Growing Long Hair - Professional or Self Care?

I've actually grown my hair to bra-strap both ways but stopped going to professionals because of:

1. TOO MUCH HEAT-fried the heck out of my hair, yet my hair kept growing. Unfortunately, I have split ends up the wazoo from all of the heat

2. Too much pulling-I have never met a stylist yet who understands that you have to not only detangle hair in sections, but you have to go at it very slowly and from the BOTTOM UP, not from the top to the bottom. I lost too much hair in some sections

3. I can deep condition my hair for not only however long I want using whatever deep conditioner I want, but I can do it for no charge

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I agree on those 3 points. I think the first time I could tell the difference was when I went to have some braids removed from a professional back in the day. Not only did my head hurt something awful
, but I had so much more hair loss compared to me removing them myself. That was a lonnnnnnng time ago though...never again!
I too, continue to see my stylist for a touch up. However, I am responsible for the rest of my hair care. I make sure that only the best products touch my hair, and that I'm the one holding the scissors should my ends get a little split. My stylist has a fit about not trimming; however, I've noticed a nice amount of growth since I stop letting her "trim".
I think it is fine to visit salons more often than I do (every three months) as long as you and your stylist are in agreement that your hair is your prized possession and she uses only products and techniques you deem acceptable. There is nothing worse than coming out of a salon $60 poorer AND with a frown on your face.
In my experience, I've achieved bra-strap or longer hair primarily by self care.

To elaborate further, I realized that there are stylists who are willing to assist their clients in growing/maintaining long, healthy hair and there are those who think healthy hair = shorter hair.