Relaxer on top of Texturizer??


Well-Known Member
Is it or to apply a Lye relaxer over texturized hair??? Last time I touched up I used Linage texturizer and I hated the results. When my hair is dry my roots were puffy and thick, like I hadn't applied anything to my hair. :sad: Right now I'm 8 weeks post and I want to texlax with Mizani Butter Blend, but I'm scared as hell! I know applying a relaxer onto a Jherri Curl or Curly Perm is a no-no, but I have no idea about the texturizer. I need to do a hard protein treatment for a couple of weeks prior to applying the relaxer??? Help!!
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding, it's just a relaxer, not a different chemical like a jherri curl. When we texlax, it's just leaving a relaxer on for a fraction of the time you normally would. So putting a relaxer on top of it, would only be finishing the process, no? Like a corrective of sorts?

This is all my own thoughts as to how it should work, not necessarily what would happen. I'm hoping someone else will chime in with a real answer. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.
If you did not texturize with a relaxer, then please DO NOT place a relaxer over it! :nono: You will lose all of your hair to breakage if you do! Unfortunately if you want to texlax, you need to wait until your hair grows out and cut off the texturized ends.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding, it's just a relaxer, not a different chemical like a jherri curl. When we texlax, it's just leaving a relaxer on for a fraction of the time you normally would. So putting a relaxer on top of it, would only be finishing the process, no? Like a corrective of sorts?

This is all my own thoughts as to how it should work, not necessarily what would happen. I'm hoping someone else will chime in with a real answer. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help.

A texturizer and a telax are two different things. If you're loosening your curl pattern with a relaxer chemical, then you're texlaxing. The OP stated that she texturized her hair with the use of a texturizer chemical, not a relaxer chemical. Those two different chemicals do not mix at all.

I speak from experience! I wouldn't want anyone to loose their hair like I did :yep:
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Now this may be a dumb question, but what about the opposite? Could you texturize hair that has been texlaxed with a relaxer? :look:
Ok, so if I can't use a relaxer, how do I "correct" the hair that was texturized. Once I go back to the relaxer, I will still have this hair that is neither relaxed or properly texturized. And since it looks the way that it does, how will I know where to stop once I apply my relaxer?? :perplexed

Lord, now I know why people go natural. :nono:
I did this before. I Bc'ed but was ashamed of my natural i texturized...still not happy..i decided to place a relaxer on top! Why the heck did i do that??? Girl my hair started to break and frizz up! please just let it go out and start over...
I wouldn't recommend that at all!

These are two completely different chemicals. I would recommend PS-ing for now till you decide whether you want to cut and start all over or you want to continue texturizing (just with a different brand/method/salonist). whatever you do, please don't put a relaxer on texturized hair