heat cap or hood drier?


New Member
When applying heat to your hair for deep conditioning which do you prefer a heat cap or the hood dryer and why do you prefer the one you choose?
I have a heat cap dryer and can't stand it. The heat doesn't distribut eevenly, just to the backside of my head. If you can get a hood drier, do so.
I don't often use heat. But when I do, I prefer my cap. That way I'm not what I call "bathed" in heat.

The hour and half under the dryer while my rollerset dries is SURELY enough....
MoezThunder said:
How well do those microwaveable heat caps work?

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You may want to pm Sassygirl and ask her since she has one.
heat cap. my results are better with the heat cap. sometimes i find that my hair looks dry after sitting under the hooded dryer for 20 minutes. I can do multiple things while wearing my heat cap. when i go to my hairdresser here (pa) he use the hooded dryer, when i go to the hairdresser back home (vi) she uses the heat cap.
I prefer the heat cap for intense conditioning, but the bonnet dryer for overall drying the hair quicker.
The MicroWaveable Heat Cap is more for dry hair styling as opposed to wet setting. I use it when I am in a rush and it gives me a great curl. Otherwise, I just roll my hair in the mornings, put on a satin bonnet and use the steam from the shower to curl it.

The website for the microwavable heat cap is http://www.heatcap.com/
I have not used heat with my conditioners for a long while now, but If i ever need to speed up the conditioning i'll use a heat cap. My hair is always softer and more pliable after i use it
I currently use a hood dryer for conditioning treatments as well as wet roller sets. I get good results, but may purchase a heat cap, given the positve feedback about its use re: deep conditioning treatments.
