I want the itchies!!!!!


New Member
Not those kind of itchies, but the ones folks are getting when they take the hair supplements and their scalp itches, and their hair has grown crazy as a result. I've been taking 2 of my 1000mcg Vitamin b12 tablets(33,332% of DV), 2 of the GNC Ultra Nourishair, 2 of the GNC Silica tablets, 2 of the Country Life Maxi-Hair, and 1800 mcg of GNC Biotin. That's 7mg of Biotin in total of biotin from all the supplements and my hair has been itching somewhat but not like you guys describe. Is it not growing?:confused:

I want my growth rate to increase within the next month. Between now and August, I want 6" of growth. August is 7-8 months away, so I figure that if I can get 1" a month like some of you guys then it's perhaps possible...
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i get the itches and pain from lenzi's request, my mother does too. i don't know if it's helping it grow or not. i have hair anorexia(sp) like that one thread talked about :lol: . my mother, on the other hand, said her hair is going and she's only been using it for about 1 1/2 week
i'm definitley experiencing "the itchies" after taking Puritans Pride Biotin 300mcg's, I take 2 daily. Sometimes the follicle action feels uncomfortable(kinda hurts!:confused: ....not pain though...),
it feels as though you can actually feel the hair pushing through the scalp.:eek:
I'm taking those vitamins but I don't get the itches. Maybe I don't recognize the signs when my hair itch but I can tell my hair is growing.
My itchies are not all the time, they come and go. Why, I don't know, but I do know that I only started getting them when I added Evening Primrose and GNC Silica to my vitamin regimen.
I'm having them right now, it must be due from all of those omega 3-6-9 oil pills and multi-vitamins I've been consuming for that last little while. I want to relax now but don't know if it's really necessary yet.(it's been over 10 weeks)
Hey BWE! i just started taking GNC Silica too! Well immendiately after i take my vits my scalp tinlges a little, and this morning i felt as if a patch of hair on my scalp was starting throb as if there was movement going on under the scalp. Not to say that it meant "growth", but that I'm wondering if this is what some of you ladies experienced when you got your growth from the vits. I should be recieveing my Gueye's Hair oil on Mon. or Tues. and on that day I'll relax my hair so that I can see if the vits and oil and oraganic( or near organic) diet helps me get my 6" in eight months. If I get 1'' a month from doing this then it might work...