OMG!!! (drooling) GIRL- your hair is GORGEOUS!!!! I can't believe how much hair you have at 18 months!!! I hope to have as much hair as you when I chop at 2 yrs!.
Looks awesome. I'm sure you are a great inspiration for those long term transitioners. I liked your kinky twist tutorial as well.
Wow, your hair is gorgeous! What an inspiration :) I plan on a long transition as well. I hope my hair looks that good when I finally cut off the relaxed ends :yep: What a difference. As soon as you let those ends go, your curls just popped, and they look so pretty. It's a great look for you.
Way to Go!

You and Your hair is GORGEOUS!!!!
It looks beautiful.
I always admire your siggy pic when I see it too
I must have watched the video but forgot to post :look:
Congrats on your BC and cool that you made and shared a video of it:yep:

looks lovely!
mg! I'm looking at your hair pre-BC and I don't see what took so long! Your natural hair is gorgeous!!!!

Congratulations on the BC, and thanks for sharing it with us!
After transitioning for 1 year, 6 months and 11 days (hehe).

I decided to do the big chop. Had just finished watching adulthood @ the cinema (crap film btw) and couldn't wait to rush home to do it!!!

I can't believe I waited so long, but I'm glad the transition is over. Nothing looked right on my transitioning hair, and it always looked as if I had a mullet :nono:

I have a video of the BC :)

Ooh, any 3b/3c naturals with fotkis I can stalk? :)

Wow! You, your hair, AND your accent :)look:) are beautiful! Such an inspiration :)
yup..this is definitely insipiration to transition for a second time..excellent growth and gorgeous hair! you go!

another long term transitioner bites the dust :ohwell:
and when you were done with your BC
I was like :blush: Tracee Ellis Who???
It looks very cute on you !!!
I am about 17 months into my transition...
I plan to stick with it until I reach MBL
... we have similar hair types
so it is an inspiration to see how lovely your hair
came out after the BC... go you!!!
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You are so crazy!!! :lachen:I love the video:) You have a lot of beautiful hair. How did you last 18 months??? I can barely make it 1 year. LOVE YOUR STYLE GIRL!!!
It looks good.

I didn't realize it was you I was watching on a kinky twist tutorial last week either. :lol:
Lol the Baileys and ice!!! Your hair looks rather sick! It suits you whether natural or straight!!! Beautiful as usual!

Crissi, x
Your youtube was great!! I love your hair! That was very inspiring. I've been thinking about going natural for a long time now. Thanks!!
Thank you sooo much for the support ladies!

Don't think I could have got this far without the great threads/advice on here!
I'm so excited about my hair lol. I never imagined it would look like this, or be so easy to manage! I've co-washed EVERY DAY since the BC.

I love itttttt lol

Thanks again ladies! :yep::grin: