Help. No Nape so I'm Wondering, Should I Use Braiding Hair in my next Sew in?


Well-Known Member
I'm having the hardest time growing out my nape. I've already tried a few things. Try to braid my natural hair in vertical braids (catching the nape also - although it is near impossible to do so) and moisture moisture moisture. When I do this the nape almost always slips out after a while so that doesn't help. I've also tried leaving that area out altogether in a sew in so I can moisturize it better but the weave hair that hangs down seems to rub a bit and that may be breaking my nape also. And lastly I've been added the growth serum with lots and lots of moisture. But nothing is working. The few threads that I can find about this all say keep the nape extra moist but that isn't working for me at all. Should I try braiding my hair this time with extension and see if the nape area will stay braided? I'm worried about added stress in this already sensitive area. Ladies, help! What should I do?
I believe there is a thread where someone said they had good results braiding their nape horizontally. This might work for you. Also, I would try daily essential oil massages (Rosemary, peppermint, lavender, etc) to stimulate growth.
I believe there is a thread where someone said they had good results braiding their nape horizontally. This might work for you. Also, I would try daily essential oil massages (Rosemary, peppermint, lavender, etc) to stimulate growth.

I was just gonna say this. :yep: I had nape issues while relaxed when I first started my HHJ...I had just suffered a total loss of my nape and I found LHCF just in time...I found that frequent co washing and really paying attention to that area when deep conditioning really helped.

Also..if u where your hair up..make sure the nape isn't pulled too tight and try braiding it horizontally under the rest of ur hair:yep:

Eta: and moisturize and seal that bad boy daily!!:yep:
Amoreofcurls should be able to help. I don't have the link to her fotki, but I believe she grew her nape out with Megatek.

naturalTAN thank for directing me to this thread,

to the OP like Tan said, I used megatek as a head start for about 1 month...then dropped it when I realized it can grow on its on with a good separate consistent regimen for it....

I also recommend not putting any strain on it when getting weaves, you should def leave it out, juice it and keep it cornrowed and tucked so you can redo atleast twice a day...

Here's a copy of the nape and edge regimen I built with the results after one month...

I moisturized the area 2x a day with scurl and sealed with olive or coco oil (morning and night)

I kept my nape area braided at all times, I wore styles that would cover the cornrow.

I stayed away from hairstyles that would put strain on my edges.

I highly recommend massaging with castor oil to thicken the area up.

And yes invest in a satin pillowcase.and if you have to use a scarf . start at the back then fold sides over to the front (do not tie knot directly on top of hair,you will be pulling hair out!!) wrap around and tie to the back, remember not so tight.
also stay away from bonnets that have rubber edges, invest in the ones with the flat satin edges, or you can lightly tie a satin head band around the perimeter of your head and wear a bonnet on top.

Heres a link to my fotki which show you my progress from megatek, and you can also check out the recent albums to see the areas now....

Thank you so much ladies. I'm going to try braiding horizontally. It just seems like the hair slips out and comes undone whenever I braid it because it is so short. In fairness it is longer than it's ever been.
Amoreofcurls I haven't had a chance to look at your album but I think I will definitely start out with this separate regimen for my nape. Thanks!