Hair Progress 05-08 to 02-12-11 (pic heavy)


Active Member
Well ladies, I cannot thank you enough for the tips on this board! I might not post here that often, but I have taken the lessons learned on this board, and ran with them.

I have made so much progress in the last two years, with health, with length, with the thickness of my hair, in lots of areas.

And mainly I have been stretching relaxers around 12 weeks, abstaining from too much heat (I only get heat when I get relaxers.

I don't even do a lot of protective styling, but I wear my hair in one long single plait.

I'm here to tell you, that if you believe you can do it ladies, you can do it.

DON'T LET ANYONE, discourage you :)

I've had a few folks give me some negative comments about my ends being straggly and so forth after posting progress pics.

Baby those ends, and do trim raggedy ends, but don't be scissor happy, they will all catch up in the end!

You can make it! It just takes time and patience, and trying to minimize the setbacks.

now that my hair is almost w/l, (I'm hoping by this time next year), my main problem is getting huge knots, and tangles in my hair.

I have to wash it very carefully. So I don't get the huge knots.

Other than that...

Everything is awesome :)

THANKS LHCF. The yearly subscription, even though I'm rarely on here, is worth it's weight in Gold!

May 2008:

August 21st 2008:

October 31st 2008:

January 24th 2009:

April 5th 2009:

October 1st 2009

April 29th 2010

February 12th 2011
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Girl! You wear your bra SOOOO low......I think you're grazing WL already!

I'm about to send my sis a link to this thread....she can use your inspiration. Your hair and reggie actually seem pretty similar to hers.

Thanks so much, and congrats again!
Ladies, thank you for your comments! I appreciate it.

Me Myself and I, and Princess di, you all have some gorgeous hair!

Are you sure that I'm waist length? My goal is for my straightened hair to touch the top of the waist of one of my pants, like the pants in the picture above. I thought that was waist length. What length is that, if that is not waist length.
bride....I'm so glad that you are going to pass this on to your sister....if she wants any details about my reggie, just let me know. I'm keeping it simple. That works best for me.
Mahogany where your pants start is actually HL hip length. WL is the smallest part of your torso usually its right where your belly button is or a little higher. You are def WL from looking at the pic above.
I just want to thank you for posting pics of your progress. You and I are fine haired hair twins (correct me if I'm wrong). Your ends don't look raggedy to me, just that you don't have the density of some of the other ladies that post pics. I'm in the same boat and my rule is "if they aren't split, they stay on my head."

This lets me know I can make it to WL and beyond if I want. Keep up the good work!
MeMyself! Thank you so much for clarifying that for me. So all along, I have been thinking my goal was waist length, but it's really Hip Length. Yes, my hair definitely touches the smallest part of my waist.

My real goal is HL. I guess I better update my siggy!
I just want to thank you for posting pics of your progress. You and I are fine haired hair twins (correct me if I'm wrong). Your ends don't look raggedy to me, just that you don't have the density of some of the other ladies that post pics. I'm in the same boat and my rule is "if they aren't split, they stay on my head."

This lets me know I can make it to WL and beyond if I want. Keep up the good work!

Hey Ms IQ, yes, you are definitely correct. My hair is very fine. And I used to find it so DISCOURAGING. My hair was growing length but not in volume. But the volume has caught up too.

Yeah, my hair is very fine and I have to be careful with it. It's delicate. But if I did it, you surely can!!

While I love my hair, and wash it twice a week, and give it good conditioner, I don't do all the things these ladies do, and I am still not dabbling in heavy proteins, am scared of apoghee, have never done a tea rinse, don't henna, etc. So if you have a better reggie than me, I'm sure you'll get there much faster :)