Hi from an old newbie (pic heavy)

Thanks to all of you beautiful haired ladies in this thread for your kind words. :) This site has helped me learn how to care for my hair.

Does anyone have any idea what my hair type is? It feels silky in most places but it's kind of cottony and afro like too---I could easily brush it out into a big wavy/curly fro, but my hair grows down and doesn't stand up. When my hair is wet it's pretty straight, lacks body, and it hangs to my waist, but as it dries it shrinks and forms s curls, some bigger than others. I don't really have any corkscrews. I think my strands are medium texture, neither fine nor coarse. I don't have a problem with dryness either.

ETA: i've had some beauticians describe my hair as wavy, but I disagree. Perhaps I have waves and curls at the same time? Some of my s curls are very large like those in the top of my head. My smallest s curls are underneath.
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Your hair is absolutely beautiful.
I wish you had pictures of your hair during your transition.
What styles did you do during your transition?
Also what moisturizer did you use?
Your hair is absolutely beautiful.
I wish you had pictures of your hair during your transition.
What styles did you do during your transition?
Also what moisturizer did you use?

Thank you. Your hair is also beautiful. :)

For moisture I co washed daily and left a little bit of conditioner in my hair. I did experiment with leave ins, oils, and creams but I found that the best moisture for my hair is just regular conditioner, cowashing, and staying away from shampoo as much as possible. My hair really hates shampoo. For me there is no such thing as a moisturizing shampoo.

Most of the time I wore my hair up using an octopus clip. I also wore my hair down sometimes. The weight of the relaxer pretty much straightened out my natural hair and gave it a slight wave up until the end of last year. After that I could still disguise the two textures by wearing it half up and half down using a hair zing. Prior to cutting off the damaged relaxed ends, my hair was kept up most of the time with the octopus clip though. I also started wearing my hair banded with multiple hair ties like it is in my avatar alot this year too.

As for hair products, I was a product junkie in the beginning of my transition. I even tried Karen's Body Beautiful Hair nectar and milk and Kinky Curly but I found that plain conditioner works much better for me.

The only thing I can't do is trim my hair. I go to the beauty shop a few times a year for a trim and get 1-3 inches off. So my hair ranges from bra strap to almost tailbone length any given time of the year. I think tailbone is my terminal length.
Gorgeous hair!

Seeing all these natural headed beauties make me want to transition...but the again I have goals I'd like to meet with my relaxed hair. :)
Thank you everyone for the kind words.

For those that asked about my hair type I went to naturallycurly.com today and asked. The responses I've gotten so far from members are: type 3, 2c-3b.

Typing experts can you help me out? What do you think?
Well, I'm certainly no expert, but I would say your hair is a mixture of type 3, ranging from 3a on top to 3b/c along the back and sides....Lovely hair!
from the overall shots i might have said 3b, but from the curly texture shots you posted they look more 3c ish in term of the coil size. possibly a mixing of both since alot of ppl have looser texture at the top. me included. very pretty hair!
Thanks for helping type my hair prospurr4 and silvergirl. :)
Both of you also have beautiful hair.

from the overall shots i might have said 3b, but from the curly texture shots you posted they look more 3c ish in term of the coil size. possibly a mixing of both since alot of ppl have looser texture at the top. me included. very pretty hair!

Thank you. Underneath my hair does have smaller curls, but they're larger up on top. Those texture shots were from underneath.

So now I know I'm a 3b/c mix with some 3a on top. Hair typing is so confusing.
Well, I'm certainly no expert, but I would say your hair is a mixture of type 3, ranging from 3a on top to 3b/c along the back and sides....Lovely hair!

Thanks. :) Someone for naturallycurly pretty much said this about my hair too. No wonder I couldn't type my hair. I have 3 different types. :drunk: I guess I'll never have the uniform perfect curls.
I wouldn't be bothered by shrinkage either if I were your length!

Beautiful curls. You look a mixture of the 3's to me.