, fast forward to this week. I have noticed I have a couple of spots, I think another member called them traction alopecia. I have one kinda of close to the front of my bangs and one on the left side of my head. I am at a lost. I have been natural for going on 10 months, rarely use heat, use only organic hair products and now this. I also wear either wigs or half wigs. Oh, to top it all off, my crown (where my first occurence was) is now breaking off again.

My diet has changed for the better, I am losing weight, drinking TONS of water and overall just eating better. I don't know if by my braiding my hair underneath my wigs/half wigs has caused this. There is no itching with any of the spots that I have, no irritation or redness. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe I need more iron in my diet because I am anemic. I also started using Ovation about 3-4 months ago and maybe that is the culprit. I don't know. I am at a lost in regards to the traction alopecia.

I have an appointment with the derm on the 28th, so we'll see. I might just take my hair products with me so he can see what I am using and the ingredients.
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sorry - just re-read that.

okay the location of the spots sounds like the combs from the half wigs?

I really don't use the combs....not the front ones. If I secure with a comb, it is the comb in the back. I was really careful when I first started using the wigs/half wigs because I knew that the combs could take your hair out. If I needed extra securing on the sides, I would use one bobby pin on each side and I rarely did that. So, it can't be the combs.

Told ya'.....I am truly stumped!
maybe its the friction of the wig rubbing against your scalp?

Hmmm, I never thought of that. However, I wear one of those wig protector stocking cap thingies....

I can handle the breakage on my crown because I know what to do to treat that but these other two spots have me very confused and worried. I hope this something that is temporary and that they grow back with the proper treatment.
Hmmm, I never thought of that. However, I wear one of those wig protector stocking cap thingies....

I can handle the breakage on my crown because I know what to do to treat that but these other two spots have me very confused and worried. I hope this something that is temporary and that they grow back with the proper treatment.

That there is your culprit !!!
GLad I found this thread.

I had the dreaded alopecia about 15 years ago. I had a silver dollar sized broken area in the crown of my head. It would itch like crazy. I treated with a shampoo prescribed by my derm and eventually the problem went away, with slight reoccurences.

Now, fast forward to this week. I have noticed I have a couple of spots, I think another member called them traction alopecia. I have one kinda of close to the front of my bangs and one on the left side of my head. I am at a lost. I have been natural for going on 10 months, rarely use heat, use only organic hair products and now this. I also wear either wigs or half wigs. Oh, to top it all off, my crown (where my first occurence was) is now breaking off again.

My diet has changed for the better, I am losing weight, drinking TONS of water and overall just eating better. I don't know if by my braiding my hair underneath my wigs/half wigs has caused this. There is no itching with any of the spots that I have, no irritation or redness. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe I need more iron in my diet because I am anemic. I also started using Ovation about 3-4 months ago and maybe that is the culprit. I don't know. I am at a lost in regards to the traction alopecia.

I have an appointment with the derm on the 28th, so we'll see. I might just take my hair products with me so he can see what I am using and the ingredients.

I hope its not the ovation. I started using MT for my ta about 2.5 weeks ago and want to continue. (no results yet)

Hey I dont know how true this is, but if you have a sensitive scalp that is prone to alopecia, anything that rubs or rests on your head, including scarves, edges of caps, hats, even sleeping on one side of your head can cause TA since it pulls at your hair, no matter how gentle.

If your patches are circular they're probably not TA. They may be the same as the crowning area but more difficult to treat.
The couple of spots I have (near my bangs and on the side) are not circular. It just looks like the hair has thinned out. Now the one I had at the crown WAS circular and use to itch. However, it is not as bad as it once was. I have had some breakage but not that bad, yet.

I think I will discontinue the Ovation and Boundless Tresses until I see the doctor.

Thank you ladies for your imput, I didn't mean to hijack the thread. I was just sitting at my desk at work thinking about my hair and after reading this thread, I went ahead and made an appointment.
Hey abcd09 and yvette, welcome to the thread.

There are so many great women here and putting our collective experience and knowledge together will enable us to reach our goals!!

Positively Radiant and abcd09, I think you guys hit the nail on the head. I tried wigging it when my hair began to come out, and I could see the hair coming out every day, just from the friction. Anything that rubs along my hair line can cause the hairs to come out, unfortunately. I had to let the wigs go with a quickness. Even scarfing my hair up at night, i have to tie it reallly loose or use a large cap to keep the friction off of my head. It also began to affect my nape area, as well. :perplexed

I would not discontinue the ovation/megatek or boundless tresses, though. I would keep at it and see a doctor.

Are you averse to scalp injections? This may be what you need to kick off your re-growth spurt. When I first found the board I tried mn/sulfur 8 combo. It really works, but it gave me atrocious headaches. I couldn't bear it.

I'm so glad you made an appointment. Let us know how it goes. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need to, we are all here to help and learn.

That there is your culprit !!!

I hope its not the ovation. I started using MT for my ta about 2.5 weeks ago and want to continue. (no results yet)

Hey I dont know how true this is, but if you have a sensitive scalp that is prone to alopecia, anything that rubs or rests on your head, including scarves, edges of caps, hats, even sleeping on one side of your head can cause TA since it pulls at your hair, no matter how gentle.

If your patches are circular they're probably not TA. They may be the same as the crowning area but more difficult to treat.

The couple of spots I have (near my bangs and on the side) are not circular. It just looks like the hair has thinned out. Now the one I had at the crown WAS circular and use to itch. However, it is not as bad as it once was. I have had some breakage but not that bad, yet.

I think I will discontinue the Ovation and Boundless Tresses until I see the doctor.

Thank you ladies for your imput, I didn't mean to hijack the thread. I was just sitting at my desk at work thinking about my hair and after reading this thread, I went ahead and made an appointment.
Thanks for posting, curlyninjagirl. How's your hair doing? Do you have a reggie that's working for you? Please share.

I am a redeemed micro braids abuser. When I was dumb about hair care I was rockin' those micros for 5 years with only 1-3 week breaks in between rebraiding. I did NOT moisturize them daily. :nono: I did NOT scarf my hair at night. :nono: And I did NOT re-do the hair line 2 weeks in like you're supposed to. :nono:

When I think about my poor hair line (especially the right side, the side I sleep on) and how those tight braids shredded my hair up I just wanna :wallbash:

DJKforeal, I think you are right that those areas will grow back. I just read that there is an 80% chance of regrowth in those suffering with alopecia.

I believe that there is a good chance that those areas will grow back if you really take care of them and stop pulling your hair tight altogether and leave the relaxer alone, some peoples scalp are just too sensitive for any type of chemicals no matter how little. Those areas in the photos don't look very shiny and there are little hairs there, so you should use natural oils and moisturize daily on those areas. Have you ever tried Natures Blessings? It is an herbal pomade or grease that has all of the essential oils recommended for hair growth in it with minimal unnatural oils like mineral. Hope everything goes well at the Doctor, but they will only recommend synthetic substances to help with your problem.

Ajoke, come on back and share when you can.

subscribing. I am battling the same issues. I think I naturally have a weak hairline which I have aggravated with weaves and cornrows etc done too tight. I'll be back to add more to this post.

Thanks for bumping us, preciousloveox. Feel free to post sometime.

i really like this thread bump bump :yep:

I think it would be great if we could all list products used, reggies, etc...what didn't work (or did work) for you may work for the next Survivor.

I think most of all, we have all expressed having sensitive scalps. Do any of you suffer from headaches - migraines? I think alot of this may tie into blood flow to the scalp, as well....i'm just thinking out loud, here.

For those of you looking to thicken, the waistlength cocktail has helped me tremendously. I'm having a hard time posting my pics, but i'll share before and after.

I am still nursing my hairline/edges, though - i've still got a way to go. Taking it one step at a time.
I really don't use the combs....not the front ones. If I secure with a comb, it is the comb in the back. I was really careful when I first started using the wigs/half wigs because I knew that the combs could take your hair out. If I needed extra securing on the sides, I would use one bobby pin on each side and I rarely did that. So, it can't be the combs.

Told ya'.....I am truly stumped!

My temples thinned when I was wearing half wigs because I was wearing my hair pulled back too much with the wig.

I made a thread about it here. http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=462578

It's been 5 months, and I havent noticed much of a difference. I was mad at myself for letting that happen but the damage is not that bad. It could be worse. I just started using essential oils and JBCO so we'll see. I went to a trichologist and she said it may not ever be the way I want it but she said it looks like I should be getting more growth in those areas. *keeping fingers crossed*

I wanted to get a scalp biopsy but she didnt think the damage was significant enough to get one:ohwell:

Has anyone tried profective growth renew. I never tried it but I've been seeing it at the BSS and in ads in magazine and the before and after pictures are like wow. Some of the women were bald and the sides and most of their hair grew back.

Here's a link. http://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-growth-treatment/SBS-370301,default,pd.html?cgid=Men01

((HUGS)) to all you ladies. I know how devastating hair loss can be. I'm glad OP made this thread so that we can support each other.
Thanks Locabouthair, yeah, we need all the support we can get. (((BIGGER HUG)))

I'll click on the link and see how that product looks.

If anyone has any experience with it, please post.
My temples thinned when I was wearing half wigs because I was wearing my hair pulled back too much with the wig.

I made a thread about it here. http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=462578

It's been 5 months, and I havent noticed much of a difference. I was mad at myself for letting that happen but the damage is not that bad. It could be worse. I just started using essential oils and JBCO so we'll see. I went to a trichologist and she said it may not ever be the way I want it but she said it looks like I should be getting more growth in those areas. *keeping fingers crossed*

I wanted to get a scalp biopsy but she didnt think the damage was significant enough to get one:ohwell:

Has anyone tried profective growth renew. I never tried it but I've been seeing it at the BSS and in ads in magazine and the before and after pictures are like wow. Some of the women were bald and the sides and most of their hair grew back.

Here's a link. http://www.sallybeauty.com/hair-growth-treatment/SBS-370301,default,pd.html?cgid=Men01

((HUGS)) to all you ladies. I know how devastating hair loss can be. I'm glad OP made this thread so that we can support each other.

I know how you feel. My hairline is getting a bit thin and I know that must be a result of my wigs. So, I have to doctor on that to see I can get it thickened up. I was flirting with seeing a trichologist as well but the one I found in Dallas, I wasn't so sure of. I need to see if there are any reviews of this trichologist before I run to go spend my money.

I got my hair cut this weekend (remaining relaxer ends cut off) and it is in a bob. I think the best thing I can do for now is lightly oil my scalp and massage and put my wigs away for awhile and wear my hair. I have a feeling that is what the derm is going to say.........lol
^^^ Be careful with the wigs, full wigs will wipe my hairline out in a sec, but I have had good luck w/ half wigs. Your smart to give them a rest for awhile.

I am liking JBCO on my edges- I am seeing lots of baby hair:)
^^^ Yvette - just to put in my two cents.

I don't think half wigs are a bad styling option, I just feel that you need to choose your half wigs carefully. i.e. you can make sure they sit about 1/2 an inch behind the hairline and find a safe way to secure. Also avoid half wigs that require lots of styling or tension to blend.

If in doubt match the half wig to your hair and not the other way round.
Have you ever had your water supply, house or water pipes tested for lead?

No I didn't and I'm in the process of doing that now. :) I've been washing my hair in the sink and boiling water. I also use a Nettle tea and Coffee rinse after using a conditioner that I mix with garlic juice. So far, no more itchies and I'm getting some growth. I'm scheduled for an endoscopy on Sunday to see about my stomach, not looking forward to it but hopefully I can get some relief. Will keep all posted.
Found this information on Minoval...have read good reviews about it.

Solution 2%, Solution 5% Extra strength, Plus, MOB, Shampoo, Conditioner, Leave-in Conditione, Relaxer

helps prevent hair loss,
and stimulates new
growth, at the root.


1) MINOVAL Lotion stimulates and enlarges
hair follicles that have shrunken over time
due to a combination of hormonal activity
and heredity. So it's actually reversing the
hair loss process.
2) MINOVAL Lotion also prolongs the growth
period of hair. In the natural life cycle of the
hair, a growth phase alternates with a resting
phase. When your hair has extended growth
phases, it is able to become thicker and
3) MINOVAL Lotion repairs the scalp from
the damages caused by using hair relaxer or
the sun, and prepare your scalp for new

Contact Information
Email : [email protected]

To order Minoval Plus or Minoval MOB write to:
KNN Distributors
P.O. Box 213063
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
2% & 5%
While the FDA approved Minoxidil for men in 1988 and for women in 1991, Minoval was already in use in Haiti since 1984. Having
extensively studied hair thinning and hair loss, the makers of Minoval have established themselves as leading experts in the science and
treatment of this condition, for men and for women.
Perhaps of greater comfort to you is the fact that it contains minoxidil, the only ingredient the FDA has approved for the treatment of
hereditary hair thinning in women.
Minoval is a topical solution that is applied to your scalp. It does not affect hormones. So among other reasons why women choose it is the
fact that Minoval is safe and doesn't require a prescription.
The scientific research shows why Minoval is safe and effective: no major side effects were reported by the dermatologists who conducted
extensive clinical studies.
Other Considerations. A small percentage of users — about 6% — experience scalp irritation. If that happens to you, make sure you have
been using a gentle shampoo — like Minoval Plus Shampoo and Rinse. You can also use a mild dandruff shampoo twice a week to help
keep your scalp healthy. If the irritation still doesn't clear up, stop use and see your doctor.
It is important that pregnant or nursing women do not use Minoval.
Positively Radiant, There's minoxidil in it and other stuff. However, my research has shown that the hair doesn't come out once you discontinue usage (which happens with minoxidil/rogaine).
Found this information on Minoval...have read good reviews about it.

Solution 2%, Solution 5% Extra strength, Plus, MOB, Shampoo, Conditioner, Leave-in Conditione, Relaxer

helps prevent hair loss,
and stimulates new
growth, at the root.


1) MINOVAL Lotion stimulates and enlarges
hair follicles that have shrunken over time
due to a combination of hormonal activity
and heredity. So it's actually reversing the
hair loss process.
2) MINOVAL Lotion also prolongs the growth
period of hair. In the natural life cycle of the
hair, a growth phase alternates with a resting
phase. When your hair has extended growth
phases, it is able to become thicker and
3) MINOVAL Lotion repairs the scalp from
the damages caused by using hair relaxer or
the sun, and prepare your scalp for new

Contact Information
Email : [email protected]

To order Minoval Plus or Minoval MOB write to:
KNN Distributors
P.O. Box 213063
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
2% & 5%
While the FDA approved Minoxidil for men in 1988 and for women in 1991, Minoval was already in use in Haiti since 1984. Having
extensively studied hair thinning and hair loss, the makers of Minoval have established themselves as leading experts in the science and
treatment of this condition, for men and for women.
Perhaps of greater comfort to you is the fact that it contains minoxidil, the only ingredient the FDA has approved for the treatment of
hereditary hair thinning in women.
Minoval is a topical solution that is applied to your scalp. It does not affect hormones. So among other reasons why women choose it is the
fact that Minoval is safe and doesn't require a prescription.
The scientific research shows why Minoval is safe and effective: no major side effects were reported by the dermatologists who conducted
extensive clinical studies.
Other Considerations. A small percentage of users — about 6% — experience scalp irritation. If that happens to you, make sure you have
been using a gentle shampoo — like Minoval Plus Shampoo and Rinse. You can also use a mild dandruff shampoo twice a week to help
keep your scalp healthy. If the irritation still doesn't clear up, stop use and see your doctor.
It is important that pregnant or nursing women do not use Minoval.

I've used Minoval and I honestly could not use it for long because it made my scalp itch terribly! I have an old jar and I wonder if I should mix a little in my hair concoctment w/ MN? I can try and see what happens..
Not sure, but I think it's due to the added ingredients..?

I wonder why you could discontinue this but not traditional Minoxodil?

I would try it and see how it goes, if I were you. But you know, they say when your scalp is itchin' - some hair is growin'.

I've used Minoval and I honestly could not use it for long because it made my scalp itch terribly! I have an old jar and I wonder if I should mix a little in my hair concoctment w/ MN? I can try and see what happens..