***Get an inch every month 2010 challenge anyone?***

Ladies whats happening!!!

so sorry been off here for a while, but how are you all keeping up? I am in the same weave that i posted previously so that is making 4 months i think ... i know, i have already been told off by my girls.

but i will be taking it down in a couple of weeks, so we will see what happens, bring on the inches!!!

and im back at the gym woooohoooo!!!

Ladies whats happening!!!

so sorry been off here for a while, but how are you all keeping up? I am in the same weave that i posted previously so that is making 4 months i think ... i know, i have already been told off by my girls.

but i will be taking it down in a couple of weeks, so we will see what happens, bring on the inches!!!

and im back at the gym woooohoooo!!!


Good for you, girl. I'm trying to get in the gym too. Get ready for the summer and cute sundresses. :yep:
i like the bananas idea, too!

what i read on here, that i tried and liked was to get banana baby food.

that way, i don't have to go through the whole process of preparing fresh bananas and i can just pop it in the fridge until the next hair treat.

well, i finally permed yesterday and can definitely say there are a few inches of growth.

how many exactly, i still don't know because i'm not having such an easy time getting my hair straight enough to measure (i texlaxed after a 4 month stretch).

the banana baby food i use has yogurt in it too (protein) so i'm going to apply that 7 days from now for my post perm protein treat and hope that helps my hair to lay flat.....anything but go near a flat iron. i'm sure i wouldn't have all these new inches of growth if i had continued using the flat iron like i used to do regularly......though the temptation is there!

(i actually hid it up in the attic BEFORE i permed, knowing how i am.....lol!)
Bananas help to strengthen and super moisturize your hair -- like a deep conditioner would. It leaves my hair very shiny and much easier to comb out. The potassium in a banana helps to soften, and the vitamins A, B, and C help to prevent split ends. Just in case you wanted to know:grin:

If you try it, make sure you puree the bananas (old banana will do) if you can. Use a cheesecloth or strainer to strain out the lumps. Or mash it up very very well so it rinses easier.

For a hot oil treatment affect add 1 tbsp olive oil and wrap your hair in plastic wrap and hot towel, helps with shine and moisture.

It's great for your ends!
wooooo seee, I ALWAYS learn something new here!! THANKS so much for sharing.
No, problem!! I wish I had someone telling me this stuff years ago. All I kept getting was "ohhhh girl you need to perm this stuff" so I did trying to get that quick fix and like Chicoro said (her pix are in my album) she lost 2 heads of hair well, I lost 3 heads.

Anyway, back to the food thing. In my house some foods tend to go to waste, I hate waste. Ironically on my quest for healthy long full hair I found out that my whole hair care system is in my kitchen. I can use old vegetables and fruit when they're no longer edible. Yeh!

Here's another tip: "Avocado" has lots of fatty acids and lots of protein. It does not just coat the hair it penetrates the hair strands, in addition the scalp also absorbs much of it. You can use the "avocado" as your main conditioner. It leaves the hair shiny and strong.

1. 1 ripe Avocado

2. Add to blender and puree until it forms a nice thick paste; doing this will get all the oils for the avocado to rise to the surface.

3. Apply to just washed clean hair; hair should be slightly damp. (DON'T apply to dry hair)

4. Apply plastic wrap or plastic cap. Use a steam/heated cap or hot towel for 20-30 minutes.

5. Rinse out and style your hair as usual.

What's been so great for me is I've been able to recover from a bad perm without having to do a full chop. Or else that would have been my 4th head of hair. I am now finally done with perming.

Plus, I trimmed my hair an inch in the back to even it out more and 1/2 all over in April and the longest part of my hair in May is where it was in April. Mmmmm, may it is growing an inch per. I'll have to double check that in June. Vitamins and water also.


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Awesome info. Thanks for sharing BWF!! Avacados adn bananas. Check. Now I have something productive to do with over-ripe bananas. I'm on it. :lick:
hhmmm would banana, honey and avacado be just as good? wanting to incorporte foods in my hair care....

anywhoo!! well after 3 and a bit months i have finally taken down my weave, and will be doing an update soon..... xx
hhmmm would banana, honey and avacado be just as good? wanting to incorporte foods in my hair care....

anywhoo!! well after 3 and a bit months i have finally taken down my weave, and will be doing an update soon..... xx

Hmmmm. That sounds great! I love honey and avacado. And now with bananas? :lick: I was thinking of a similar DC mix for today but add wheatgerm oil, EVCO and a bit of mayo to the mix. Let's see what I get.
ladies SETBACK!!!???! I took out the weave i had for 4 months and well my hair is splitting and breaking left right and center... thin strands peeling off and ends splitting its truly awful!

and i cut my hair prior to doing the weave, now im wiggin it.

i feel so dumb!

i dont know how im going to do this challenge anymore my hair needs help, i have been upping my dc and moisture plus co wash, and even protien but still the same.....

im so discouraged about it, how many years now and im still stuck in the same hair rut!

and everywhere i turn there is a lady with longer hair and who has been natural for less time.

sorry just moaning....
ladies SETBACK!!!???! I took out the weave i had for 4 months and well my hair is splitting and breaking left right and center... thin strands peeling off and ends splitting its truly awful!

and i cut my hair prior to doing the weave, now im wiggin it.

i feel so dumb!

i dont know how im going to do this challenge anymore my hair needs help, i have been upping my dc and moisture plus co wash, and even protien but still the same.....

im so discouraged about it, how many years now and im still stuck in the same hair rut!

and everywhere i turn there is a lady with longer hair and who has been natural for less time.

sorry just moaning....

Oh no! I'm sorry this has happened. But wait. Have you had a chance to REALLY assess the extent of the damage? Maybe there was a lot of shed hair and just a few splits? And maybe it feels thin because you got used to wearing a weave for 4 months. Girl. What's going on over there? Calm down and let's walk you through this. Any damage can be fixed in time. You know this hair growing game is all about being patient. Don't get discouraged. This setback is a setup for a comeback, mama. :bighug: Take a deep breath, assess and report. We'll help you turn this thing around. BTW, are you saying you retained NO length? Or is there retained length with chewed ends? What are we working with, mama?
aww NJoy your so sweet:)

well i did get length but my hair is chewed up to the max, thin bits peeling off, splits, and half broken strands xx
Well, I'm checking in for my monthly growth assessment and I'm having a "my hair ain't growin' fast enough moment." Since my in trim in April I've been watching the pot so to speak and the pot ain't boilin' or so it seems. I press once a month to assess my progress and the rest of the time I'm natural with it up in bun ponytail or french twist. Not use to wearing up all the time (was always a long hair weave girl). Anyway just have to be patience. I have notice though, when I'm natural or while I'm pressing out my hair I tend to loose more hair, anyone else with that issue? And how did you overcome that?


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I posted this in another thread, and thought afterward, "Duh, silly. Post it in so everyone in the challenge can see too!"

Here's to another inch next month :drink:

Thanks Diatomaceous Earth!

As I said in the other thread, my head is kind of tilted, but when I flatironed the section, it was at the 4 - and yes my head was straight. I know the Quasimodo look is not in fashion, so I'll try to straighten up next time.


My hair was so straight (from a 450 degree iron, eek! but the curls came back!) from the first picture that there was no way I could stretch any more hair - wishing my stylist never trimmed off the 1 inch in the first place - to show more length. The second picture is as real as it gets.
No more updates until December as I stated in my siggy. I just wanted to to post this to show that an inch a month is possible.
Forever in Bloom

What are you doing to achieve the 1 inch per- vitamins, exercise, little stress, are you in warm/humid climate (that plays a part)? Inquiring minds want to know.


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Forever in Bloom

What are you doing to achieve the 1 inch per- vitamins :nono:, exercise :look:, little stress :lachen:, are you in warm/humid climate (that plays a part)? Inquiring minds want to know.

I posted it above. I've been drinking Diatomaceous Earth in just water everyday for the past three weeks. Here's the thread: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=424078

In regards to the warm/humid climate; I'm in the south and it's hotter than Hades hight now. Everyone who knows me knows that I will not make any appearance anywhere unless it's dark, the sun has gone down, and I'm walking around with a fan attached to my back.

I've always wondered how people say they get a boost when it's warmer. I spend maybe 2 minutes outside each day, so I don't know if that makes me a candidate for faster hair growth...
well done ladies!! well done!!

well since my mini drama with my hair, i unfortunately had to loose my ends, i figured i have been treating my hair like an experiment and the times i got good growth and retention was when i kept it simple, and listened to my hair and not trends.

so i chopped my hair down by roughly 2 inches.

great!! but ladies i shall b here listening and watching you grow, as i realized after all these years trying to grow my hair, i still aint got it...

well done ladies!! well done!!

well since my mini drama with my hair, i unfortunately had to loose my ends, i figured i have been treating my hair like an experiment and the times i got good growth and retention was when i kept it simple, and listened to my hair and not trends.

so i chopped my hair down by roughly 2 inches.

great!! but ladies i shall b here listening and watching you grow, as i realized after all these years trying to grow my hair, i still aint got it...


I feel you on that one. I say, no more bandwagons! Find what works and work it. :yep: Hopefully, that summer growth spurt will kick in and give you back that 2 inches.
how did you grow all that hair in 3 weeks!?!!?!? lol let me know lol

here is the link to my mini chop on my new blog, starting over ...again!


Taken from another challenge I'm in.

What am I doing for growth?
Sealing ends every other day
Protective styles 90% of the time; twist updo.
Shampoo once a week- Air drying; may try a Corrine Bailey Rae rollerset on my shorten tresses
Wash hair in sections
Use only DW for my hair
Deep condition once a month
Massage scalp nightly with serum
Drink plenty of water
Sleep with hair covered in satin scarf

What am I not going to do?
No heat styling
No brushing hair when wet
RUSHING to finish do
Expose tresses to long hours outdoors without protection.

What is your current length?
I am currently base of neck/shoulder length
Taken from another challenge I'm in.

What am I doing for growth?
Sealing ends every other day
Protective styles 90% of the time; twist updo.
Shampoo once a week- Air drying; may try a Corrine Bailey Rae rollerset on my shorten tresses
Wash hair in sections
Use only DW for my hair
Deep condition once a month
Massage scalp nightly with serum
Drink plenty of water
Sleep with hair covered in satin scarf

What am I not going to do?
No heat styling
No brushing hair when wet
RUSHING to finish do
Expose tresses to long hours outdoors without protection.

What is your current length?
I am currently base of neck/shoulder length

hey op, could you please explain the no HIF? i don't know what that is.
well, i must admit that at first i thought an inch a month was a bit much, but now that i look at the good practicing healthy techniques can do, i believe an inch a month is not only doable, but also a tangible reality!

the first picture was taken around jan/feb of this year and the second picture was taken about 3 days ago.

i haven't measured the difference under the second line, but i can see that there have been many inches of new growth.

is it an inch month? was it a little more than an inch in some months?
i don't know, i only know that i am extremely grateful to have it!

hhg ladies!
Hi ladies. I'm new, but I'm jumping in. My hair is at the base of my neck. Just lost 2" to a trim at the salon. Ugh! I needed those 2". I'll be doing my own hair for awhile and possibly pressing it (myself) maybe once a month. I plan on dc'ing every week. I have to blow dry and I'll wear twist out styles. Maybe I'll stretch and blow dry every 10 instead of 7 days.
I feel like some of you ladies. After all these years, wearing wigs, trying this and that, I'm still at the base of my neck. I'm wondering if I just don't have the skills or if my hair just won't grow beyond a certain point.
Well, I'm doing my monthly hair review and I have almost an inch of growth, but it took 3 months :ohwell:. It's like watching a plant grow :yawn:- wait I think plants grow faster then my hair. I'm glad it's growing and getting thicker, but if it could just grow faster. Grow hair grow! Just gotta keep up my regimen.

I find though when my hair is in it's natural it seems to shed more than I would like and also during the process of straightening my hair as well. Anyone else have that issue and if so how did you fix the issue?


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Hi ladies. I'm new, but I'm jumping in. My hair is at the base of my neck. Just lost 2" to a trim at the salon. Ugh! I needed those 2". I'll be doing my own hair for awhile and possibly pressing it (myself) maybe once a month. I plan on dc'ing every week. I have to blow dry and I'll wear twist out styles. Maybe I'll stretch and blow dry every 10 instead of 7 days.
I feel like some of you ladies. After all these years, wearing wigs, trying this and that, I'm still at the base of my neck. I'm wondering if I just don't have the skills or if my hair just won't grow beyond a certain point.

hi Yodie!
i have had the same problem with hair that could not get past my ears.

that's why i stopped using heat (nov.2009).
(please try leaving the blow dryer and iron alone, your hair growth will thank you!:yep: just try it for a couple of months and see what happens...)

i also started dc'ing more often....2-3 times a week.
it's really easy: you can try putting dc on at night while your hair is dry, then wrap it in saran wrap, put a cholesterol cap on and go to sleep. i've read reports where ladies say it's like getting a steam and/or hot dryer treatment because of the body heat while we sleep. all i know is that it GREATLY benifited my hair.

you wrote that you've worn wigs, so i think that means you do have that option. many ladies on here have worn wigs while taking care of their hair to grow it out.

you can try cowashing your hair on a daily basis, moisturizing and sealing, then putting a plastic cap on (bagging), then your wig cap and wig.

if you try this for even just a month, i am sure that you will see progress in your growth and you won't have to think about all those heat appliances or need them.


on a personal note, i am really considering getting some more excercise in because of the posts i have read. i am terribly lazy and totally unmotivated to excercise, but i think wanting my hair to gain an inch or more in a month, is just the motivation i needed!:spinning: