Have you found that creamy leave-ins cause more shedding than liquid based one's?


Well-Known Member
I remember reading some posts back in the day about people having more breakage using creamy leave-ins as opposed to liquid one's- and I wondering if that is an issue that people are still having? I am four months post and just had a lot of detangled hair in my comb after a cowash, so am trying to rule out what it could be as I use a creamy leave in..could this be the culprit...?
Is this a lot of hair?


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Really...I've never heard of a leave-in causing breakage. If it dosen't have protein I don't see why it would. I've never noticed a difference in either. Your breakage problem could be coming from somewhere else in your regimen. Do you use a lot of heat? Protein products?
Hey Poka, I want to say it's shedding from not combing as I bun everyday and never comb, or perhaps from my almost 5 month stretch. I compare my detangled hair to others and it seems about normal or at least the same amount. I don't use heat and think I have a good protein to mositure ratio. I just remember a thread a while back about creamy leave ins somehow leading to shedding..I just can't find it...
Hey Poka, I want to say it's shedding from not combing as I bun everyday and never comb, or perhaps from my almost 5 month stretch. I compare my detangled hair to others and it seems about normal or at least the same amount. I don't use heat and think I have a good protein to mositure ratio. I just remember a thread a while back about creamy leave ins somehow leading to shedding..I just can't find it...
Hmm...I never thought of leave-in's causing shedding. I don't think I saw that thread so if you find it please post. I hope you find the solution.
Hmmm... weird, never heard of that before. I actually prefer creamy+moisturising leave ins as they give my hair a lot of slip and moisture.

Liquid leave ins just don't sit well on my hair.

I haven't noticed any extra shedding with creamy leave ins.
i also prefer creamy leave ins but i can understand why it might cause breakage for some - if its creamier it will be heavier and some pples hair is really fragile when wet - just as i cant use regular condish as a leave in or i will lose alot of hair. A more liquidy one would just be like water and not hold much weight - thats all i can think of.
The only time I had an issue with a creamy leave-in causing shedding was when I followed the recommendation on the back of the Mane n Tail conditioner that it could be used as a leave-in. Other than that I haven't noticed any difference between creamy leave-in vs. liquid leave-in. I prefer creamy leave-ins because liquid leave-in cause my hair to swell/frizz.

I've used Beauty Without Cruelty leave-in and NTM Silk Touch leave-in with no problems. They're both creamy.

I had more breakage with using a moisturizing conditioner as a leave-in so I don't do that anymore. My hair became mushy (over moisturized). S-curl liquid activator and Sta-Sof-Fro does the same thing to my hair. So I don't use those products any more either.

The previous post about creamy leave-ins being heavier thus possibly causing issues with fragile hair makes sense though.