how do you REALLY heat-deep condition your hair?

jainygirl said:
Then i lean back over the sink, rinse my hair, run the comb thru it while the water runs thru it, pat it dry and detangle it while it is still flipped upside down,which is normally pretty easy cause i've had my hair in one direction the whole time

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OMG Jainygirl!!
If I tried to detangle my hair like that, I don't think I'd have any hair left on my head!! I have to be really gentle with my hair while I'm combing it out - I really take my time and try not to get frustrated!! How in the world is it so easy for you to detangle? Especially with your hair all forward?? You must have some STRONG strands, girl!!
(OK; then again, right now I'm approaching 16 weeks since last touch-up so maybe that's why I can't fathom this concept right now!!
Before I purchased a detachable hose for my sink,the hopping in/out the shower was my technique,but now I just wash in the shower,get out and deep condition,sit under the dryer,and wash my hair in my kitchen sink.
you guys are incredible! this thread turned out to be so freakin' hilarious. i really had no idea on how many people acutally wash their hair in the sink (i've never tried it by myself before)...

i'm LOVING the idea of tying it in with one's exercise routine!! i'm also liking the pre-conditioning idea.

keep the posts comin', guys!
sephora said:
i'm LOVING the idea of tying it in with one's exercise routine!! i'm also liking the pre-conditioning idea.

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You know, I've actually considered going to the gym with my conditioner & plastic cap on my head while I work out.
It would be soooo convenient that way. I haven't mustered up the courage yet though..I really find it difficult to find a time to even do a deep conditioner since I'm always headed to the gym and sweating it up/rinsing again.
I do it just how you described it. I almost "have" to b/c I live in an apartment and by the time I apply my deep conditioner, the water is running cold. Of course, this is only once a week when I shampoo wash and deep condition.

When I CO wash, I just hop in and out and that's it.
I can't stand jumping in and out of the shower. I wash my hair over the tub if I'm doing something like an aphogee treatment., apply the aphogee, bake it in under the dryer, then get in the shower to rinse it out, apply conditioner in the shower, scrub up while the conditioner sits, then rinse.
If I am doing a moisture treatment with heat after the aphogee, I still rinse aphogee out in the shower, put my moisture treatment and a shower cap on, dry off and get dressed (junky clothes like old t-shirt and shorts), sit under my heat cap and then rinse over the tub.
sephora said:
ok, this is what i don't get (i came to the epiphany last night): do you guys...

(1) hop in the shower
(2) wash your hair, rinse, wash again
(3) wash your body
(4) apply protein conditioner of choice
(5) then get out of the freakin' shower
(6) dry off, apply a heat cap (or sit under a home-dryer)
(7) then hop back into the freakin' shower
(8) rinse out protein, then apply moisturing conditioner
(9) rinse out after 5 min, then hop out of the shower again
(10) dry off and dry hair and then apply leave-in?

you have GOT to be kidding?!

(1) aren't you guys PRUNES by the end of this process?
(2) does it take you like 3 hours from the time you started to the time you finish styling?
(3) don't you get sick of this?!

do tell. i'm so curious.

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I do it like this, but only once a month. The other times I wash my hair (which is once a week due to long work hours) I just wash my hair and apply the conditioner. I do my acne routine for my face while the conditioner is sitting on my hair. I then rinse my face and my hair. Then I add lust. While the lust is sitting on my hair with a plastic cap I wash my body, after I wash my body I rinse off the lust, and the soap off. I then get out and commence to blowdrying my hair. It takes 20 minutes at the most.

But on that one month wash I do all of the above except before the blowdrying. I hop out and turn off the shower. I then have my handy terry cloth robe ready, put that on, and then I add the protein reconstructor to my hair. I let dry with the aid of a blowdryer to speed up the drying time. I then get into the shower again to rinse out once it's dry. Then I add my Motions protein oil moisturizer. I sit under a dryer for 15 minutes.

After that, I just take the detachable shower nozzle and rinse my hair (I have a stand up shower in this bathroom). That I'm only wetting my hair.

This all takes me 45 minutes total to do this. The long part is my blowdrying process. But if I just air dried it would take me 45 minutes.
Lindy said:
jainygirl said:
Then i lean back over the sink, rinse my hair, run the comb thru it while the water runs thru it, pat it dry and detangle it while it is still flipped upside down,which is normally pretty easy cause i've had my hair in one direction the whole time

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OMG Jainygirl!!
If I tried to detangle my hair like that, I don't think I'd have any hair left on my head!! I have to be really gentle with my hair while I'm combing it out - I really take my time and try not to get frustrated!! How in the world is it so easy for you to detangle? Especially with your hair all forward?? You must have some STRONG strands, girl!!
(OK; then again, right now I'm approaching 16 weeks since last touch-up so maybe that's why I can't fathom this concept right now!!

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girl, i'm a lazy bum
i sit in a chair and just keep my head leaned over and run the comb through it slowly. Sitting down helps me alot
I will be right up there with you next time--i'm stretching out my relaer from 8 weeks to 12, hopefully i don't go insane when i try to wash it as i get closer to my touchup. i'm stretching out my relaxer from 8 weeks to 12
I do this every week!
I can't bend over in the sink. Hurts my back. I need the stream of the shower to help me with the tangles and stuff.
sephora said:
ok, this is what i don't get (i came to the epiphany last night): do you guys...

(1) hop in the shower
(2) wash your hair, rinse, wash again
(3) wash your body
(4) apply protein conditioner of choice
(5) then get out of the freakin' shower
(6) dry off, apply a heat cap (or sit under a home-dryer)
(7) then hop back into the freakin' shower
(8) rinse out protein, then apply moisturing conditioner
(9) rinse out after 5 min, then hop out of the shower again
(10) dry off and dry hair and then apply leave-in?

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That's what I do but instead of drying off I put on my spa robe and surf the net while I do my heat conditionings. Deep conditioning or protein conditioning is at least 30 mins each. Sometimes I do this after I've done the same thing for my girls. Their hair is done in the kitchen sink though.
i do the hopping in and out numerous times. what helps is having a nice THICK terry robe for cold months and a thin one for warmer months. I also keep baby oil in the shower to seal in moisture before i jump out each time. I think this actually makes me softer (at least my bf says so
Re: how do you REALLY heat-deep condition your hai

jetcitygirl said:
I'm glad you brought this up because it is a bit of a dilemna for me. I usually apply my deep conditioner in the shower, put on a plastic cap, finish my shower, go sit at the computer with my heat cap plugged in for 20-30 minutes, dink around the house for a while, then rinse my hair upside down in the tub.

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I do the same thing!
Re: how do you REALLY heat-deep condition your hai

*** I always, always do a "pre-poo conditioner treatment". This basically prepares my hair for pooing (knocks out tangles, etc). I apply sometimes warmed condtioner to my dry hair, let it sit for maybe 10 mins depending on how I feel.

Then, I'll choose one of these methods...

1) Most Convenient...

Bring warmed conditioner to the shower with me. After my poo, apply warmed conditioner & cover with a plastic cap until I've finished showering. I'll even let the warm water from the shower stream run along my plastic cap.

2) Longer Route...

- After my poo, apply warmed conditioner, wrap length around into a bun, cover with plastic cap, finish showering. Leave conditioner on overnight. The next day, rinse out.
Re: how do you REALLY heat-deep condition your hai

Lately, I've been applying conditioner to my hair before shampooing to keep my hair as detangled as possible. I guess this is the cwc method!
Re: how do you REALLY heat-deep condition your hai

Im a college student, so the hopping in and out of the shower will not only waste alot of time but occupy the suite's bathroom. So I just wash my hair in the sink, using a cup to pour water over my hair. I then come in and out of the bathroom as I wish applying conditioner or protein and then occupy myself with something else as I wait. Then when Im ready to do the last rinse of my conditioner, I take a full shower and rinse it out in the shower. And then well Im good to go (lol).
I haven't turned into a prune yet.
However, like Kenesha, I too have a nice terrycloth robe that I put on. BUT for the last couple of months, I haven't been jumping in and out of the shower because I haven't used any heat with my deep protein conditioners, and I have only been keeping my moisturizing conditioners on my hair for 3 to 5 minutes because I find that they work best on my hair when left on for 3 to 5 minutes.