Testimony Thread


New Member
I know as his children we are faced with our many trials and tribulations. And we get down on our knees and pray to God to make our situations better if it is his will but God also wants us to be grateful and recognize the goodness he is doing in our lives.

So I decided to start off a Thread about a testimony. You can put a testimony daily...weekly...monthly but I know there are blessings you can give thanks for. This isnt for me to see it but by practicing to always recognize the good in your life. It will keep us close with God always

My Testimony is as follows.................

I want to start off by giving thanks to god for encouraging me to press on. I can feel god protection and mercy all around me. im only 18 and i found myself making such a difficult dicussion. My now ex boyfriend told me he either take my virginity or he will brake up with me. I just ended it with him...which he was suprised. But I dont know what it is but its like a voice as clear as ever speaks to me and tells me save it for marriage while at the time i was going to give into my then boyfriend request. Then by the grace of god i realized i am worth so much more. I am his child beautifully made and should never compromise who i am and what i stand for. For this I feel so thankful. I plan to go to college and focus on my schoolwork. I plan to be a Registered Nurse. Relationships right now for me arent neccessarily done. But i will wait for God to intervene in my life. Im no longer going to rely on myself because i cant do things on my own. I have faith that god will take care of me. :yep:
Amen!! MzV1991, your testimony was beautiful. Praise God. When the time is perfect God will provide you with a man that will honor every single ounce of you and will respect your decision to wait. :Rose:
MzVI1991, wonderful testimony... such focus and determination! I believe God will help you with your decision to save yourself for marriage...
It's so refreshing to see a young adult really take a stand for God and what they believe in! I commend you! Keep on praising and serving the Lord. He will see you through!
God truly does speak to us, all we have to do is be still and listen...Many are looking for a booming and thunderous >sp< manifestation, but it's just not like that...It so awesome that you heard and are listening to the ever present voice that is with us and guiding us...He's just so magnificent!!!