How much water is enough?


New Member
Hi ladies,
I have been drinking a lot of water lately because I heard that it can contribute to healthier and longer hair. How much water should I be drinking to see improvements in the health and length of my hair? What results have you noticed from water in your own hair? Thanks for the infof
I've never drank water for the benefit of my hair, skin yes, hair no. I'd be interested to see what others have noticed. I would imagine it would help to keep hair hydrated since it does so for the skin....Maybe flushing out toxins helps with vitamin absorption? I would also like to know who has clear tee-tee and what they take? Gross, yes, but I'm concerned that my 10-16 glasses of water a day is not getting rid of what the b vitamins do to it? Anyone dare to help me figure this one out? Although, I know it's been not the same since nursing, but I stopped that when my son was 8 mos and he's 20 mos.
The recommending amount of water is your body weight divided in half, equals the amount of ounzes you should drink.

I weigh 120 and im supossed to drink 60 oz a day but really i drink about 100oz

Ive noticed the biggest difference in my skin , it just radiates! it glows and its so soft! As for my hair, im not sure if its the water i drink thats making my hair seem less dry and i also dont have any flaky scalp. .. Not to mention i need the water to take out any extra vit, and toxitity in my system..

But as always, i have to put here, that it is posiible to OD on water,, so make sure you know how is the max for your body.
I was in the health club the other day and there was a female personal trainer working with two women. She stretched one woman's arms behind her and told her that she had alot of toxins built up. She told her to step on the scale. I heard her say 171 to the woman and then she went and wrote something down on some paper for a few seconds (some kind of mathematical formula) then she told her that she should be consuming 120 oz. of water daily. I don't know what the heck she did to get that number, but found that very interesting.
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your body weight divided in half, equals the amount of ounzes you should drink

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I also just heard this formula the other day...on some fitness program.
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Supergirl said:
I was in the health club the other day and there was a female personal trainer working with two women. She stretched one woman's arms behind her and told her that she had alot of toxins built up. She told her to step on the scale. I heard her say 171 to the woman and then she went and wrote something down on some paper for a few seconds (some kind of mathematical formula) then she told her that she should be consuming 120 oz. of water daily. I don't know what the heck she did to get that number, but found that very interesting.

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Eww, that gave me chills. I wonder how he was able to tell how many toxins were in her body. That makes me feel gross. I've got to drink a TON more water, no matter what.
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emgurl said:
The recommending amount of water is your body weight divided in half, equals the amount of ounzes you should drink.

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when i had a colonic last year, they told me the same thing!
what type of water to drink?

DOes anyone know what type of water is he best to drink (eg, spring, natural,etc)?

I personally drink Poland Spring which is natural but my esthecian told me to dring just spring water. Does it make a difference. (I had spring water before but I don't like the taste of it)
Re: Water intake calculator

Brita said that I must drink 10 cups a day

plus the only water i really drink is what comes out of my brita pitcher.
Re: Water intake calculator

Brita told me that I need to drink 10 glasses as well as it is I have enough problems getting to 8 glasses
. I've been trying to drink more water and less soda since mid- February, I've gotten better but am still working on it.
Re: Water intake calculator

Thanks for the info. ladies,
The reason I asked was that my friend had a baby last year and ofcourse I know her extreme hairgrowth was due to her prenatal vitamins, but she also feels that her increased intake of water helped. I'm currently drinking about 3 liters of water a day. My skin has been looking great I'm just hoping that I can see a difference in my hair when I take out these braids in two weeks. Anyway any more light on this subject is much appreciated.
Re: Water intake calculator

i read in African Holistic Health you must consume half your body weight. For instance if you weight 180 you must drink 90 ounce of water a day
Re: Water intake calculator

I was just thinking about this on my way home. I have been drinking lots of water lately. My hair does not feel as dry as it used too. I think I read in a hair magazine that hair breaks off because you are not hydrated from the inside. So I have been trying to drink atleast 12 glasses a day which is a huge step for me. I drink Fiji water in the square bottle it has nutrients in it that promote hair growth (I think Silica) or something like that. It takes pretty good to me.
Re: Water intake calculator

i have been drinking at least 1.5 litres each day for 3 months or more. my skin, lips, hair and scalp are not as dry anymore plus i feel much much better and less lethargic. this is the way to go!
Re: Water intake calculator

Brita recommends that I drink 10 glasses of water per day. I usually drink about a 1/2 gallon per day, even if that doesn't equal to 10 glasses, I think that's enough for me.

I don't drink soda anymore - 3 years sober (Pepsi, I miss you soo much), so if you do, try to stop and drink water instead. I know it sounds lame, but you'll probably notice a change in skin, hair, and nails. I did, and so did other people when they started asking me about my skin and nails especially.
Re: Water intake calculator

They recommended I drink 8, I must not be active enough "Note to self You've got to start exercising or something" !
Re: Water intake calculator

Since I work out I generally try to drink 8-12 cups per day. I seldom drink soda.
