I cowashed this morning....Can I relax tonight?


Well-Known Member
Hey Hairmily! (A little concotion of Hair and Family)

Yesterday evening I took out my sewn in which was only in for a week. However, prior to that, I had a weave in for about 6 weeks.

I am finally ready to relax after an 18 week stretch. However, I cowashed this morning with my roomates Pantene Hydrating curls, then Deep Conditioned in the shower Aussie Deep Conditioner, rinsed detangled and slicked back into a bun.

---Long story shorter I want to relax tonight? Can I?
I think u already know the answer- bad idea, but upto u.

Thanx for the response :look:

--I didn't know the answer that's why I posted the question and while I understand that it is ultimately up to me, I wanted to know what you guys thought.

....Thanx again.
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Nope, wait two days then relax.

OKay, see I knew there was a bit of a time frame but I was not sure how long. Because, the way I saw it, I had just conditioned it this morning but the only difference was with water and conditioner.

Two days will do. I just couldnt wait a whole week. Heck Naw.

OKay, see I knew there was a bit of a time frame but I was not sure how long. Because, the way I saw it, I had just conditioned it this morning but the only difference was with water and conditioner.

Two days will do. I just couldnt wait a whole week. Heck Naw.

You're welcome. Yeah. it has to do with your pores being opened and scalp agitation. If you did do it today, the relaxer would burn you. If you waited for the 2 days, it gives your scalp a chance to rest from the agitation. Don't scratch for those 2 days and you'll be good to go for the perm :yep:
Even though I'm natural I used to be relaxed so I'm gonna throw in my 2 cents :grin:

Your scalp seems pretty sensitive... even if you DIDN'T cw the fact that you just took out a sewin should be enough to tell you that if you do do a relaxer you're risking scalp irritation.. I say wait it out.. but by all means do you.
Yes you can do it...if you want your scalp to burn :burn:! I'm natural, but in my relaxed days, any touching of the scalp was a big no no :nono: prior to getting a touch up.
Thanx for the response :look:

--I didn't know the answer that's why I posted the question and while I understand that it is ultimately up to me, I wanted to know what you guys thought.

....Thanx again.

Sorry :lachen:I really thought it was one of those moments when you know its bad for you....but you want to be convinced that its ok..sorry ....glad your gonna wait x
I always wash with poo and condition in the morning and relax at night. I've always done this when doing my own hair. When I went to the hairdresser she refuse to relax it wet and I always burned when she did it. I never burn when I wash first.
I always wash with poo and condition in the morning and relax at night. I've always done this when doing my own hair. When I went to the hairdresser she refuse to relax it wet and I always burned when she did it. I never burn when I wash first.
:blush:You relaxed your hair wet?? Wow, you REALLY ARE gangsta! :lol: My head would be one big scab.
I always wash with poo and condition in the morning and relax at night. I've always done this when doing my own hair. When I went to the hairdresser she refuse to relax it wet and I always burned when she did it. I never burn when I wash first.

Thanx so much for your insight. :grin:
I think you should wait a few days since you just took out your weave yesterday. Your scalp is probably a little irritated so you might want to give your scalp some time to heal before putting in a relaxer, otherwise I think it might burn badly.
Lawd, I have to wait more than 2 days to put a relaxer in my head after I wash.

My scalp is sen-si-tive.....:nono:

GL w/ that tho'.
I personally wouldn't do it!:nono: I guess it depends on how sensitive your scalp is. My last stretch was about 18 weeks, and I had a weave in for 3 weeks of that period. After I took it down I waited a week to relax b/c I wanted to give the hair time to 'breathe' before I did something else to it. And even after all that my scalp was still burning and I had to have my stylist wash it out way before she finished working it all the way through.