Growth in cornrows?


Well-Known Member
Question about growing hair in cornrows

How can you tell if your hair is really growing or if the braids are slipping? I got my hair done (cornrowed front with cornrowed sew-in back) on the 17th of this month. It's only the 29th and I am able to lift my cornrows from my scalp and roll them around. I've been using s-curl and BT mainly with a little evoo on the braids. Here's the thing though... I can literally turn them on their sides. Not only is it in the front but under the sew-in as well. What's going on?

I didn't think my hair could grow THAT fast..........
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New Member
I wear cornrows too and used to wonder the same thing. But then I realized that the tightness of the braid doesn't change, just the distance from the braid to my scalp. Sounds to me like your hair is growing very fast. It's probably that BT.:)


New Member
I often wonder about this and have gone round and round in my mind. I havebeen told that yes, my hair can grow that fast and it is. Since beginning BT, my braids are rolling and can be lifted before the end of week one. They are a mess by week two. This time, I'm trying to wait until week three, but I don't know if I can. It is amazing and mystifying, but I am happy it is so. My braider says that braids will not slip that much that quickly, or at least she has never seen it happen. Yipee for BT!


Well-Known Member
Have you washed your hair yet? I've often wondered this too. It's probably new growth though since you said you've been using BT.


New Member
I still wash my hair in braids the same as I did without - when I am in the shower everything gets washed. I use shampoo two to three times per week, conditioner everyday, rinse well, spray with ApHogee Green Tea and Silk Keratin Spray and then use the BT. It's working well. I was getting good growth using this method and then camellia or rice bran. I am getting great results using this method and BT.

I thin that washing and rinsing the hair and scalp help help it moisturized and clean which promotes and retains growth. It works for me.


Active Member
I, like everyone else here, has wondered this, too. I've been wearigng cornrows for 2 months straight so far. I wash them often, and redo them every week or week and a half. I can pick mine up, too, but I just used to think it was cuz they weren't done tight enough or because they were slipping with wear or after washing. I usually can't tell that my hair has really grown until it's getting redone.


New Member
i'd say its a little bit of both. a braid can't stay as tight as it was day one forever. mix that with some new growth and you end up with lots of distance between your hair and scalp.


New Member
Honestly, I don't even think about the rate at which my hair is growing, and I am constantly in braided cornrows. I just look at it as the braids getting old and slipping. :look: