I have a few questions about the S-curl Texturizer.


New Member
I want to try the S-curl texturizer but, I want to run it by you ladies first. Also its my first texlax. After applying the S-curl texturizer can I do various styles such as, braids, sewn in, and extensions, etc ? Also can I blowdry and, hot comb it, or will all that damage my hair? I have also notice that this isn't no ordinary texturizer because after applied to the hair it gets curly. How many times do you recommend that I wash my hair?
Hmm - you can do anything you want to it, but you have to remember that once your hair has been chemically processed it may have different needs. You might want to start incorporating more protein into your regimen since the bonds will be weakened by the texturizer.

I would suggest that if you want to straighten you use a flat iron as opposed to a hot comb - a hot comb may be too harsh for your softened hair, where as a flat iron will allow you to control the temp more. Depending on how long you leave the texturizer in, you may be able to get it straight with just blowdrying.
Hmm - you can do anything you want to it, but you have to remember that once your hair has been chemically processed it may have different needs. You might want to start incorporating more protein into your regimen since the bonds will be weakened by the texturizer.

I would suggest that if you want to straighten you use a flat iron as opposed to a hot comb - a hot comb may be too harsh for your softened hair, where as a flat iron will allow you to control the temp more. Depending on how long you leave the texturizer in, you may be able to get it straight with just blowdrying.

thanks for the info