thanks OP, I'm going to add this along with my tea rinses. And I agree with the caffeine in the hair, not for me.

It's a kitchen tool with very tiny/mesh holes that looks like an Ice Cream Scoop. Naturally Strainers come in various sizes for Kitchen use.

Not sure if Panty Hose or a Tea Ball would work? It may. You could put the seeds in a cheesecloth Tea Bag.

I stick with the Pre-Packaged Tea, but noticed sometimes when I left the bags sitting overnight they fell apart and I had seeds all throughout my tea rinse.

I had to strain it to remove the seeds. Now, I remove the bags after the Tea has Steeped about 8-12 hours.

I don't allow the bags to sit overnight, because they will fall apart.

Fenugreek is the only Tea that has ever done that on me. Because of the Mulicage.
@cocomama, @Lita, @mshoneyfly (and anyone else who can reply).

Are you ladies only using the mucilage in your conditioner mix?
ALSO do you have to let the mixture sit overnight before mixing in other add ins?

I slept in 3 spoons fenugreek (mixed in hot water) + 2 spoons DC +1 spoon EVOO
last night, and my hair feels WONDERFUL after rinsing this morning.


I have particles of the fenugreek in my hair after multiple rinses. I will cowash again tomorrow to get the rest out

I plan on using fenugreek as a staple, but I need to know where I need to improve my mix.

I followed the steps in the vid posted in another thread. I posted about my 2nd fenugreek dc mix in the coffee tea Ayurvedic thread. It went much better the second time.

Even though I ground the seeds, I still let it sit o/n after boiling for a few minutes. Then I poured it all in the blender. It was very watery but the mucilage started to thicken up as soon as I started blending. Then I added my oils and it became more creamy

I tried straining out the mucilage once but it was just a thick gooey mess. The mucilage does not easily separate from the seeds. Thats why its best to put in the blender.
mshoneyfly I only use the powder fenugreek mixed in the DC. I only have kept it on less than an hour. I have use Fenugreek powder by itself, and added to DC. I felt like mixing it with dc made it rinse out easier...
The powder is the way to go....Seeds are ok,but I pre the powder...Love the powder mixed with a lite con,goat milk powder,Rhassoul ..Makes a nice Dc treat..

Happy Hair Growing!
Lita I've been doing a separate rhassoul clay mix before...How do you like it mix with your fenugreek mixture?

cocomama Hi! I really like it,get nice full bouncy hair..That feels lite..I notice,products take better on my hair when I add or use anything with Rhassoul..ex-leave-in,hair milks & pomades..It really makes a huge difference..little to zero hair shed too.

*My hair responds well to Dc's with Rhassoul,Ayurvedic's etc.

Happy Hair Growing!
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Ya'll are making me want to try this so bad but I am a little nervous about it. I think I will start small maybe with the Fenugreek tea first.
Has anyone had any adverse effects?

Also anyone know if I can just crush my tablets that I already have or just go find more.
Has anyone had any adverse effects?

Also anyone know if I can just crush my tablets that I already have or just go find more.

nadaa16, I've been using it for about 3 1/2 weeks now and I've had no adverse reactions to it. As far as crushing the tablets, personally, I would just go to the Indian market or International market and buy the powder. It's cheap and it lasts a while. I'm not sure if the consistency of the tablet would be the same, because they usually add fillers to tablets.

Let us know how it works out for you once you try it!

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mshoneyfly I only use the powder fenugreek mixed in the DC. I only have kept it on less than an hour. I have use Fenugreek powder by itself, and added to DC. I felt like mixing it with dc made it rinse out easier...

I wish I had some nice finely sifted powder but I still have 1-1/2 lbs of the seeds left :look: Will def get the powder next time! Until then I have to let the seeds soak overnight. Its worth the trouble though :)

I just used rhassoul and bentonite as a hair masque for the first time wednesday. My hair loved it!! Next time I will add some fenugreek paste but I wanted to see what it did on its own first.
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I added 2 spoons of feugreek powder to boiled water and let it simmer on low heat for 2 minutes then cool before letting in sit overnight with a lid.

The next day (yesterday) I added 3 spoons of Keracare Humecto + 1 spoon EVOO + 1 spoon of cassia.

Mixed and applied in sections to freshly shampooed hair.

Slept on the mix overnight & just thoroughly rinsed.

My hair is now air drying in braids with my normal leave ins. Hair is very soft. This round the fenugreek still left a few particles, but MUCH less than the first time.

Fenugreek powder is a winner. I will be using it 1x weekly.
i just bought the fenugreek powder(aka methi) today... can't wait to use it... will mix with my giovanni direct leave-in and some evco for a nice dc
Hi Ladies!

Quick questions: Can you add the dry powder to the dc/oil mix? Or is the simmering and sitting overnight necessary to get great results? Also, does this work on permed hair?

McQuay30 i've never spritz with it...but maybe you can with the tea not the powder. If you figure it out please report back:grin:

kokodiva524 i've never used just the dry powder in a dc mix. i soak it over night so the mucus can build up in the paste. this is what makes that slip...
i think that it would work in permed hair... but maybe someone with permed hair will chime in soon...
Texturized avid fenugreek user here!!

kokodiva524 All the Ayurvedic powders are awesome on relaxed hair. cocomama is right. You have to soak the seeds overnight to release mucilage. For powder, it may work after soaking in boiling hot water just a few hours. You just have to keep checking by rubbing some between your fingers to see if its slippery yet :yep:

I have some in the freezer thats already been soaked and blended. When I take it out I just need to thaw, put in blender and add the oil. Will prob add conditioner this time too.

If you have the powder, you can just treat it like a tea. Put some in a coffee filter, put on a rubber band to seal, boil water like you are making tea, put your tea bag in, let it steep a while, squeeze the tea bag and pour this liquid in your spray bottle. Add w/e else you want in there and spritz away!!
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I may have missed it in the thread but is fenugreek a protein or act as one? I am protein sensitive and want to try it,
mshoneyfly, thanks will try. I boiled my powder and the mucus formed fairly quickly, soooo slippery, have anyone notice if the fenugreek mucus have weight with it?

Yeah, when you slather it on your hair, it will feel weighted down; heavy; its like mud. Esp some of the other powders like henna, shikakai, amla and such. It will go away once you rinse it out.

Are you gonna put it in the blender McQuay30?? This will make the paste start to get creamy
mshoneyfly, i used a hand mixer and it turned out very creamy n heavy, thinking abt using it with flaxseed for a heavy gel to elongate my curl, along with marshmallow root.
Is the moisture lasting throughout the week or only felt on wash day?

I may have missed it in the thread but is fenugreek a protein or act as one? I am protein sensitive and want to try it,

KinkyRN I asked the below question & was given the below response. I too am protein sensitive.

I see some are saying it gives moisture while others say strength. Teas that strengthen (example: black tea) are not healthy for my hair. I understand hair will respond differently to the same product but as a general rule, is Fenugreek moisturizing or strengthening based on its attributes?

@divachyk I would say that it's moisturizing but the slip of it, almost gives a feel of silica, in my opinion at least.