Hi from an old newbie (pic heavy)

Thanks to all of you beautiful haired ladies in this thread for your kind words. :) This site has helped me learn how to care for my hair.

Does anyone have any idea what my hair type is? It feels silky in most places but it's kind of cottony and afro like too---I could easily brush it out into a big wavy/curly fro, but my hair grows down and doesn't stand up. When my hair is wet it's pretty straight, lacks body, and it hangs to my waist, but as it dries it shrinks and forms s curls, some bigger than others. I don't really have any corkscrews. I think my strands are medium texture, neither fine nor coarse. I don't have a problem with dryness either.

ETA: i've had some beauticians describe my hair as wavy, but I disagree. Perhaps I have waves and curls at the same time? Some of my s curls are very large like those in the top of my head. My smallest s curls are underneath.

Hi there,
You have beautiful hair. My hair is like the bolded (hence my screenname) but I believe mine may be more fine. I have given up on the typing system (have been called everything from a wavy to a 3a, b and c). I don't give the typing thing much credence. I just keep doing what I've found works for me. Keep up the good work - you are doing something right!
Thanks. :) Someone for naturallycurly pretty much said this about my hair too. No wonder I couldn't type my hair. I have 3 different types. :drunk: I guess I'll never have the uniform perfect curls.

You're welcome, and thanks for the hair compliment! :grin: I think most people have more than one "type" going on in their head. I know I do, so I just go with what's predominant, which in my case is 4b.
Nice pics. Thanks for sharing them with us. Your hair kinda reminds me of my hair (smaller curls on the underside of the hair, with looser hair on the top layer). I wonder if my hair will look similar to this if I ever reach your length.
Nice pics. Thanks for sharing them with us. Your hair kinda reminds me of my hair (smaller curls on the underside of the hair, with looser hair on the top layer). I wonder if my hair will look similar to this if I ever reach your length.

You're hair is gorgeous. You have the beautiful corkscrew curls that I admire. Happy growing. I'm sure you'll reach waist length in no time. Looks like you're already bra strap. Just a few more inches until waist. :)
Hi there,
You have beautiful hair. My hair is like the bolded (hence my screenname) but I believe mine may be more fine. I have given up on the typing system (have been called everything from a wavy to a 3a, b and c). I don't give the typing thing much credence. I just keep doing what I've found works for me. Keep up the good work - you are doing something right!

Pretty hair. Typing is confusing and kind of subjective. If I had to type your hair I would call it 3a/b. Your curls are big. You have large corkscrews. I've always liked the corkscrew curls better than the s curls. As I transitioned I expected to have curls similar to yours not the wavy s curls that I have. But that's the beauty of naturally curly/kinky hair. It's all unique.