How long was your hair as a child?

How long was your hair as a child?

  • practically bald

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • ear length

    Votes: 19 4.5%
  • chin length

    Votes: 30 7.1%
  • collar bone

    Votes: 22 5.2%
  • shoulder

    Votes: 75 17.8%
  • apl -- arm pit

    Votes: 121 28.7%
  • sl -- shoulder

    Votes: 23 5.5%
  • wl -- waist

    Votes: 27 6.4%
  • mb -- mid back

    Votes: 87 20.6%
  • tail bone or longer

    Votes: 15 3.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I recall seeing myself with APL hair in a video on my 10th birthday, which quite surprised me. But I'm sure for most of my life I've been shoulder length, especially the past several years. Now that I'm 18, I guess I still have the rest of my life to have the long hair I want :)
I had Hip length hair as a child... I would get alot of compliments..I miss those days!! My mom ended up choppin my hair off to shoulder length because she felt that i wasnt taking care of it..Ever since then its been a up hill battle....
I was midback. It was really thick and curly. But my mom let my aunt take care of it for her and she always kept it in braids.
BSB. I use to get so many compliments and when I got old they told me not to cut it. Know what I did? Cut it. Been trying to get it back to the health and length.
I remember my braids hitting my elbows so I would say thats btwn midback and wl. Then somebody put some gum in my hair at school when I was about 9 or 10 and I've never grown it long after that. I don't think I had my hair straightened until after that hair cut so about age 12
I had mid-back length but of course it was natural and pressed! Boy I miss that! But I hated getting it done at home by my mother and at the beauty shop since I am still so darn tenderheaded! I cried prior to getting it done all the time cuz I knew what to expect!:look:
Me too:( My mother is all for me going natural because she knows how beautiful my hair was. It gives me hope.

LOL My mom remembers how much work it was (she used the WRONG products and combed my THICK hair completely dry, I cried everytime) and she ain't saying nothing. My hair was mid-back when I eventually relaxed it, that was the end! Thankfully, I'm noticing that my natural hair is just growing and thriving and I'm excited about my natural hair journey (and I got a long ways to go because I'm pretty much bald right now!)
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SL. i was raised by my dad so he use to let my brother's HS friend braid my hair for up to 3 or 4 wks. yes...i was the kid with fuzzy braids. :spinning:
Mostly bra strap to mid back. It was waist length briefly during my teen years. It wasn't until recently that my hair has grown to hip length and beyond and I never even knew it was possible. I thought waist length was terminal for me.
My hair was a little past shoulder length. I started doing my own hair at about age 8, my mom would press it but I had to style it. By around 12, 13, I started pressing my own hair and there were times when the comb would be too hot and I'd scorch my hair. It was broken and didn't thrive. When I relaxed, I would get a retouch every 6-8 weeks, and that kept my hair from growing also. I didn't know that my hair could get long until I became natural.
in between BSL-MBL

my mom always took care of myhair, she used keracare exclusively and wouldnt use anything else. Every saturday she would shampoo my hair, deep conditiion it under the dryer for 20min, rinse, apply conditioner, rinse, apply leave in, grease my scalp, and start plaiting my hair. the process took about 3hours on a good day, during the winter however she would keep my hair in braid extensions but she would still wash my braids weekly.I would only get my hair pressed on special occassions..maybe 3-4 times a year and she would trim it herself. Once i hit highschool i didnt want to wear plaits or cornrows anymore and since she wouldnt let me get a relaxer i just kept my hair in braid extensions all year long.and when i started 10th grade i missed my hair so i stopped the braid extensions and started to do braidouts[unknowingly] and try out different products. but the main reason my hair was always long was because of my mom so i owe her big time for that
in between BSL-MBL

my mom always took care of myhair, she used keracare exclusively and wouldnt use anything else. Every saturday she would shampoo my hair, deep conditiion it under the dryer for 20min, rinse, apply conditioner, rinse, apply leave in, grease my scalp, and start plaiting my hair. the process took about 3hours on a good day, during the winter however she would keep my hair in braid extensions but she would still wash my braids weekly.I would only get my hair pressed on special occassions..maybe 3-4 times a year and she would trim it herself. Once i hit highschool i didnt want to wear plaits or cornrows anymore and since she wouldnt let me get a relaxer i just kept my hair in braid extensions all year long.and when i started 10th grade i missed my hair so i stopped the braid extensions and started to do braidouts[unknowingly] and try out different products. but the main reason my hair was always long was because of my mom so i owe her big time for that
Interesting. Keracare didn't start becoming popular and available until 2000, when I started trying to look into healthy hair practices as an adult. I say interesting due to the the timeframe. There was a climate change in the hair game for black women. And if your mom was using those products when you were a child, that shows how we as parents have come along way with products/haircare.
I was a bald baby & remained bald for like 2-3 years. In kindergarten my cornrows with beads were neck length then 1st grade my twists with the little balls and barrettes at the end were apl. My hair was blow dried and pressed in that style