God has been good to me: Let me give my testimony!


New Member
Hello People, I have to tell you that God has been truly been good to me. I am a Army Contractor. The company that I am under lost the contract a week ago. Meaning, I was without a job. I honestly had no backup plan. I knew the contractor was up for bid for months but I prayed! I prayed God will bring me through. I never worried about it! I kept the Faith. I knew that God was working through me. After losing the contract and having no back up plan, I felt God won't bring me this far to just leave me. So, I kept the faith still. I still was not worried. One time, I thought what is wrong with me? I should be crying. I should be boo hooing because I don't have a job and I have bills. Well the company that won the contract hired me and gave me a hefty raise. Now, "AINT" God good? I give God all the praise!
That is great News, You held On and kept the faith. And Got twice the Blessings. Congratulations:) If you have faith you can Over come anything.
God-bless You.
Thank you. This post reminds me to be patient and have faith in God even when things look bleek. I feel inspired after reading your post. God bless you all.
Thanks ladies for your kind words. I was very happy to share my testimony with you ladies. God take care of his children and he will take care of us all!