Great Place to buy Ayruvedic powders in NYC!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

Forgive me if this place has been posted before, but I looked online at the list of Indian groceries in NYC and found Dual Specialty Store at 91 1st ave between 5th and 6th. The have Henna, Amla, Tusli, Meandi from Hesh and oils like Jasmin, Amla, Vatika, and Mahabringaraj. But the greatest thing is their powders which they make and pack themselves. I got:
Hibiscus Powder
Nettle Leaf Powder
Lemon Peel Powder
Marshmallow Root Powder
Jasmin Oil

they have tons of powders and leaves..some that I have never heard of! Most things are 3 dollars for a pack (about 45 grams) which seems like a good price since they package it themselves and these powders are hard to find!. I might buy Nettle leaves to make tea. The only thing is they don't have indigo!!!! I have search far and wide at so many store but it seems that Indigo is just not sold in stores so I guess I have to order it. (If anyone knows a store that sells Indigo in NJ/NYC please let me know)

Hope this store helps someone!!